Horatio/Yelina--Silent Thunder

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Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Hey, Katie! Of course not - it's great to see you over here. A warm welcome to the the H/Y love! :D

HoratioAndMe - that was a great summary I thought. No question about it, these two are frustrating. Their feelings are so obvious, but they were never able to cross the boundary, as it were (largely due to H's self-imposed burden of guilt over Ray). The scene in 'Blood Brothers' was the only real time they touched upon their feelings verbally, and even then, H was holding back and trying to back off. Look how he did a complete u-turn at the end of 'Hurricane Anthony' when he asks her if he can visit "later". The look on her face was just so "wtf?!". She was so taken aback. The way he says "Thank you" to her when she accepts is so profound. Reading between the lines, it's like he's thanking her for forgiving him for now going back on what he said before! Men! :rolleyes:

I so often wished that these two would confront their feelings for one another. Hopefully, they will one day. I think that might kind of answer MiamiDade's question from earlier. I think there is still every chance they may end up together, but not until the series draws to a close. I know I'm completely biased, but that would be such a nice way for it to end. That would finally give Horatio the happiness he deserves - and Yelina too for that matter. :)
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Thanks for the welcome Lucy.

The thing that kinda bothered me with this whole ship. And its probably why I didn't come to this thread sooner. But its just the way that Horatio would like lie to her face. And she just blow it off. I think it was in Hard Time in season 2 or something they were by a computer and yelina says something about do you wanna tell me what that was about with bob. or something like that. I can't really remember. It might have been season 3 though. I don't know its been awhile since I watched season 3. lol.

What kinda made me acgry with yelina was in money for nothing when she assumed that Madison was his and he wasn't.

No offense Yelina but Horatio has done nothing but try to protect since like....forever. And then your husband comes back from the dead and you welcome him with open arms? I'm sorry but what's wrong with you. lol.

Anyways the above is just my opinion.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

..What kinda made me acgry with yelina was in money for nothing when she assumed that Madison was his and he wasn't.

Since this thread is re-visiting this particular topic, in defence of the much maligned Yelina's actions in "Money for nothing", I would like to take the liberty of re-visiting 2 posts on this subject. First post was a response to Ducky aka Undercover Goose whilst second post was to Luce. Please note at the time of these posts Raymond being alive well was not even a consideration.

September 30th, 2004:

Nope. I haven't seen "Money for Nothing" as yet so I cannot comment on a personal note. As for "Big Brother", Yelina hears it as "Bob and Suzie knew Raymond", just as Horatio meant her to hear it. In that same conversation with Horatio, Yelina went on to ask if Bob had been with Raymond the night Raymond was killed. Yelina never mentions Suzie again in this episode.

It's peculiar how a person's past wrongs are viewed in a much more forgiving light when this person has passed away, especially if the person in question was a family member. It’s akin to not speaking ill of the dead. "Too complicated", remember? Simpler to speak ill of the living......aka Horatio.

IMO, all this time Yelina's under the impression that Horatio was finally admitting to wanting to develop a relationship with her so her anticipation level is high. Then when she's confronted with the shock of Madison's existence, her immediate thought is of anger and betrayal. Right feelings, wrong brother. I don't see how she could have immediately jumped to "Damn, this could be Raymond's child". It is Horatio and NOT Raymond that has been within her emotional and physical scope since "Simple Man" so it is Horatio that gets targeted and shot down.

Horatio doesn't help any with the martyrdom act but then again he was also probably taking very much to heart Suzie's words in "Big Brother" of "What are you going to tell Ray's wife?" Can you imagine what this would do to her, Horatio?"

Good point of Suzie's. You wonder how the heck Yelina coped with the burden of all this ongoing anguish of the nature of Raymond's undercover narc duties; Raymond becoming a Meth head himself; Raymond electing to completely stay away from his family; and finally, Raymond getting killed. Enduring all of this, while still working a tough demanding job and raising her son, pretty much without any outside help aside from Horatio. Add to this now the knowledge that Raymond cheated on her? She is in for a world of hurt when Horatio finally does tell her the truth.

October 03, 2004:

Yes, I think I can. Horatio has killer wounded-to-the-core-and-metaphoric bleeding-from-the-eyeballs expressions. <sigh> What a couple of blockheads! They really are painfully clueless about managing each other’s expectations.

From a female perspective, Yelina slamming Horatio in "Money for Nothing" is utterly understandable; to have not reacted in the way she did would have been false and untenable. Until "Hurricane Anthony (HA)" I was under the impression that after Horatio's pontifications to her in "Blood Brothers", H would be keeping a polite distance. But then in HA, Horatio beats the hell out of the equilibrium by THAT scene at the end of the episode. Yelina's expression of "what the hell?" when he asked to come over to take down the board up pretty much said it all. Obviously taking down the board up was an excuse but by making such heavy weather in the asking, Horatio was again sending out confused signals. And his “Thank you” to her at the end of that scene was also weird…....”thank you for letting me come over; thank you for not holding me to my ridiculous argument in “Blood Brothers” ?

So when Yelina is confronted with the shock of Suzie and Madison in "Money for Nothing", Horatio expects her to be blasé about it and roll with the situation?! I don't think so! Horatio's lucky Yelina didn't punch his lights out! I know I would have and then some! Horatio cannot have it both ways. The clock’s ticking and H needs to make some tough decisions. Unfortunately for Horatio, his redemption is going to cost just that bit more since the stakes have risen considerably with Stetler’s growing involvement with Yelina.


