Horse Riding

Wow , girls , your horses are so amazing ! I so love them ! I want a horse too *cries* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I could ride again and it was fine, but he got quite fast after a while - normally he's lazy but after this long time he really wants to do more - wish he'd always be like that^^
I know. Our school was ...broken (it's a long story. :rolleyes:) and so we couldn't ride Niels for a few days, once you get back on they're full of beans. :lol:
When the weather's hotter though, they tend to be a lot calmer, winter is the worst riding time for me, plus the fact that your fingers almost fall off. :lol: Oh, and don't you find that your thighs also become like icicles? Just the front of them. :rolleyes:

Thanks ericloco. :D I love mine too. :lol: Do you ride?
Hi everybody, I can't believe I haven't seen this thread before. :eek:

I started riding when I was 9, first I only took lessons at a stable in my town, but ever since I was 14 I took care of one of my stepsister's horses. Here's a picture. Her name is Marina, she's a 22 (in the picture she's only 18 ;) ) year old mix between German Riding Pony and Welsh B.

When I went to college I had to give her up, though, but whenever I'm home I can still visit her and sometimes ride her :D
^ I love your stirrups. Are they special ones, or the norm where you're from? She's gorg. :)

I'm going to uni soon too. I have to leave my pony in the hands of my mother. :eek: :lol: Only joking, she's great with him really. :p
I love your stirrups. Are they special ones, or the norm where you're from?

Well, they're usually only used in English Country Pleasure Riding (at least that's the translation I found ;). You know, we don't really focus on dressage or jumping, but rather ride in the woods etc.). But even in pleasure riding there are only few people actually using them, even though they are way safer, as it's pretty close to impossible to get stuck in them if you fall down.
Wow I'd forgotten about this thread! :lol:
Quick update, I'm doing my first dressage test real soon. Bit nervous, but it'll be fun though. :)
I'm going to uni on the 16th though, I'm going to really miss my pony. I plan on coming back every few weeks or so though. Anyone else have this situation?