Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

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Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

wow!!! *dies* those pics!!! :eek: that man is just too damn sexy for words!!! loved the pics!!!! *dies again* those pics just made my night!!!
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

great pics of DC how i would like that to come to my door :devil: oh well can only dream on :)

Punked Comp Kid is puringggg seen the pic she say,he looks like rebel :)
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

who wouldn't want that to come to their door!? i mean come on! something that sexy!?!? i know if that showed uip at my door i would die from the sexiness! then he could revive me :devil:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

I dream of him coming to my door like that nightly. (My poor husband. LOL)
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Need4Speed said:
who wouldn't want that to come to their door!? i mean come on! something that sexy!?!? i know if that showed uip at my door i would die from the sexiness! then he could revive me :devil:

Let the CPR begin, huh, Need4Speed? :lol: God, can you even imagine??? ***faints from sheer DC sexiness*** :devil:

TGIF Ladies :D ... here's one more DC in leather pic

That look ... sooooo HOT :eek: :devil:
***computer catches on fire from sexiness overload*** :rolleyes: :lol:

Enjoy :D :devil:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Ohgodohgodohgod... *spontaneously combusts*

Gah! My computer monitor's on fire! :devil: :D
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Loooove that one! :devil:

*runs to get cold shower*
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Dear Lord. That is making me melt. He is so fine it hurts.
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

haha!!! yes let the CPR begin seriously!! because after that pic i may need it!!! LOL!!! *Faints and let DC perform CPR*
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

mrsjrewing said:
Dear Lord. That is making me melt. He is so fine it hurts.

Yeah, he just really is, isn't he? It should be against the law for one man to have so much sexiness!!! :devil:

I don't think I have anymore leather pics... ***searches through loads of personal DC pics*** (maybe not a bad thing considering all the fainting and combusting going on out there :D)...Nope, no more. :( How 'bout we cool things down a bit with some B/W pics... :D

Damn...didn't work...even in B/W he's just too sexy for words... :devil::lol:

Happy Saturday!!! :D :devil:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

My little cousins are watching Scooby Doo on DVD and the bad guy is named Horatio. I heard the name and ran into the room. LOL I am so obsessed.
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

horatiosangel love the pic the way he is looking is so darn sexy,the leather one you posted last night was so cool had naughty thoughts :devil:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Ok. Im new to this thread...and this is probably a stupid question...whos DC?
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

David Caruso, the actor that plays Horatio Caine
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Oh...duh! Why couldnt I think of that...I was think DuCiane or something...god Im such a blonde!
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