Vegas has been pretty good so far this season, I give it a 82%
I get tired Super Ray knowing it all and dumbing the others down, but it's gotten better this season
Love that Zuiker is back
Love Grissom getting a mention once in while, I'd like to see Warrick get another mention or so
People I'm hoping to see: Lady Heather, the minuature killer, Ellie, Lindsey, Eli, a relative of a CSI we've never met...Sara's brother or mother, Brass' ex wife, Hodges' mom :lol:, etc
Shock Waves: Yuck! Tell me Bieber boy won't come back at all, get a different actor to play his part, one that has more acting experience, and can we ever get a break from Ray, even while he's in the hospital, after that it was good
Pool Shark: Didn't like that one much, my least favorite, had a decent amount of Catherine and of course Ray had the same amount, not a lot of Sara or Greg
and I hate that Wendy had to leave, Drops was completly out of character, didn't like that the flashback probably b/c someone else was playing Sam Braun
Blood Moon: I don't care for the vampire/werewolf stuff but the episode was pretty good actually, loved the references back to old episodes, and I love that the new writers were doing their homework :thumbsup:
When can we see him again!!!!!
House of Hoarders: Best ep so far, even if there was no Cath, if there's more episodes like this after Marg leaves, I'll be one happy CSI fan
Cold Blooded: Didn't care for the dinosaur case a lot, the cold case is what really made the ep, I just felt something was missing...Sara and not a lot of Cath