Horatio/Yelina #9: If You Could Read My Mind....

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  • If You Could Read My Mind

    Votes: 25 41.7%
  • What Hurts The Most Was Being So Close

    Votes: 19 31.7%
  • My Love Is Only For You

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • In This Life I Was Loved By You

    Votes: 7 11.7%
  • Do I Have To Say The Words

    Votes: 7 11.7%

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I was very disappointed with the interaction between H/Y. To me there was no warmth like there had been in the past. Maybe I missed it. Got interrupted with a phone call. I know they didn't have much airtime together & that was a real big disappointment. I also don't remember seeing where H was happy to even see Yelina. To me H was more interested in the info Yelina was giving him than her. Maybe he was right in doing so but still.........Will she be in tonights ep? If so I sure hope there's more interaction between the two of them. I mean at one time you could tell how they felt about one another but now.............
That's what I was saying a little while back - I see in her face love for him, but I see nothing in his for her.

All in all, I thought this was a pretty good epi - vastly improved over what we've had the last couple of years. As everyone has mentioned, H in a lab coat! That was very reminescent of early years. The story seems tighter and better put together, if you know what I mean, and its good to see everyone working on the same case so there is interaction between all of them. I do agree with whomever talked about the scene with Kyle - didn't mean much or have anything to do with the story - just one more thing for H to feel bad about. tgtb have to make sure there are plenty of reasons for self pity!

I now find myself wondering (keep in mind I'm a glass-half-empty person) whether Y will be saying good-by at the end of tonight's epi. She is in love with a man who can't/won't/doesn't feel the same about her. Maybe she decides that she and RJ need a new start somewhere else. I'm thinking that if Sofia will be back with The Border next season, she won't have time for Miami. *sob*

What I would really like to see tonight is Y showing up in Rio and having H's back in a shootout. It would be almost like them working together again. Might even get a smile out of him!

At least we know how tgtb get him out of the legal ramificatiions of his actions in Rio - the cop lets him off with a good luck. An easy out as far as storytelling goes - no silly legal stuff that really (knowing Miami) wouldn't make any sense anyway.

And you are all right - he should have said 'thank you.' But he never does. He never said 'thank you' when she followed his wishes and got on that plane with Ray. He got a life of his own with them gone, and he never even said 'thank you'. I'll bet neither Ray nor RJ did either. Sad for her. Always sacrificing for those Caine boys, and never any gratitude from them.

And another thing. . . how come H talked about killing Riaz because Riaz killed Airasol, but he never mentioned that Riaz killed H's own bro?

Also, I agree that Y's appearance was far too short. Like to see more tonight, but am not expecting it.
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I'm pretty much mixed on this episode. On one hand, I really loved seeing them together...on the other hand, I just thought it was rushed. It was all business pretty much and he just took off without so much as a thank you, which some of you have mentioned already. I did like the fact that Yelina told him about what Julia asked her to do and she refused. Horatio almost looked a little surprised by that. I just hope All In has some more H/Y and longer scenes in it.

I still want to see Yelina and Julia interact. I wish they would have shown Julia asking her about H. I'd still like to see Julia go after Yelina and Horatio would have to save her.:)
Just watched the episode. Not only did H not say thanks or at least offer some kind of appreciation to Yelina. When explaining why he killed Riaz, he said "he murdered my wife." No mention of the fact that he also murdered his brother Raymond.

*sigh* Nothing further to add, except that I agree that it almost seems like an initial H/Y scene was missing from the episode, or maybe just a phone conversation. H seemed so cold - it was weird, even for this current 'blockhead' version of his former self.

EDIT: I just realized that drgnldy mentioned this too (re Raymond). ;)
^ Unbelievable. :rolleyes: Then again, maybe I'm not really surprised. Miami canon counts for nothing where these writers are concerned. Whoever said that H really doesn't deserve Yelina was so right. Riaz also had Ray Jnr working for him, didn't he? H was bothered at the time, but now, it's all about Marisol's memory and Kyle. Meh.

