Horatio VS Grissom

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hey...it got to be grissom because you can't match grissom to horatio! cos horatio has no one-liners before the theme song comes on... :confused:
Grissom, because I feel he is more down to earth, talks to his collagues as friends, and just has more of a friendly nature.

Horatio, seems to be more "I'm the main character", and has a kinda smugness about him.

I do watch both shows, but Grissom kinda tops it.
I'm going to be a bit vulgar here, but only this way, will you understand.

Horatio is a badass motherf*cker.

Grissom is a pus*y.

Posted by iMat:
I'm going to be a bit vulgar here, but only this way, will you understand.

Horatio is a badass motherf*cker.

Grissom is a pus*y.


You said it! Only Horatio would blow your head off if you
look at him the wrong way. If his team was in danger,
Horatio would be catchin' bullets for everyone, and still
be standin'. Grissom would curl up into a ball and die. lol

P.S. Go iMat! iMat all the way! :D
You said it! Only Horatio would blow your head off if you
look at him the wrong way. If his team was in danger,
Horatio would be catchin' bullets for everyone, and still
be standin'. Grissom would curl up into a ball and die. lol

P.S. Go iMat! iMat all the way!

Frig thats awesome! lol! so true! :lol:
Posted by CanadianWinter:
You said it! Only Horatio would blow your head off if you
look at him the wrong way. If his team was in danger,
Horatio would be catchin' bullets for everyone, and still
be standin'. Grissom would curl up into a ball and die. lol

P.S. Go iMat! iMat all the way!

Frig thats awesome! lol! so true! :lol:

Yeah...... I like what iMat said too! That was awesome! :D

Grissom is such a wuss... Horatio is sooooo cool. I bet if Stetler, or Sackheim, or Seagar got in his CSI's faces, H would like, back them up agaist a wall or somethin', and
kick their ass....!!!! Yeah! Whoooohooooo go H!

Horatio is so cool. Grissom is really startin' to piss me
off.... *rox imitates Grissom is a girlish voice...*

"I'm Dr. Grissom, I'm a crime scene investigator, who is either afraid, or to good to carry a gun. I'm a scientist
who hasn't dated in 40 years, and I can't care about anyone
but myself, especially the victims, because my work is
just too important to be a human. I am a cold hearted
robot, who wouldn't give my life for anyone, like Horatio would. (lol
) Unless they were willing to give me good retirement
benefits..." lol

lol Along those lines. lol Seriously thought Horatio is
awesome, Grissom is such a wimp...lol
I like Grissom better. You don't have all this family stuff getting in the way and there are no people to be confused with. With Grissom's background you won't be wondering 'who's that?'
Posted by roxbury_7800:

You said it! Only Horatio would blow your head off if you
look at him the wrong way. If his team was in danger,
Horatio would be catchin' bullets for everyone, and still
be standin'. Grissom would curl up into a ball and die. lol

:D Hear hear! Horatio is a very selfless character (eg. not telling Yelena about Ray's kid) but Grissom is a bit too self orientated!

Plus Horatio has the best one liners
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