Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

I'd forgotten he was in Hill Street Blues! I think I only ever saw him in one episode, and that was before I knew who he was. I don't remember the accent he used, though, so now you've got me curious - I'm gonna have to go online and watch it all to see (or hear)!
easy to google, was easy to find-he was smart and sassy mouth at a young age wasn't he? makes quite an impression
I just remembered another 2 early tv guest parts he did. One was a season 6 episode of CHiPs, the other was a season 2 episode of TJ Hooker. I had to go to IMDB to get the episode titles. The CHiPs episode was called "Hot Date". The TJ Hooker episode was called "Requiem For A Cop." In the CHiPs episode his character's name is Charlie. I don't remember anyone calling his character by name in that TJ Hooker episode. I could dig the DVD out and watch it but I'm pretty (98%) sure they don't. Yet IMDB list his character in that TJ Hooker episode as Ross Jennings. In that TJ Hooker episode he plays a red-haired arsonist who wears a red motorcycle helmet and drive a red motorcycle.
Wow! They are early appearances - I remember watching Chips when I was a kid, and I'm nearly as old as DC himself!!:eek:

And I remember NOT watching TJ Hooker because of William Shatner. What a fool I've been!:guffaw:
A liitle annoyed that Frank and Horatio weren't included in the last scene of our latest epi. Why won't they write a nice ending with the two of them already? Last one was in season 2, with just the two of them.
I don't remember anyone calling his character by name in that TJ Hooker episode. I could dig the DVD out and watch it but I'm pretty (98%) sure they don't. Yet IMDB list his character in that TJ Hooker episode as Ross Jennings. In that TJ Hooker episode he plays a red-haired arsonist who wears a red motorcycle helmet and drive a red motorcycle.

I dug the DVD out and watched it. At 9:09 in that TJ Hooker episode David's character's girlfriend calls him and calls him Russ. At 42:48 one of the bad guys his character is working with says "I want you to unload him, Jennings. NOW!" So...I was mistaken about no one calling him by name. He doesn't wear a red motorcycle helmet. If he does, I missed it. I could've swore he did.
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I'm watching the second season DVD of the Paper Chase. David Caruso plays a law student in one of the episodes. He looks so young, I didn't recognize him at all. I happened to catch his name as the credits rolled by. Then I had to go back and re-watch his scenes. He was really good in it.
hmm, too bad someone can't upload a youtube of it-that'd be funny to split screen b4/after, I think DC has improved with age but it's always cool to see how someone acted back in the day...
:guffaw::guffaw:Am I the only one who watched Vivian Caruso in CSI: Sarasota on Saturday? It was hilarious, earning SNL their highest ratings since the height of Tina Fey's pre-election Sarah Palin. Emmy worthy for Betty White.
:guffaw::guffaw:Am I the only one who watched Vivian Caruso in CSI: Sarasota on Saturday? It was hilarious, earning SNL their highest ratings since the height of Tina Fey's pre-election Sarah Palin. Emmy worthy for Betty White.

Dang! I meant to catch Betty White on SNL and was sick and forgot to set my DVR. I think she's wonderful!

I'll have to check YouTube and see if I can find some of the good stuff! ;)
DC also posted the video on his facebook page. I still haven't seen it yet.

Just read the interview on the home page and DC's performance in tonights epi is described as "gut wrenching". I'm wondering what is supposed to get under Horatio's skin so bad about the case. The promos don't show much at all.
DC also posted the video on his facebook page.

DC has his own facebook page? That anyone can look at? (OK, I'm really rubbish at all this technology stuff - I usually just sit and stare at my own facebook page (set up by my kids) and just wonder what the hell I'm supposed to do next... Yeah, definitely rubbish...!:rolleyes:)

But I managed to find the CSI:Sarasota bit on YouTube - funny!!
DC also posted the video on his facebook page.

DC has his own facebook page? That anyone can look at? (OK, I'm really rubbish at all this technology stuff - I usually just sit and stare at my own facebook page (set up by my kids) and just wonder what the hell I'm supposed to do next... Yeah, definitely rubbish...!:rolleyes:)

But I managed to find the CSI:Sarasota bit on YouTube - funny!!

Yep. David has

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/davidcaruso2

My Space: http://www.myspace.com/davidcaruso


Twitter: http://twitter.com/davidcaruso1

The man is into technology - big time!!
DC also posted the video on his facebook page.

DC has his own facebook page? That anyone can look at? (OK, I'm really rubbish at all this technology stuff - I usually just sit and stare at my own facebook page (set up by my kids) and just wonder what the hell I'm supposed to do next... Yeah, definitely rubbish...!:rolleyes:)

But I managed to find the CSI:Sarasota bit on YouTube - funny!!

Yep. David has

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/davidcaruso2

My Space: http://www.myspace.com/davidcaruso


Twitter: http://twitter.com/davidcaruso1

The man is into technology - big time!!

David's a smart man. He truly understands the future of technology & its impact on people's lives. I love how he tries to connect with his fans through media like facebook & twitter. I'm pretty impressed by the way he's investing himself into this... I'm sure its gonna pay off sometime soon in the future!