How Much is Gas Where you Live?

Surprisingly the gas here is going down. Last week I paid $1.29.9 a liter and today it's $1.25.5 a liter. Time will only tell what it will do for the summer.
Wow! Gas was cheap went down to $3.91 near my son's school. :rolleyes: Of course it is still $4.09 by my house. :lol:

I seriously hope it keeps going down.
In keeping with the theme, ours "lowered" to $3.87 a gallon today. I'll never be able to figure it out! :lol:
i drive a diesel old mercedes and have an 18 gal tank. i also only use biodiesel (at least b20) and i paid 4.89/gal USD today.

ouch. thank god my car gets about 26/gal when she's not well tuned up and fixed (like now).
Gas in San Diego, CA, is a wonderful 4.60 per gallon! I don't even want to say how much the diesel is!

Many gas stations by my house are closing down for some unknown reason.
Wonderful! I will be in San Diego in about a week and a half. Thanks for making my day with that info.
On a postive note - gas did go done 10 cents by my house today!
Be warned that gas varies greatly from region to region in San Diego. Areas like Del Mar and San Marcos will be the most expensive at 4.80 whereas there is one gas station where gas could be as low as 4.39!

Since I live right by the Navy Base in Point Loma, gas is a little cheaper (I recommend going to gas stations by any military base in the city :))
ours still hasn't changed. still $3.97

but all this talk about it lowering makes me happy :D

maybe there is hope for it going down for the summer. a little bit at least...
Corner of Lancaster Ave and Conestoga Rd in Wayne, PA: $4.149 for the past few days.

The last time I bought gas (May 11th 2008) I paid $3.699. Granted this was in a different part of the state, but it's still incredible how fast it's rising. I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, either, if it gets people to start using public transportation, driving less frequently, and buying fuel efficient vehicles.
I'm from the UK, and my local garage is £1.17 per litre.
I haven't got a clue how to convert that to compare it, any mathmeticians in here? :lol:
Still hovering around $4 per gallon just over the Indiana border from Chicago.

Diesel is still up around $4.70.

I know in The City (Chicago Proper) it's well over $4, usually up around $4.30 or more.

I wonder what it's going up to by The Fourth. Or Labor Day.
Well, they finally started putting the 4's up today. $4.07-4.19 in Bloomington, IN. Criminy!:wtf:
Wow that really stinks, Smokey. :(

We've been stuck at $3.94 since Memorial Day. I haven't heard anything if it's going up or I guess this is as good as it gets, for now anyways.