How old are most CSI fans?

Do you agree with Matt Roush?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • No

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • I fall somewhere in the middle

    Votes: 26 48.1%

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i'm going to b 29 on Halloween... And as a mom, I need to say my peace...

I have a 7yr old & a 4yr old and as much as I love the show (fan since the pilot) -I would NOT let them watch the show.

Maybe when my son is 10, he might be ready. I know each child is different but kids should be allowed to be kids and should be sheltered and protected as such. Seems like people are always asking why kids are in such a hurry to grow up... kids watch grown up things and mimick what they see. Just last week on the news, a 9yr old stabbed her 13yr old bestfriend to death.

There's a reason its called primetime... its not for the little ones. For crying out loud, there's a rating on TV shows. (I'm not saying some of u 10-13 are too young, thats up to your parents and your own conscience, I'm really focusing to kids without double digits)

Sorry to rant but a particular posting set me off...


Posted by calleighdelko:
im only 13 :)

Well, now I feel old. My oldest son is almost six, so in only seven years he will be on the net discussing scientific shows, that thought is depressing to me.

13 Huh, when I was 13, we were still using DOS programs in high school computer class.



Anyone remember Commodore 64? Boy I just 'dated' myself huh?

My son does use the internet for Toontown... he'll b 8 in Feb and thats the most chatting he'll do for now. I hope CSI is on when he's old enough to see it... That would b great. For now, I'll stick to watching Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks with them. :)
ruzila - I agree. I think far too many shows now get super-popular and many parents and kids assume that because they're popular they're appropriate for the whole family (CSI, Desperate Housewives, Family Guy, etc). But in all fairness CSI does often post a warning before its episodes.

I think it comes a lot from competition with shows on HBO that are allowed to swear, show sex, etc. because somehow when it comes time for awards they give those shows favor. More and more the networks feel they need to compete... oh well.

I know it must be hard as a parent - I hate seeing my ten-year-old sister watch Family Guy.

Anyway - just wanted you to know the rant was fine.

(This is on topic as it is technically an argument of age)
Thanks sarahvma After going through the many pages on this thread, I slightly hesitated to voice my views... I thought I was alone.

I know what you mean about Family Guy... I used to cringe when my 10yr old sister watched South Park. (We're 10yrs apart) -AND I used to catch hell for watching Beavis and Butthead as a teen! :confused: :rolleyes:

I do agree that CSI, CBS more precisely, warns viewers of the content... I dont blame the show, I fully blame parents for assimilating their little ones into adult entertainment.

I'm not just posting to thank and reinforce my rant... I forgot to add that my mom is a huge fan and she just turned 50 this month. We used to also faithfully follow X-Files back in the day. So I'm all for sharing with the family -but everything has a time and a place.

once again... JMHO
lol. Don't worry - like I've said before - 30 million fans, you've got to have some who share your views. And I know it's odd for a 17-year-old to feel that way, but... I think it's what comes from being the oldest.

But to tie this back into CSI and the great age debate, I do think that as long as the viewer is mature enough, CSI flirts with but never totally violates that line. Swap Meet is a good example - other than shots of people in bras the most risque thing was Grissom pulling the dildo out of the dishwasher.

Most of the worst stuff is off-screen, and while people consider verbal explicitness just as bad, I think that a lot of the banter is no worse than an Austin Powers movie.

Which, again, to tie it in - I think this makes it easier for a family to watch (teen to adult).
i'm 13 and i started watching CSI after i saw my parents watching it. it's getting pretty addicting too...
hi there!
my name is suzi and im 17. i will be 18 in january.
i have been a csi fan since i first saw a epissode in the fith season.
greg sanders is soo cute.( but ill save the drooliness for the other disscusion treads!! cuz this is a discusion about age not who we are obsessed with. :lol: :p :lol:)

i have got to say that i completely agree with age restriction when it comes to watching csi especially episodes such as ch-ch-changes which i think is completly
unsuitable for any one under the age of 15 as well as quite a few others episodes.
but thats just my opinion.
I'm thirteen, i'll be 14 in November. :]

Ch-ch-changes being unsuitable for anyone under the age of 15? I really don't see any need for that. It does deal with mature topics, but kids my age and younger shouldn't just be hidden from that until they're older.
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