How old are most CSI fans?

Do you agree with Matt Roush?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • No

    Votes: 11 20.4%
  • I fall somewhere in the middle

    Votes: 26 48.1%

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Happy Birthday! :)
I'm 13, will be 14 in February.. I got obsessed when I was 11.. When I was 11, I really loved LV and a year later I saw Miami which I started HATING, HATING, HATING! I was sooo stupid, now I'm a really big fan of Miami, at school I always talk about it to everyone (( yeaaah, including teachers :lol: )) and oh, I'm in love with CSI.
im going to be 19 and i started off watching miami but i never really picked up on it.. didn't interest me, but the minute i saw LV it was love at first sight lol and watched it ever since!!!! and that was back in.. hmm 2002
Wow! Such a wide age range.... well I'm 21, 22 soon and I can't even remember how long ago I started watching CSI, it was so long ago that I have the first two seasons on VHS! Old school! Well for some people anyway. I was so excited when I saw it that I rushed out to find the first place to sell it! :lol: Nuff procrastinating, must do some work...hope everyone had a good Xmas and New Year. And hopefully Channel 5 will give me a late Xmas present, or a very early birthday present and start series 7 now! I've seen season six and the re-run which happened like straight after. They start the new series of NCIS and Law & Order: CI (which is all good....roll on Friday!) but damn it no new CSI *weep weep* I really should go now and finish *ahem, possibly better word would be start* my assignment on alcoholism. What fun!

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo
Under 18... :rollseyes:, but the obvious target market is about 30, 40 and above... even though many pople at different ages like it.
I'm almost ready to turn the big 3-0 and have recently become addicted! I used to dip in and out but now I have every episode on DVD! I haven't got into Miami or NY yet tho - that's my challenge for this year! ;)
I've been a CSI freak since I was 10, and I'm 16 now, so six years. I'm possibly thinking about pursuing a career in forensics... maybe.
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