Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

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Indeed, we have four 'touching/intimate' moments so far:

- When Y takes H's bloodied hand in Body Count and wipes it
with a handkerchief. Wow, the chemistry here was simply amazing. You could really feel the tension between them. Time just seemed to stand still.

- Y kisses H on the cheek in Big Brother, to thank him for "finding out the truth about Ray" - a really beautiful moment.

- In Nothing To Lose (uncut version, which has now been shown in the US too, so it counts for me! ;)), H and Y are standing by Madison's bedside in hospital, and they hold hands whilst Y also links her arm through his arm. *sigh* It really is quite matrimonial. :D

- The hug at the end of '10-7', which is also preceded by Y touching H on the cheek. Aww. :(

Thank you writers for such moments! We need to see more of the same. There is so much potential here for sustained development, if only we could get some real quality injected back into the show.
I seriously need to find that uncut version of Nothing to Lose! We are at the end of Season 4 here in Belgium, I must say I laughed my ass off when Marisol died. They seriously didn't have any chemistry together, they were just so WRONG!
In Nothing To Lose (uncut version, which has now been shown in the US too, so it counts for me! )

really?! this 2006 y ?! wow this is great i didn`t know it. can someon say which month? thanks Lucy for this info, think that u just solved the problem :D *hugs*

In Spain, The public tv televised the version cut and uncut in AXN...

oooh boy, u just don`t know how much angry and mad i was from AXN Spain tv channel months ago :mad: i know that only AXN have show the full version of NTL and after big difficulty i have the epi from urs tv, but....agrrr this was again the cut version...

but now ooohhh now after in USA have been shown uncut version all my hopes are back *cross fingers*
It was shown in the US on the A&E channel a few months ago. I'm not certain which month, but I will ask Thumpy. She very kindly sent me some screencaps from that scene. I meant to share them with you before, but you have jogged my memory....

Y links her arm in his and their hands meet!



and finally....


awww, soo cute!
Thanks for posting the pics Lucy and thanks for making the caps Thumpy! :)

I wish I could see it eventually. :(

Nothing to Lose was a great episode. first Yelina was so angry, but Horatio convinced her to do the right things.
Horatio always knows what to say to her.
I also hope we'll see a hugging scene in Season 5. I check every day the spoilers, but I haven't found anything about Yelina's return yet. :rolleyes:
awww, soo cute!
Thanks for posting the pics Lucy and thanks for making the caps Thumpy!

same here ;) a lot hugs for my two fav Mod`s :D

and now worry inge, believe me if i find this epi u too will have it ( in 21-st century we still have post mail, right?! ) ;)

I check every day the spoilers, but I haven't found anything about Yelina's return yet.

i do this every morning with the same zero result...but there have one thing that make me smile and not lose all hopes -> to see more often Y names in some threads in CSI Miami forums ;) not only we here miss the 'old' H, peoples again are afraid that he can make something foolishly like marry Aerosol.
Apologies for the extreme late well wishes but congratulations on thread #5. Considering the past offerings of s4, who would have thunk it probable? :)

Thanks much for all those lovely pics everyone, especially those from NTL. The mind still boggles at the reason for cutting out those scenes from the main body of work when the episode first aired in the US. Thank goodness for us Lucy recorded this episode otherwise we would not have had these precious images at all. Good on ya, Luce. :D
Yay, Tally! :D Great avatar btw. ;)
Thank goodness for us Lucy recorded this episode otherwise we would not have had these precious images at all. Good on ya, Luce. :D
My pleasure. I'm so glad I was able to bring you these images last year. This scene still totally rocks my socks! Now it has aired in the US, Thumpy was able to take these clearer caps and Tally, take special notice of the URL linked cap. This is the one I tried very hard to get (where Y links her hand into H's arm), but couldn't because the frame just moves too quickly and my digital camera couldn't pick up the image. Also, pausing a VHS tape is never very effective at the best of times!

Pusher, inge, I really hope you too can get to see this scene finally! :)
all this comment over NTL 'holding hands' make me wonder did H hands are warm and comfortably to be tuch/hold ?! :devil: as i see Y is the one who try to make the fist move, even i to have see only screencaps from this moment it`s look a lot like spontaneous reaction - like she what to take away all his worrys and at the same thime she want to 'take a rest' for a little in his 'save' presence. correct me if i`m worng ;) and WTF make csi miami operator cut this cool&rocks moment ?! :confused: btw one more think about epi '10-7' yes, Y touching H on the cheek befor this 'heart breaking' hug and after this i have feeling that she take big breath and try to take H smell/ perfume to remember it till she was in Brazi far way from him...definetly as inge have say we need another one hug in S5 and the name of H aftershave ;)
i see Y is the one who try to make the fist move, even i to have see only screencaps from this moment it`s look a lot like spontaneous reaction
Interestingly, they both reach for each others' hands after Y links her hand in his arm (so she takes the slight initiative). We see that, and then the camera moves down to their hands about to clasp. It happens very quickly, but it was so naturally done. There was no sense of surprise - it was as if it was the most natural thing in the world for them to have done at this moment. :)

Re the '10-7' hug, I think Y probably was breathing in H's scent and savouring it. I bet it was lovely, and I would imagine his hands are warm and protective, yes! ;) :D
Wow, a lot of posts 2 days!
Thanx for the pics!!! so cute!
I hope they show it in Belgium too! I wanna see it.
In 10-7 When Y hugs H, he has to say: "You should go now."
If he didn't she would hug him for ever. I've seen it more than 10 times and I notice she doesn't want to go. It's like she feels obligated to go, it's the right thing to do but not at all the thing she wants to do!
How are they going to bring her back full time, that's the big question.

I thought so too ment_to_be, she didn't want to leave but she had no choice :( Why god why!!!
Hi just been on the Yelina thread and found this one I am a big fan of Horatio&Yelina.did not like it when she left for Brazil at the end of s3.Do hope they will bring her back as it will be so good for H as they were good together.

I will have to wait a long time to see that happen as here in the uk we are still on s4
^ Welcome! :)

In 10-7 she had no other chance.
Yelina is a mother first and her son needs his father. Ray jr. run to his father and he was very happy to see him. I also think that Yelina still loves Ray. We know (and it's not only in our imagination) that she also has deep feelings for Horatio, but Ray is her husband. :(
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