How Much Do You Respect Your Pets?


Ok. My neighbors across the street let their cat roam loose. I would regularly interact with this cat and it liked me. This cat was run over by a vehicle and I saw it lying dead in the street, which made me sad. Now, the most upsetting thing is that I saw them pick up the cat, shove it in a box, and throw it in their trash can. Now I'm one of those people who thinks pets are a reflection of us, so this deeply upsets me to see someone with such little respect, sorrow, remorse, and love for their pets. It just made me feel like polling these two questions.
Your neighbors have no remorse! I have 7 dogs, all which I've kept from my Aunts animal rescue program and they Are My Kids, I treat them as I would treat my children.
Dogs are bit different than cats. I don't know, if you live in a city area... it's hard. It doesn't mean they didn't love their cat. If it was fed and well kept - I'm sure they cared for it. It doesn't mean they have to cry for days because they lost their cat. Perhaps they didn't have a better way to get rid of the body.

Some people do, some don't. I think main point is that the animal doesn't suffer.

I've buried many cats. It's easy here in countryside. To box or not,'s rather nice to dig those to ground, so dogs and foxes won't move 'em around. I have a place where I've buried probably... 6 cats. Put those to the box, grabbed a shovel, ddigged a hole, put the box in, filled the hole and left.
Your neighbours did the wrong thing. If they didn't want to deal with a burial, which I can understand, they should have at least called up animal control to deal with the remains.

I'd bury my dog ... it's not a hard thing to do and I've decided that things should be respected in death as much as in life.
It's hard to say if your neighbours did the right thing or not. Some people don't think of their pets as part of the family so they don't treat them that way. I personaly think letting a cat out is not right for the cat or their neighbours. I have several cats and when their time is up I will probably have them cremated. This way their ashes can come with us when and if we ever move.
i have had my cat for 15 years as of today, and i cant imagine throwing her dead body in a dumpster. she goes outside, but stays in our yard or on occaision will sneak into the nighbours yard. shes affraid of the front yard, and if she gets too bold by disappearring for hours she gets put on a leash tied to the house.
we almost lost her a few years ago when she had an infection that they werent sure if it was a tumour or not. our options were to put her to sleep or have a biopsy that might kill her because she is so small. the night before and the day we dropped her off for surgery i cried so much. yeah its just a cat, but ive had her over half my life.
i would for sure have any pets cremated. i dont think youre supposed to be burrying dead pets in the city anyways, but i know people do.
DaWacko said:
Dogs are bit different than cats. I don't know, if you live in a city area... it's hard. It doesn't mean they didn't love their cat. If it was fed and well kept - I'm sure they cared for it. It doesn't mean they have to cry for days because they lost their cat. Perhaps they didn't have a better way to get rid of the body.

Some people do, some don't. I think main point is that the animal doesn't suffer.

I've buried many cats. It's easy here in countryside. To box or not,'s rather nice to dig those to ground, so dogs and foxes won't move 'em around. I have a place where I've buried probably... 6 cats. Put those to the box, grabbed a shovel, ddigged a hole, put the box in, filled the hole and left.

I do live in the city, but many of my neighbors and myself have easily buried our pets in the front yard. The ground is very soft across the street (I used to tend the old neighbor's lawn right before they moved.). It would've taken literally only minutes, but they chose the short, simple way out and just threw it away like it was a piece of trash. I do understand your points to the fullest extent, but they didn't feed him well. He was skin and bones and then when we would be outside and their cat walked up to them, they would pamper it and pretend they loved it. I'm not really saying they didn't, but when we were inside, they acted like it didn't exist or that it wasn't worth their time and efforts. If they didn't want to bury it, as a previous poster said, they could've called animal control to pick up the body. Now, I don't know what animal control does with the body, (nor do I really honestly care) because once it leaves the owner's posession, I feel that it is no longer their responsibility. But they picked it up off the street, they should've put it to rest in a way that respects their pet. :(

BTW, Thanks for the opinions so far. I'm glad that people agree with me to some extent. :)
That's horrible! I'm really sorry you had to see that. I have two cats and I never let them out. My cats are spoiled rotten as I work in a pet store and bring them home lots of treats.