Thank goodness for E/C! At least that side of things warms the heart a little. Unless we get something tonight of course (H/Y related), but I very much doubt it. A nice surprise about now would be very welcome. :)
MD said:
^ Unbelievable. :rolleyes: Then again, maybe I'm not really surprised. Miami canon counts for nothing where these writers are concerned. Whoever said that H really doesn't deserve Yelina was so right. Riaz also had Ray Jnr working for him, didn't he? H was bothered at the time, but now, it's all about Marisol's memory and Kyle. Meh.

Thank goodness for E/C! At least that side of things warms the heart a little. Unless we get something tonight of course (H/Y related), but I very much doubt it. A nice surprise about now would be very welcome. :)

Exactly. One thing I don't really understand is why the writers go to all the trouble of hiring Sofia for this one scene. If we get more scenes tonight, I will retract that obviously! ;) It just seems such a waste, and fairly pointless really. If she's there, why not involve her more, especially in a two-parter? Okay, it's late and I'm getting all negative again!

Until tomorrow.....
Well I'm in panic mode. Our local CBS channel is broadcasting our local professional basketball game instead of Miami!!! Like everyone in town cares to watch the Spurs!!! Aauugh!!!! It begins in 1 minute, and I don't have access!!! Pray for me. . . .
dont worry drgnldy - u didnt miss anything except H in a lab coat again and the E/C scene in the end.. that's all.
*yawn* So no Yelina ?! Hehe why I`m not surprise. Good or bad I just don`t care.. *go to bed to sleep few more hours*
:brickwall: Well that just sucks. They build it up to be such an exciting 2-parter and there's no ending with H/Y at all. Y wasn't even in the epy. There was just so much potential in that storyline for H/Y and tptb just blew it!

What was the point of the whole short H/Y scene in 'Ambush? Why'd they bother to bring her back? Argh! :mad: I got a feeling that's the last we'll see of her this season. When are we ever gonna get some good H/Y stuff like in 'Burned'?

I understand H was back in the lab again in 'All In'. I reckon I'd enjoy the epy somewhat, seeing Super-H blow away the bad guys (much as I hate the Super-H thing I still love to see action-H kill off the bad guys, paradox.. I know!), and H in a lab coat but so much hype and no Y just makes me :scream:

We get the old labcoat H back but although it's real nice to see H back in the lab, it feels incomplete without Y.

Oh and Luce I did the feedback thing, it's the second time we're doing it right? Doesn't seem like they take into account what we feedback to them....
What was the point of the whole short H/Y scene in 'Ambush? Why'd they bother to bring her back? Argh! I got a feeling that's the last we'll see of her this season. When are we ever gonna get some good H/Y stuff like in 'Burned'?

Hey, hey no need to be so sad about this. ;) Maybe this way is better. Why we had to have such little H/Y scenes where she only play servant of H. Nope thanks. When they decide what exactly to do with this relationship, then I`ll watch Miami again.

Now I start to think that TGTB add in the cast list Yelina, Stetler and Valera only to drag in more big audience for this two epis. But what is the point to have such useless scenes I just don`t know. If they think that this way Miami is more cool, they are in a big big mistake.
Well..................I wasn't surprised their was no Yelina in tonights ep at all. I agree what was the point in having her on the show. Just for a total of what not even 10 min. TPTB have no brain whatsoever. Stupid,stupid,stupid. Just like Stetler. What was the point? They waste such good talent. I'm really surprised SM & DLS continue to come back. If it were me I'd probably tell them to quit wasting my time. LOL No closure whatsoever to these episodes. Okay, enough ranting. I'm off to never ever land lol
^ Hee maybe SM & DLS take good money and for ours surprise CSI Miami is with big rating in US.. so at some points I do understand why they agree to come back again. (more points for theirs career)

But the real question for me is why I keep wasting my time with this tv show. Out there in RL have more pleasant and interesting things to do. (like to watch this evening Arsenal vs Liverpool. Go Gerrard. ! :D)
Maybe we should contact Corey Miller or what is his name again?

Very disappointed Yelina doesn't appear. Indeed why hire her for one lousy scene when there was so much potential? Oh I know why. Whenever H needs to investigate something about someone they drag in Yelina! They never have to show how she found the info, just that she did. Smart thinking TPTB, frankly you're pissing a great deal of people off with it!
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