Re: Humans to decipher the DNA of God and clone another Chri
Okay, a lot of commments here, and I can't respond to all of them. (I've been super busy, and have run into some trouble) But what I can do is do my best to cover what I can that you guys brought up here...
First off, any questions referring to cloning, SNCT, vector cloning, etc, please see my previous posts from last year on all that, it will explain them better then for me to rewrite everything all over again (OY!)
Second, I respect your views Roka, and I am fully aware how the Muslims believe, having studied your religion in school, and also researching on my own (is there anything I don't research??? Yes...Madonna, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, etc. etc. etc.!
:lol: pardon me whilst I puke...!) But although the Muslims believe this, they are the only faith (outside of Catholicism) that believes that Mary (the mother of Jesus) was born pure and without sin--interesting, no?
Muslim faithful's affection and devotion for Mary is reflected in the pilgrimages they undertake to Marian shrines, especially Fatima, and in the fact that many Muslim women are called Mary. According to the Koran, "an angel, by order of God, announced to Mary that she would give birth to a most pure son, a message that disturbed her. She gave birth under a palm tree that nourished her miraculously. She was a virgin and pure. She safeguarded her virginity and God infused his Spirit in her, making her and her son a sign for creatures."
In the Koran it is stated that Mary 'is one of the devoted women and is a saint. She is preferred, purified and chosen by God over all the women of creation.'
In the Koran, Mary has a decided Christological function, underlined by the prevailing designation of Jesus as 'son of Mary.' Biographical and spiritual elements of the Koran on Mary differ from Christian tradition, however.
Muslim Mariology is irremediably conditioned by the Koran's explicit denial of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
BUT! How marvelous though the Muslim faith focuses on the purity, sanctity and saintliness of MARY. (An anomaly of sorts that will soon be revealed in time!) On the figure of Mary there are common points of convergence and there are also too divergent points between Christians and Muslims.
I think it's important to see that although the Muslim faith has at their center, a core belief system that can be summed up in one word: "submission" which is the literal translation of the word "Islam." Mary was in perfect "submission" to God long before the religion of Islam ever came about--interesting. There is a reason for that.
I won't go any further on that subject but will jump to the subject of the Shroud of Turin...which is third and last for me to mention here, and having stood 5 feet away from it, and saw it up close and backlit, I knew from my photographic background and major from two colleges exactly what I was looking at. And I have accumulated research on the subject for several years...
Let's cut to the chase, shall we? The shroud is a length of linen with an image of a strong tall bearded man who looks very much like older paintings of Jesus (before artists began to modify them). It's a NEGATIVE. Only when the camera was invented in the 19th century did the details of its features become clear. While scientists debate a bunch of technicalities, an overwhelming fact stands out: No one can explain how the negative image got on a piece of cloth in the first place. Even with modern technology, it would be impossible to inflect such an image (in the NEGATIVE STATE) on imperfect fabric in a way that displayed no use of pigments or any type of artistic substance and left no distortion.
You could not do the image with a laser without scientists detecting the technique. You couldn't do it any known way. The image is just there. Only a single layer of fibers is affected in a way no one can discern. That overwhelming fact -- that no one in the world can explain the technique used to form the image -- is enough for most people.
But let's take it a step further...even if there was a way of inflecting the image in the way it was inflected, how could anyone have done it in a NEGATIVE, especially back in the Middle Ages??? Those who dispute the Shroud would have us believe that back in medieval times someone forged this image and magically was able to do so in a way that anticipated the later invention (six hundred years later) of the camera. It is not a very convincing argument. They base such views on so-called radiocarbon dating (some know it as "carbon dating") that they say places the shroud's age in the Middle Ages, making it only 600 years or so old and not 2,000 and thus "proving" it could not have been what many claim, the burial cloth of Jesus.
The PROBLEM with the carbon dating, however, is that the shroud had been through two fires up to that point in its history, one of which scorched the linen itself. When something is in a fire it picks up carbon residues that skew radiocarbon dating. And radiocarbon dating is suspect to begin with. Scientists throw out a lot of dates for everything, but there are numerous cases where such dating, at least with ancient fossils, has been off by thousands of years.