In view of the grossly shameful collective "Et tu Brutus" mantra of Miami's TPTB, this issue is now a moot point.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

I so glad I found this thread, I was beginning to think that I was the only one who thought Yelina and Horatio made a cool couple.

There doesn't seem to be very many fan fictions out there is there a web site devoted to them? or can anyone recomend a story?
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

o_O! Thanks for those info TallyHo! really cleared some fog there. I understand now that Yelina is angry at Horatio. I don't get however her involvement with Stetler. She actually love this guy?*speechless* And I am quite confused as to why she accepts Ray despite him being thought dead and long-gone.*sighs*I'll never get it.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

I so glad I found this thread, I was beginning to think that I was the only one who thought Yelina and Horatio made a cool couple.

There doesn't seem to be very many fan fictions out there is there a web site devoted to them? or can anyone recomend a story?

Hi and welcome umbrello! :) Very glad that you found this thread too. There are quite a few of us H/Y fans out there, we're just a little on the quiet side! ;)

As for H/Y Fan Fiction, there's little of it. I did read a couple of nice extracts awhile back, and I will see if I can find them later and post a link to them.

Yay, Tally! You are a sight for sore eyes. I can't tell you how very glad I am to see you again. :D

*pssst - Ducky, Auntie Tally visited!*
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Here is a nice place where there is some H & Y fanfic :D:
Horatio/Yelina fan-fiction

Now, here is an interesting pic. Horatio looking down at Sofia Milos' name :).

Re: Horatio and Yelina?

....I don't get however her involvement with Stetler. She actually love this guy?*speechless* ...

Again, I revisit a discussion some of us had about this issue. The following question was posed by annielaurie on September 04, 2004...

"In Blood Brothers Yelina mentions Stetler's sneer and says she would never date him. In "The Oath" we find out she is dating Stetler. The question is why Stetler? Did he just wear her down by constantly asking her? Is it because he asked her? Is she trying to light a fire under Horatio? Does she just want to annoy Horatio? Is she getting back at Horatio, because she thinks he is having an affair with Suzie?"

To which I replied...

"Rick Stetler, one of my favorite recurring characters. His addition to CSIM as a specific character driven plot device for the Horatio-Raymond and Horatio-Yelina story arcs is inspired writing.

Answering, “Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes” to your litany of queries after the “The question is, why Stetler?” would be the simple answer. It’s definitely multifactorial plus Stetler is the only non-Horatio male character the writers’ have purposefully introduced to be linked to Yelina.

Simple answers aside, the watershed in the Horatio-Yelina-Stetler triangulation stemmed from the outcome of that “truth or dare” scene Yelina had with Horatio in “Blood Brothers”.

In “Blood Brothers" Horatio did a complete 180 to what he had intimated to Yelina in the episode “Simple Man” when he visits Yelina at her home. In “Simple Man” Horatio took the first tentative steps of outwardly admitting to wanting to explore further his relationship with Yelina...

H: I’ve been thinking about Raymond
Y: I think about him everyday. <pause>. I don’t want to go there. Too complicated.
H: What if I were to say you wouldn’t have to go there alone...
Y: Do you understand what you’re saying?
H: I do.

For the rest of the Season 1 episodes there was accumulating evidence of this forward trend in their relationship. For those that have the Season 1 DVD, re-visit “Dispo Day” and switch to the commentary by Elizabeth Devine (writer/producer) and David Grossman (director). For the scene where Horatio and Yelina are conversing across the coffin, Elizabeth Devine says the following:

“The chemistry these characters have is really pronounced here. David Caruso is really subtle here but very effective. You can really tell that their feelings are strong for each other.”

Then in “Blood Brothers” Horatio told Yelina he couldn’t get past certain barriers blah, blah blah. This abrupt back stepping by Horatio appeared to set the tone for Season 2. The writers were changing tack and would not allow Horatio to act on feelings he had implied in Season 1. At least, not without a darn good reason.........enter plot device in the shape of one Rick Stetler.

Stetler knows precisely how to exploit the overt twin vulnerabilities in Horatio’s emotional armor i.e. the “Raymond’s a dirty cop” issue and Yelina. That verbal jousting between him and Horatio in “Blood Brothers” i.e the “do you think your sister-in-law is ready...” bit was a brilliant opening salvo by Stetler.

By the time we get “Money for Nothing” and “The Oath”, apparently Yelina's had enough of Horatio’s clam-like impersonation so when Stetler asked her out, she said “Yes”. It’s her immediate visceral response of “first you say you want to, then you say you don’t”, challenge to Horatio.

Yelina's now in the "we don't get fooled again" camp so to speak, so Horatio has his work cut out for him in Season 3 if he wants her back.


..and NO she really, really does not love the guy.
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

*hugs Tally and doesn't let go*

Was that reply time when I in a sneaky way suggested "I'd like to see Ray" and because of that I got my "deranged Miami seer" title :p

Good to see ya, Tally :D *hugs even more*
Re: Horatio and Yelina?

Heads up everybody. Voting has begun for the csifanficawards! You can find info here.

Be sure to vote for your favorite Miami fanfics! :D
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