Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

I figure he lives in a nice neighborhood close to where he works. Depending on the traffic, I bet it only takes him 10-20 minutes, 30 minutes tops, to get to work. Wait. I just remembered something from season 4. I remember him telling Calleigh 10 years earlier when he was living and working in NY he was seriously injured while working on a case. If he's from NY and probably lived in an apartment in NY, then he probably wouldn't have a problem living in a nice apartment in Miami. Whether it's a house or an apartment Horatio lives in, I still bet it's close to where he works.
:guffaw: Maybe he has a cot somewhere in the lab and lives in the CSI building. :guffaw:
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Hello to everybody here,

I am Blue and I am usually on the NY thread but friend of mine asked me for help and I am sure you you guys here will have no problem with it.


Does anybody know which watch Horatio wears on this pic ? (S7) My friend loves it and would like to have the same ( if possible)
Thanks for your help!!!
Have a nice day!!
Unless I'm mistaken, the DC in this thread's title stands for David Caruso. So, I have a David Caruso question (and 2 follow up questions) I wanna ask...see if I can give this thread a little CPR.
How did you first become a fan of David Caruso? Was it like me, when you became a fan of CSI: Miami? Or were you a fan before CSI: Miami? Maybe going back to his days on NYPD Blue.
I became a David Caruso fan when I became a fan of CSI: Miami in September 2004.
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Unless I'm mistaken, the DC in this thread's title stands for David Caruso. So, I have David Caruso question (and 2 follow up questions) I wanna ask...see if I can give this thread a little CPR.
How did you first become a fan of David Caruso? Was it like me, when you became a fan of CSI: Miami? Or were you a fan before CSI: Miami? Maybe going back to his days on NYPD Blue.
I became a David Caruso fan when I became a fan of CSI: Miami in September 2004.

Never heard of him until CSI Miami. What sold me on him was the episode where he challenged the bully to take a whiff at him. Since then I never looked back
I was much too young to be watching nypd blue in its heyday. i think i saw proof of life before i saw Miami, now that i think about it. first epi i saw was when H married Marisol. he was my original hook cuz i thought he looked stunning in his wedding day suit. its still one of my favs. got caught up on the seasons while S5 was airing.
got into it from episode one but at the time my schedule in life was busy with a new baby so I only saw sporadically but now I've really enjoyed his work for the last 3 years especially-trying not to ever miss any episodes and renting NYPD Blue was kinda cool..
I know it sounds silly, but i've always been too embarassed to rent it just for David. Not much privacy in a house of six.
that's why I'm glad I watched it on my computer at night when kiddos where in bed..CSI Miami is one of few shows I can watch reruns of and not be bored...that's never happened with any other series and I think it's because of David Caruso's performances and his looks..
sorry that's what I meant-that I rented NYPD Blue and watched it on computer..as for CSI Miami wish I had the series or could rent it...so anybody else find themselves a fan of David's work outside of CSI Miami or started watching the show just because he was on it?
...so anybody else find themselves a fan of David's work outside of CSI Miami or started watching the show just because he was on it?

Oh yeah, that'd be me!:guffaw:

I got into CSI:Miami in about the third season. I was flipping channels one night feeling depressed, coping with two depressed teenagers, cos we'd just had to move house to a whole new place when none of us wanted to, and found the original CSI:CSI, then discovered Miami about a week later and loved it, just because of the divine DC! Depression gone (for me at least - the kids just discovered the local live music scene and they were fine!!)

And while we're all here making our confessions, I now have all the NYPD:Blue with him in it on DVD, plus about six of his movies (some better than others, I have to say), plus of course seasons 1-6 of Miami on DVD. And yeah, I watch them over and over and it never gets old (probably because I'm old enough and my memory bad enough to forget which episode's which and what happened when...:wtf:)

Unless I'm mistaken, the DC in this thread's title stands for David Caruso. So, I have a David Caruso question (and 2 follow up questions) I wanna ask...see if I can give this thread a little CPR.
How did you first become a fan of David Caruso? Was it like me, when you became a fan of CSI: Miami? Or were you a fan before CSI: Miami? Maybe going back to his days on NYPD Blue.
I became a David Caruso fan when I became a fan of CSI: Miami in September 2004.

Hi Carolyn333. Good question to jump start a discussion.

I first noticed David in the tv show "Hill Street Blues" as Tommy, the leader of an Irish gang. He was fantastic. The I saw "First Blood." I was drawn to the character he played, Mitch, because he seemed to be the only one with any humanity in that Sheriff's office.

From that point on I just kept an eye out for when David appeared in a film or tv show and if I could I would watch it. I wasn't a huge fan of NYPD Blue because, while I thought David did a fantastic job, I didn't like Dennis Franz' character at all (the character - I think Dennis Franz is an outstanding actor).

I didn't lose it like some when he moved on from NYPD Blue. Probably because it wasn't appointment tv for me. But I did know how important David was in that first year and was sad to see him make some bad choices. But more I felt horrible for him that he paid, what I believe, was an extremely high price for that decision. A lot of intolerant, judgmental people both inside and outside the business.

But I think he showed a great strength of character that he survived and learned from that whole mess.

I was thrilled when he got a new tv show, "Michael Hayes," and really disappointed when it didn't make it. When I heard that he was coming on board for the CSI spinoff I was really very happy for him and for an audience who, if they could look past all the judgmental garbage of the entertainment media and some viewers who can seem to ever move on, would really be in for a treat.

I'm so glad that CSI Miami put David back where he belongs. And to be honest, I'd love to see him move on to a project more worthy of him at this point. Not just him, but Jon, Eva and Rex (Eddie and Omar seems to be doing okay so far on CSI Miami! Better that those who were there before them - except for the two in the nomance.). They all deserve shows with better writers than CSI Miami has had in the last 4 years. Writers who realize there are more that two characters on the show. That there is a group of talented actors who are being wasted playing background support for the nomance.
I couldn't agree more. I notice that David doesn't appear in many interviews, and i can understand why. Years later and he's still treated like a punchline. The impressions are funny but i think he looks a little uncomfortable.
Just out of curiosity, has DC ever pulled an Irish accent? I think that'd be hilarious.
I couldn't agree more. I notice that David doesn't appear in many interviews, and i can understand why. Years later and he's still treated like a punchline. The impressions are funny but i think he looks a little uncomfortable.
Just out of curiosity, has DC ever pulled an Irish accent? I think that'd be hilarious.

My memory may be off, but didn't David do Tommy Mann in "Hill Street Blues" with a NY Irish accent?