I have always had dogs in my life and when they died I did cremation for them.

What I don't understand and what really pisses me off is the people who get a dog and after its lost its appeal they put the dog outside tied to a tree or whatever and there the dog sits. Yeah sure it gets feed and watered but no attention for long periods even days. I just don't see the point then of having a dog.

As for cats I would never let my cat outdoors for fear of it never returning home. I have seen many cats on the road and many that have gotten diseases from exposure to other infected animals and various wounds from catfights. Cats don't have to go outside and it is healthier for them to stay inside.
i know there is one dog in my neighbourhood whenever i drive by he is chained up outside. day, night, winter, summer, hes out there. and he always looks depressed. if you dont have a fence around your yard you cant have a big dog (hes a malamute)
i was tempted so many times to call spca on them, especially on days when it got over 30 celsuis and hes tied up out there with his heavy coat. it is considered cruelty to leave you pet like that and they will be taken away from you. i know shelters wont adopt pets if they think you are going to leave them outside.

as for our cat going outside she loves it. she especially wants to be out there when we are out there. she is very closely supervised and usually just lays on the warm stone patio. shes been sick once in 15 years and all the neighbourhood cats who come in our yard in the winter dont dare set foot in there in the summer once pixie gets out there. shes never been in a fight, they run away from her with one look and dont come back.
I did call one neighbor once and threatend to call the humane society and also chewed him out for leaving a 8 month old puppy outside in 100 Farenheit degrees. I have to say in this case it did work and he ended up giving it away to another person who wanted the dog.

Unfortunatly most cities do not have anyone to call and the police mostly cannot do anything and some humane societies have limited resources to help. I wish there was more forces like the Animal Cops on Animal Planet but those mostly exist in major cities right now.
saraholic said:

I do live in the city, but many of my neighbors and myself have easily buried our pets in the front yard. The ground is very soft across the street (I used to tend the old neighbor's lawn right before they moved.). It would've taken literally only minutes, but they chose the short, simple way out and just threw it away like it was a piece of trash. I do understand your points to the fullest extent, but they didn't feed him well. He was skin and bones and then when we would be outside and their cat walked up to them, they would pamper it and pretend they loved it. I'm not really saying they didn't, but when we were inside, they acted like it didn't exist or that it wasn't worth their time and efforts. If they didn't want to bury it, as a previous poster said, they could've called animal control to pick up the body.
How do you know they didn't care about the cat when it was inside? Were you there? Just wondering and try to understand point of view.

Sometimes cats can be skinny. I have two very skinny cats and believe me, those are loved and fed :p

Perhaps they didn't think, just wanted to get rid of it fast. At least they put it in the box. Didn't have shovel, didn't want to dig anything to their front yard. What if it's not deep enough and some dog comes and digs it up?

Other reason may be the money? How much it will cost to call 'em to pick up a cat? Even I love my cats, I'd never spend so much money what vet takes if they put cat to sleep. We have our own methods that are quick and they don't suffer.
It all depends on the way you deal with these things. Our cats have always been part of the family so we have always taken them to the vets where they were creamated, if they were already dead or put to sleep if they were in pain, and the ashes taken care of by the vets. This takes a lot of money that some people don't care about spending. One of our neighbors has buried 2 of her cats in the back yard.

Our last cat we had to put to sleep. He couldn't smell anything and the vet said we'd never get him to want to eat again. I couldn't even bring myself to go to the vets, I let my mom do it. I said my goodbye's to him while he was laying in the sunny window and then cried for an hour. :(

sad :( Blackflag big hug. Yes i´ve many respekt for my pets. I´ve all the times dogs and they all get´s so much love and respect from me i love Pet´s over all and when the time comes when they must gone, i let them in a crematory cremate and take the ash in an urn and give them a nice place in my garden. I need long time to overcome the detachment and have a heard full of pain.