Hottest CSI:NY Male and Female

Hottest male: Danny, I mean duh!

Hottest female: Had to go with Stella, even though I ship DL. Stella just oozes confidence from her pores; she's like a female Mac. That's hot!

OT: This is my 200th post! :)
Hottest male: Flack... though i found Mac really, really sexy.
Hottest female: Stella always and forever
Hottest Male: I voted for Flack, because he is gorgeous. Like the definition of sexy...
Hottest Female: I was torn between Aiden, Stella, and Maka, but I went with Maka.
ahh this is soo hard! lol i think that danny :p:p:p(especially!!!!) and flack and mac are all hot danny is first choice tho lol and i chose lindsey for the hottest female because she is in her own way, compared to the others. she is plain, and doesnt really need to do alot to herself. lol :p
I had to go with Danny and Maka. They both just exude sexuality. And get them both together....Okay, let me not even go there this early in the morning. :devil:
I LOVE Danny and Lindsay but my vote for hottest female has to go to Aiden. I mean, she's smokin' hot and she has a great body. I'm a girl but even I s'times drool over her. :lol:
Gotta go with the older and more experienced...Mac and Stella. I love a man in uniform...especially a marine. And Stella, is sexy, confident, self-assured, and funny.