Horatio/Yelina--Silent Thunder

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Re: Horatio and Yelina?

I don't care for fanfics. Seriously... I tried to read one and got sooo bored because those somehow don't fit to my head because my thoughts are strictly based on what's seen in the show and I cannot accept those fanfic thoughts.

Even I have good imagination.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Thanks Lucy I haven't read them yet, but I know where my afternoon will be spent. (12:13 PM right now)
You're welcome. I'll try to take a look at the ones you posted a link to as well. Thanks for that. I have to say I'm not a big Fan Fic fan either, but those two I posted show a very perceptive understanding of H and Y, and sometimes I have similar little scenarios that go on in my head about them!

In addition to what Tally posted about 'Why Stetler?', I just wanted to add another reference to 'The Oath'. Horatio and Yelina both agreed that things between them were "complicated" and Yelina pointed out that the situation with her and Rick was "simple". The fact that Y got tired of waiting for H, and the fact that she felt it would be hard to trust him as he failed to tell her about Madison, both contributed to her decision to date Rick.
Posted by TallyHo:..and NO she really, really does not love the guy.
Most definitely not - no question about that!
Posted by speedmonkey:But its just the way that Horatio would like lie to her face
I guess you may have also been referring to H's lying to Y towards the end of Season 3, with his insistence that "everything is fine" regarding Y seeing Bob's file in 'Killer Date'. He was indeed lying to her, but fundamantally, he did have her interests at heart. He didn't want to divulge to her the possibility of Ray's 'killer' being alive/Ray being alive until he was in full possession of the facts. If she had known about it at this point, both Y and Ray Jnr could have been put in danger. H didn't want to risk that. There's also the man thing of wanting to deal with things singlehandedly and H's desire to be in control of the situation!
No offense Yelina but Horatio has done nothing but try to protect since like....forever. And then your husband comes back from the dead and you welcome him with open arms? I'm sorry but what's wrong with you. lol.
I think you have to bear in mind the circumstances here. H manipulated the situation so that Ray Jnr ran to his Dad first at the end of '10-7'. Yelina had no choice but to follow. As for the hug, I wasn't too impressed either, but the euphoria of seeing Raymond again took over. Reality is bound to set in, and I really hope we get to see the fallout from all this. After all Ray has done, I don't believe for one moment that Yelina would be willing to forgive and forget so readily. Maybe the writers will decide to tackle this eventually.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

I've tried my hand at fanfic, but I usually just end up turning them into my own work. Just change the character names.hehe
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

i havent written any fanfiction yet, :lol: Im too busy with college and im writing stuff up for my site - but hopefully soon I'll try my hand at it. :D Okay a topic - what would be the BEST way for them to bring back Yelina/Ray Jnr/Ray Snr :D they dont have to bring back all characters - so if you want to leave Ray Snr in Brazil - you can :devil:
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

We need a reason for Yelina to come back to Miami. Her Mother has been mentioned a few times (she looked after Ray Jnr after school and he stayed with her when Y was away). So, maybe her Mother could be sick, and Y and Ray Jnr fly back leaving Ray Snr behind in Brazil for now.

Without going into Fan Fic territory, I had better stop there! It would be great if H didn't know about her homecoming, and they just meet by chance somewhere.

Other than that, I would love to see H in some sort of trouble, and for Y to be there for him when he least expects it.

Not very inspirational I know! I'm tired, but those are just my meandering thoughts. :)
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

You know what i'd like to see? You may think i'm crazy. But I'd like H to like go to a scene alone or something and he gets shot. Nothing fatal of course. And then here comes yelina and she saves him. Ok yeah that sounds more like a fanfic then something that could actually happen. But hey I try.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Whoa! Thanks TallyHo again for that info. It's now sooo clear that it's blinding me for a second. I'm glad*Very* glad that she doesn't love Stetler and I'm rather disappointed that the writers didn't allow Horatio to explore the feelings that they share.*sighs*
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

We need a reason for Yelina to come back to Miami. Her Mother has been mentioned a few times (she looked after Ray Jnr after school and he stayed with her when Y was away). So, maybe her Mother could be sick, and Y and Ray Jnr fly back leaving Ray Snr behind in Brazil for now.
OR! Ray could be hit by a car and die and then they could come back :p

Gee, first I hope we'd see Ray and now I want him dead :lol:
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

:lol: A woman's prerogative is to change her mind Ducky!

Actually, I would like to see Ray hit by a car and die (after we've seen some great dialogue between Ray and Y, & Ray and H!) and Horatio get shot and have Yelina comfort him. Do you think I'm asking too much? ;)
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

a litle :lol: I woundn't mind Stetler or Frank to contact Yelina and tell her that Horatio is in danger or in hospital - she is still in Brazil, Ray Snr went back to wherever he came from and Yelina was havingsome time with Ray Jnr - Then Ray SNr would be out of the way - and we have Yelina back with Horatio... I had a dream last night - about when Yelina comes back - my favourite piece of the dialoge went like....

Horatio: Did you and Ray sort things out?
Yelina: Yeah, I told him that I had to move on - he agreed, we are keeping in contact - for Ray Jnr's sake.
Horatio: So it didn't work out then?
Yelina: No - I told him I was in love with someone else.
Horatio: Did you say who?
Yelina: I didn't need to....

Re: Horatio and Yelina?

I just wanted to say thanks to TallyHo and Lucy for putting me in the picture about a whole load of stuff regarding H and Y. It's nice to see questions being answered!
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

*gets out of bed* That's why we're here MiamiDade to be your answer slaves. Don't mind me I've been up 4 minutes.

As for a reason for Yelina to come back to Miami I like the idea of her coming back because of her Mom. I also noticed that she has a house that needs something to be done with.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

*hugs Tally and doesn't let go*

Was that reply time when I in a sneaky way suggested "I'd like to see Ray" and because of that I got my "deranged Miami seer" title :p

Good to see ya, Tally :D *hugs even more*

Yes, that was the reply with others stiched on for additional effect!.

*HUGS* right back to you and Luce too, Ducky. I miss y'all something awful. *sigh* for want of time and inclination, I'll be posting sparingly on the Board from henceforth. However, occasional posts on past H/Y storyarc discussions may still be forthcoming if required.
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