Horatio/Speed Slash Thread

Someone put a link about "which csi you would be" on CSI: MIAMI BOARD.

I did it. As some ques I have two answers, I did it twice...I've a little surprised about those two results: one is Horatio, the other is Speed...I am thinking do Horatio and Speed have something similar? (as I had never thought they would have kinda like...)
God I love Bev's writing... I'm listening Forever May Not Be Long Enough right now. She portrays them all so well!!
Posted by LantiscodI am thinking do Horatio and Speed have something similar? (as I had never thought they would have kinda like...)
Sometimes I think that they do have a lot in common. Horatio is less cynical than Speed, but they are both very serious and very professional when it comes to the lab. I think they both are very sensitive when it comes to the victims. It's just that Horatio usually shows it by going after criminals with all he has, and making the cases personal. But I think Speed shows it by getting depressed when evidence doesn't seem to be enough to bring down the criminals.

I'm sure there are some other similarities, but I'm drawing a blank right now.
Sometimes I think that they do have a lot in common. Horatio is less cynical than Speed, but they are both very serious and very professional when it comes to the lab. I think they both are very sensitive when it comes to the victims. It's just that Horatio usually shows it by going after criminals with all he has, and making the cases personal. But I think Speed shows it by getting depressed when evidence doesn't seem to be enough to bring down the criminals.

Well said!

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Maybe...H is old Speed, and Speed is young Horatio.. :D

man, this thread needs some updating! i only just joined, this is the perfect thread, and no one has updated in months!

it's terrible!

but i'll post some wee things anyhoo :)

aah!! right here i'd just like tot hank everyone in the world who has written a speed/horatio fanfic. THEY'RE ALL AMAZING.

*sits and waits till someone else updates this thing*
ladycaruso said:
Maybe...H is old Speed, and Speed is young Horatio..
Hey, you could be right! They could be like spirit twins or something! :)

Oh my goodness! It's true! Speed is totally a young Horatio! AH MAN! :lol:

They thanks for the pics Lost2MuchSpeed :D They're awesomely awesome!
ooo you updated hehe.

we should like round up everyone else i think. no idea hwo that would work but still!

i found this fab icon of H and Speed but damn photbucket just DIED. *dies*
This is an excellent thread... *headdesk* for not seeing it before.

Someone mentioned Bev's stories. She's not done (yay!) but there's a new section up.

So... if Speed was a young Horatio, and Horatio is an old Speed, what kind of relationship would that be, really? :D
ok...well that would make the relationship a WEEE bit odd...so..im gonna ignore it and go with "they're in love" woo!

have a picture :D
omg. photobucket is being evil and is under maintenance. *cries* you'll jsut have to make do witht he piccies i posted earlier
That's true. They're a much better pair in fanfiction, but I think the reason for that is because on the show:

1. They don't do slashy relationships.
2. Speed is dead.

I think that basically blows the Horatio/Speed slash out of the water in the show, but hey we can still dream right? :D