Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

You know, I keep warning Horatio that if he keeps that gun-ho-I'm-invincible attitude that one day karma was gonna come and bite him in the butt, I guess I was right! Considering that he's survived things as insane as a rocket launcher blowing up his hummer without even a scratch, I just knew one day would come and he would have to finally get taken down a peg.

As terrible as I feel Horatio being injured, I actually sorta cheered because it was about time! 9 years of Horatio surviving the most bizzare of attacks without even a strand of hair out of place, and FINALLY we get a true human moment of Horatio actually being hurt!!

I actually find that scene to be very powerful, Horatio has been sort of this superman figure on the show, so to see him actually bleeding and face down on the ground is definitely something very poignant.

As for David himself, I've always been in awe of David's acting abilities no matter how many times people may mock him, and I'm glad that CSI Miami is finally writing the material that is worthy of his talent! :)

I hope the show has a good follow-up for next season premiere!
Wow, finally someone who understands that the reason we wanted Horatio to get injured isn't because of DISLIKE toward the character, but because we want to make sure he isn't a superhero!! So refreshing. Thanks Bauer_almieda :) I totally agree with you.
I'm new to this site, and I've spent the last few days mostly reading and commenting a little with fanilowchick (who by the way gets a thumbs up from me not just because she's agreed with me on things-lol-but because she loves her some Barry) and I seriously don't understand why so many feel that H went a little off the rails this season. yeah, he was a little more brutal this season than in seasons past, true, but can anyone HONESTLY say that any of those d-bags didn't have it coming?
its not like he was picking on choirboys here. all of them were scum, all of them deserved to have their butts handed to them on a platter. so, H tried to drown the guy who was trying to drown our cute little Ryan. He terrorized the monster that was hunting immigrants for sport. he kicked the crap outta Memmo a few times...c'mon everybody! these were NOT nice, harmless little dudes here. they were some of the worst of the worst. to me, he was still H, and H is human. a lot of these guys were the prison break guys and he was angry as hell but he was still pretty calm and dignified given the various situations. and truthfully I so got OFF on seeing him dish out a little rough justice. kinda like I got a kick out of him telling that pederast a few seasons back that he was 'resisting arrest' as he calmly took off his watch, his badge, etc and prepared to give the perv a little 'tune-up'. one of the best closing scenes EVER. yeah, he was a bit rougher this season. I also enjoyed this season much more than I have the last few because I loved seeing him get a little of his mean on. I think that ultimately he was still true to himself. man. I just LOVE me some David. actually just a bit more than my fellow Scot Hugh Laurie and ladies, that is saying A LOT for this little lass from Aberdeen!:hugegrin:
I know a lot of fans complained about the "Mean H" in season 9, but I loved it. It's realistic and understandable. I don't think he crossed the line. Cops can't be expected to be angels 24/7 when they are faced with the worst scum of society.
Always nice to meet another Barry fan. Even better if they also love H! :)
Wow, finally someone who understands that the reason we wanted Horatio to get injured isn't because of DISLIKE toward the character, but because we want to make sure he isn't a superhero!! So refreshing. Thanks Bauer_almieda :) I totally agree with you.

So looking forward to seeing Season 9, especially after all you folks have said about it, and especially the final epi!
what can I say? we have great taste in men!
I agree with you, based on what I read so far there was a lot of angst about H's supposed new mean-streak and I just didn't see it. he was certainly a bit less tolerant of the wankers he was dealing with but he was still H and he was still compassionate and empathetic and patient with the ones who needed that. but yeah the extra pricklyness he showed this season was a major turn on. loved it.
what can I say? we have great taste in men!
I agree with you, based on what I read so far there was a lot of angst about H's supposed new mean-streak and I just didn't see it. he was certainly a bit less tolerant of the wankers he was dealing with but he was still H and he was still compassionate and empathetic and patient with the ones who needed that. but yeah the extra pricklyness he showed this season was a major turn on. loved it.

I agree - I didn't find him out of character at all. I DID find him jaded, worn out, close to breaking point - he's had a hard hard time and it was showing. IMO, anyway.
oh yeah, for sure. but do you blame him? I know I couldn't deal with that job day in and day out without becoming worn out and jaded myself. dealing with all that crime and all those scumbags all the time would make me seriously ready to kick somebodys head in...I don't know if H was ready to snap in the sense of losing touch with reality but something did have to give after the intensity of the season. and it did. he got shot and now he HAS to take a break. and maybe we will get to see more into his character and how he will work thru all of the pain and loss he has suffered and the stress of his job as well. as I've said before, I really hope the writers handle H's trauma and the ramifications of it in a way that is worthy of the show and this character that has such a huge fan base...the show deserves it. so do we.
I haven't seen any of season 9 yet, but from what I'm hearing about the last few episodes of the season, I am beginning to wonder if tptb have actually finally started taking some notice of what the fans have been saying for the last couple of years. :lol:

It would be interesting (maybe, in a weird anorak kinda way!) to see which writers wrote which episodes, and see what that says about different writers and storylines... maybe... :wtf:

I haven't seen any of season 9 yet, but from what I'm hearing about the last few episodes of the season, I am beginning to wonder if tptb have actually finally started taking some notice of what the fans have been saying for the last couple of years. :lol:

It would be interesting (maybe, in a weird anorak kinda way!) to see which writers wrote which episodes, and see what that says about different writers and storylines... maybe... :wtf:


It's funny, I thought much the same - which writers actually understand H... I might look at it sometime! (In an anorak kind of way!!)
I haven't seen any of season 9 yet, but from what I'm hearing about the last few episodes of the season, I am beginning to wonder if tptb have actually finally started taking some notice of what the fans have been saying for the last couple of years. :lol:

It would be interesting (maybe, in a weird anorak kinda way!) to see which writers wrote which episodes, and see what that says about different writers and storylines... maybe... :wtf:


It's funny, I thought much the same - which writers actually understand H... I might look at it sometime! (In an anorak kind of way!!)

Haha - wondered if anyone would get the "anorak" reference! Is that just a British thing, I wonder?
Love this thread. All you ladies are wonderful :)

We aim to please. ;)
Of course, everyone here at Talk CSI is wonderful or as I put it cool. IMO the uncool people are at places like IMDB bashing David and his character Horatio and other characters he played in movies or on tv.
I have to say way back before I got into Miami my mom had always watched it and Horatio drove me nuts. Maybe it was the one-liners I caught and then walked away. But when I got into Miami I started loving Horatio. I love him as a leader and how he is with his team. Especially when Speed died. :( Now that I see those one-liners I just love them and everything about Horatio and David himself!