Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

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Re: Horatio/DC # 13: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Nice job, Hunter. :D *whispers* you left the 'Missing:' out of the title though. ;)

Congrats on thread #13 everyone and here's hoping the glimpse we got of the old H in 'Burned' is a sign of things to come!
Re: Horatio/DC # 13: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

*drinks apple juice* New thread, Woot! Let us celebrate out wonderful redhead! A few things from the previous thread:

The choices that didn't make it, for next time we're stuck for ideas:

Horatio/DC #13: When Worlds Collide
Horatio/DC #13: Sexy With Sunnies
Horatio/DC #13: The Man and His Sunnies
Horatio/DC #13: Achieving Justice One Line at a Time
Horatio/DC #13: King of Miami
Horatio/DC #13: Pulling off the Suits-in-100-Degree-Weather Look
Horatio/DC #13: Ony Real Men Have Red Hair
Horatio/DC #13: Hotness in a Suit
Horatio/DC #13: King of One-Liners
Horatio/DC #13: So Cool He's Hot!
Horatio/DC #13: I Walk Alone
Horatio/DC #13: Looks like any other cop (except for the red hair)
Horatio/DC #13: Arch-Nemesis of Stetler
Horatio/DC #13: Get Your Daily Dosage Here!
Horatio/DC #13: Sorry, But We've Been Brainwashed
Horatio/DC #13: *puts on shades* ...CSI
Horatio/DC #13: The real one is missing, we just got a crappy replacement
Horatio/DC #13: Missing: One Red-Haired Lieutenant.. If found, please call Miami PD

And a few questions:
hahaguy said:
how old is horatio suppose to be

Lora said around 45 but if anyone could clarify...I think he mentioned in s1 or 2 that he was 45, so by now he would be around 50. I'll say 49, but I'm not sure.

I asked this question:
I have been thinking lately- I know it's late in the thread, but we can continue this in the next one if anyone answers: if you were to see DC in any genre of movie, with ANY plot and ANY character, what would you 'formulate' up for him and why?

Just to get the convo going. Now, onward with this party! Miami Style.
Re: Horatio/DC # 13: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Can i join the fun?
i am new to this tread, i'm Maryse...just wanted to say hi

i saw a guy at the gym today with the same sunglasses that H always wears....they look better on H
Re: Horatio/DC # 13: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

yay!!! new thread. Hey guys!! *waves* nice pics to start off a new thread, ilh214!!!!! wow!!! and i was surprised!! last night H's one liner was actually pretty good. "next, we catch the killer" for one small moment, the old H, the one we knew and loved shined through. but then just like that it was gone. at least they are making an effort to try to bring him back. even if it was a tiny effort.
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

HoratioStalker said:
Forgive my stupidity, but is, "Looks like any other cop (except for the red hair)" a quote from an episode???


Yeah it's from Season 3. I think Emma or something was her name.

Girl: You're a police officer aren't you?
Horatio: Yes, how did you know that.
Girl: You look like all the other ones.
Horatio: Except for the red hair.
Thank you so much for your answer! Now I know. :)

Second, love the pics to start off the thread - especially the third one with the shy smile.

Third - I would love to see DC in a comedy also. Not necessarily a romantic comedy, but a truly funny movie. Something along the lines of Wild Hogs or so. Perhaps they might want to remake the old Katherine Hepburn/ Cary Grant movie "Bringing Up Baby"?
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Yeah, new thread, must contribute, Drool time grab your bibbs :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Very nice. ;) Thanks for posting. But now you better go post it into a link before the Feds/Mods see. :D

Ooo Jennifer i did! I left out 'Missing'! :eek: Clumsy me. You Mods can fix that up right? *bats eyelashes* :D

Now we have a new thread! