Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

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my list..

1. Horatio Cain
2. Horatio
3. Caine
4. David Caruso
5. David
6. Caruso

did i must write more :)
Okay, here goes.

1. Greg Sanders (like I need to elaborate)
2a. Bobby Dawson (curls don't usually do it for me, but he's an exception)
2b. Nick Stokes (sensitive, sexy, funny, hmmm...)
3. Jim Brass (age is just a number)
4. Archie Kao (I am usually attracted to caucasians, but you gotta love Archie)
5. David Phillips (adorably shy, 'nuff said)

1a. Tim Speedle (his intensity and the way he carries himself most definitely spell hotness!)
1b. Sam Belmontes (he appears rarely, but he's still hot)
1c. Tyler Jenson (more like Brian Poth, since I like men who can dance)
2. Horatio Caine (red-heads rocks; do not argue with me)
3. Eric Delko (he's pretty, and my mom thinks his eyes are nice)

1. Danny Messer (too sexy to be legally clothed)
2. Mac Taylor (even my aunt agrees)
3a. Sheldon Hawkes (him in specs just scream "I'm HOT!")
3b. Don Flack (his eyes are gorgeous)

I would bring them home to my mom, and to meet my friends, but what I do with them behind closed doors, is just too slashy that even the sun will pale in comparison.
here's my list :)

LV - Greg and Nick
Miami - Ryan
NY - Flack and Danny

...In that order...
2. Horatio Caine (red-heads rocks; do not argue with me)
1. Danny Messer (too sexy to be legally clothed)

I'm not arguing H is my man, I love him :D

And, Danny, you are spot on, that guy actually makes me swoon ;)
it's a difficult question!!but i can say that
csi.......>grissom or greg
csi.......>danny messer :)
Ok, this is really tough, but here goes nothing... :confused:

1. Ryan(Miami) and Greg(LV) I can't choose between the two, so sue me! :p
2. Nick(LV)
3. Eric(Miami)
4. Danny (NY)

But you know, really all the CSI men are hot! :eek: Those are just my favs... :D
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