How many seasons do you think CSI: Miami will get?

How many seasons do you think CSI: Miami will get?

  • None, CSI: Miami is GONE.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • 1 more season. (Season 10 will be the last)

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • 2 more seasons. (Season 11 will be the last)

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • 3 more seasons. (Season 12 will be the last)

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • 4 more seasons. (Season 13 will be the last)

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • 5 more seasons. (Season 14 will be the last)

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • 6 more seasons. (Season 15 will be the last)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than 6 more seasons!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than 6 seasons and a made-for-TV movie!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters

Hardline Pro

Lab Technician
With all three CSI shows declining, they are bound to come to an end sometime, as all shows must. I do not like it, but CSI: Miami has had a good run, a really good run. If it were up to me, CSI: Miami would be on for as long as possible!

I personally think Season 10 will be the last season. CSI: Miami’s ratings have been slipping for the past 2 years now, the move to Sunday put the final nail in the coffin.

i think that it can go for at least another season or two. the ratings this year are low just because it is in the sunday spot. but just looking at the sunday ratings, csi miami seems to still be doing well and winning most of the times. i also think that the ratings have gone down because of all of the delays that have happened with all the sports and everything. if there were never any delays in the first place, then csi miami may have solid ratings.
I voted 3 more seasons. (Season 12 will be the last). If my first choice had been an option I would've voted (As many seasons as Vegas CSI). If CSI: Miami doesn't have any more seasons like seasons 4 and 7, I think it could easily go another 3, maybe 4, seasons. FYI: Seasons 4 and 7 are my 2 least favorite seasons of CSI: Miami.
I picked one more season. As much as I love the show, it seems like another season is borrowed time and another after that would be outstaying its welcome, I guess? after being on so long and through such a shift in interest television has seen lately. I feel like the quality of writing has gone down as a whole (there definitely were a few great episodes this season), and it's become a farce of what it once was. *shrug*

That being said, I'll be sticking around to watch it until the end. :D The show does have some great characters and wonderful actors, and I would hope that when the show does get a sendoff, it'll be a proper one. :)
I voted one more season. The quality of writing has certainly gone down and now that it's been one year in the death slot it's time they pull the plug. Ten years is a good run for any TV show and even though ratings are definitely not what they used to they are decent enough for Sunday night, so it can have a rather graceful exit if they keep it up for one more year.
One more season...Ratings have dropped a lot since moving from Monday's slot so I think that season 10 will be the show's last.
NCIS was no hit for the first couple of years, then it took off. It is a simple formula; give the fans what they want and people will watch. CSIM could get back on track and flourish again if they start listening to the fan feedback and quick making Horatio such a divisive character.
I think one more season. The writing is definitely not what it used to be, and there are new, fresher shows coming up. I hope there are more, but unless there are some big changes in storylines and some new ideas I dont think it will last much longer.
One more season. It doesn't seem fresh anymore, some stories are recycled or borrowed from other shows. Plus this terrible writing, lack of continuity, no response to fans feedback and Sundays death slot - I think it's a miracle it got season 10 at all.
To be honest, I thought after it moved to Sunday, that this might be the last one so voted one more season.
As much as I love CSI Miami, and I would like to see it continue for long time, I don't think it will go beyond Season 10.
I voted for one more season, just long enough to wrap up the characters and end the show the way it deserves to be ended.
I was trying to be realistic, so I voted one more season. It could go a couple more seasons, I don't know... but tv is changing so much these days lol.
Now that CSI:NY has been renewed, which had the weakest ratings of the three, Miami's odds just improved and I now believe they have at least two more seasons. That being said, as long as David wants to do the show, it will continue.