Incredible are other tests that confirm authenticity by revealing that there are spores and pollen in the shroud, as well as images, that come from flowers and plants that are only found only in Israel (despite skeptical claims that it was forged in Europe) and that furthermore only come from the vicinity of Jerusalem!!! The pollen of one plant, Zygophyllum dumosum, was especially significant because its northernmost extent is in the area of Jerusalem. In all more than two dozen of the species whose imprints were found on the shroud have been correlated with plants listed in Israel.
The scientist/botanist, Israeli Avinoam Danin of Hebrew University who examined the Shroud stated, "We discovered that there is one square of ten kilometers to a side that contains 70 percent of the species where we were seeking -- and is located midway between Jerusalem and Jericho...Another check determined that five of the five-kilometer-sided squares containing 27 of the 28 species are in the Jerusalem area."
Scientists scrutinizing the shroud are amazed at the precision of its detail, the way the wounds correspond exactly with the wounds of Christ, the indications of actual blood (type AB), the precision of how the bones were structured and the blood flowed, the exact portrayal of how a body would be after crucifixion, the spots indicating where the crown of thorns were, the marks on the back that precisely resemble what would happen with the type of implement used back then to scourge, and even the fact the computer-enhanced images of the eyes on the Shroud show they had been covered (as was the custom) with coins -- coins found to have the image of a ruler who reigned at that time--the 1st century!
To sum up, scientists analyzing the Shroud for yrs, have found this:
--The cloth, the matierial itself has been found to be from the time of Christ. (Los Alamos Scientist Proves the 1988 Carbon-14 Dating of the Shroud of Turin Used Invalid Rewoven Sample--I have this article if anyone is interested. Excerpt: "Pyrolysis-mass-spectrometry results from the sample area coupled with microscopic and microchemical observations prove that the radiocarbon sample was not part of the original cloth of the Shroud of Turin which is currently housed at The Turin Cathedral in Italy," says chemist Raymond Rogers of Los Alamos.)
--It cannot be a forgery due to the negative imprint printed onto the Shroud, but when photographed, and observing the negative, the image is postive on the negative! This cannot be replicated or fabricated in ancient times.
--The pollen on the cloth dates back to the time of Christ.
--The coins laid upon the eyes on the image using computer spectral enhancement date back to the time of Christ.
Now you can be a naysayer, and say "NO WAY!" or "I don't believe any of this!" "God doesn't exist!" or "Jesus was not the Son of God" or the ole standby, "GIMME-A-GRAVY-SUCKIN'-BREAK!" (which I say when I get p.o.ed! :lol
But as Gil Grissom always says, "THE EVIDENCE NEVER LIES."
I have an extensive scientific research file on the Shroud, and can submit the facts for the basis of this discussion if anyone is so inclined to want to debate it. But let me say this first--scientists from AROUND THE WORD, that were atheists, chrisitians, jews, etc. etc. have analyized, researched and did more expriments on this artifact then any other artifact in ancient history, and their conclusions are the same--it is not a forgery, and cannot be replicated, and dates back to the time of Christ. We can debate this until pigs fly or cows come home, but the plain and simple facts are these sceintists know more about this then you guys do. And I for one will follow the findings of these good scientists over any of your comments that are not backed up with research and facts!!
Please, you may have emotions relating to this subject--that's all fine--and I'm okay with that. But let's stick to the facts science has found out on the Shroud okay?
Not your emotions or feelings on this matter.
And the post in the beginning I placed was stemming towards this:
Can science though, take the DNA found on the Shroud (say in the type AB blood found all throughout the image) and do vector cloning or another form of cloning on it? Grissom, in the last episode said this perfectly, "Everybody learns from science. It all depends on how you use the knowledge."
The Shroud of Turin is house in a protected Cathedral in Turin (Torino) Italy, under lock and key in the protection of the Catholic Church, safeguarding the relic. I myself, do not think that "renegade-loose-cannon" type scientists will be given a chance to try. The Church will not permit them to do so.
So no, I do believe this bizarre experiment will not happen.
(I hope I stepped on no ones toes here!
I would be more then happy to discuss and share more of the scientific facts on this artifact--but only the facts.
Again I see I wrote a book on this site! Sorry!)