I Can't Believe It #4

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I can't believe how ER season 12 ended :eek: ME WANTS MORE!
Nooo...abby there on the floor, Luka tied tobed... noooo :( Poor Jerry!
^and now you wonder what I talk about :p
I can't believe we've actually seen now whole season 12 :eek:
Aww, wow. I can't believe there's two pretty hot air ballons drifting past right outside my window at the moment :)
^^ It's really nice seeing hot air balloons in the sky! :) Unfortunately I don't see them too often. :(

I can't believe I forgot it was a bank holiday on Monday! :eek:
I can't believe Pluto isn't a planet anymore! :(

I can't believe how addictive the game InkLink is :D

I can't believe that when you think no one cares at all one person makes a little effort to let you know they are there for you :)
Yeah, same here, pebl! :)

I can't believe Pluto is dead. RIP Pluto!

I can't believe I'm going on holiday tomorrow, I have to pack my stuff.
I can't believe I have internet!! :eek: I just.. whaa.. I just can't believe it :eek:

I can't believe there's a huge scratch on my face and nose.. have no idea how that got there.

I can't believe my gf went offline without saying anything.. :( okay, she's at work right now and was probably 'sneaking off' for her boss :p

I can't believe she's taking me somewhere nice in several weeks :D
I can't believe a boy wants to meet me, and I can't believe he's so ugly (most of the boys are, hehe. Not all, though)
I can't believe you don't feel flattered (or something like that)
I can't believe this guy on MSN is flirting with me.. :eek:
(well guy, more boy.. :p)
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