House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

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Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Cant wait either. He is House is acting so dramatic in it and he wants to help Joel Grey die :lol: so far i'm a lovin this season.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

STRONG episode. All the characters were very much in character. Definitely heart-wrenching. Wow.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Jenn was amazing in that episode! and we all know the Hugh was the best ever!

I dont know but i actually thought Chase was sweet in that episdoe even though i have mixed feelings like Cameron did. I didn't want him to die but he wanted to and Chase respected that wish. He was a ol' seminary boy before and he believes in peoples will to die if they're suffering and when Chase thought House ws going to kill him he stayed in the room so he wouldn't be alone when he died. House helping him to die to was really nice but of coure he made the lie and brought him back.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

LOVED this eppy, awesomeness :D

Seeing Hous struggle in teh beginning with his pain, also the emotion throughout, Cameron standing by her convictions. Didn't mind Chase in this eppy. It was a battle between House and Cameron all the way, until the final scene, how I loved that, got a bit teary at the end as well

Laura Innes and Joel Gray were so brill :D as was Jen and Hugh

Best one so far :D
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

JG was like the best part of the epi. It was really sad that he died he was so sweet (Except for radiating babies)
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

No. People dont know if House helped kill Ezra or he died of natural causes, theres a poll over at the Fox website. I personally think that House helped him. Last time i checked the poll is split 25/25.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I think Cameron did it.

It was a battle between House and Cameron all the way
That was a little boring. I would have prefer to see Cameron talk about that with Foreman and Chase.
I didn't like House during this episode.
Cameron was Cameron. Chase and Foreman were pretty great above all Chase who becomes more and more confident.
It was a great episode.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

This past episode was really sad, the one thing I don't think that I got, did one of them kill the doctor, because i was wondering why house was proud of Cameron.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I think that Cameron helped him die and I think House wasn't involved because when Cuday told him that the doc passed, (and she said something about the way or test results??)but House had a weird look that just said he didn't know.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

hm..I wonder why I never peeked in here before...I have to get a chair... I love the new season..pity I didnt see season one yet...
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

The new season will be one of the best. Well they are all the best but each season keeps getting better and better. I think i will like this season the best (Well for shipper view secound best ;)) because David said there will be some character ajustments or something like that and just two episodes we already had some characer change (With Chase and Cameron) but i'm glad House will be the same.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Hi everybody, I'm new to House thread, also I've been watching the show since it started (well actually I've only watched 11 episodes from s1, next week is episode 12 :p, but I love the show).

I love Hugh Laurie, I mean I love House, his ccharacter is so good, the show has drama and humor it's very good. Maybe this isn't the right thread for this but I like Cuddy/House relationship (just my opinion) also I really don't care I'd watch the show whatever that happens in it :D.

The las episode I watched was Detox :lol: :lol: poor House without his Vicodin. I watch the show in spanish so I can't hear Hugh's british or american accent :( also his voice is great in spanish too (it's not his of cousr but I still like it). I've been reading the first thread btw.
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

Welcome to the thread!

There is a shipper thread hiding some where (I to love Huddy ;))

Detox was a sad episode, poor House having to go through that :(
Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin".

I've recently become a House addict, have seen every episode except the most recent one. I have to say that I absolutely love this show, it's so interesting/funny/serious/everything else all wrapped up in one neat package. And I'll probably get teased for this but I'm a total House/Cameron shipper. Not that House/Cuddy wouldn't be intriguing to watch, I just like the way Cameron and House interact.

I hear that people complain about Hugh's american accent being shoddy, but he sounds american to me. I didn't even know he was british till I read his biography/filmography at some random website.
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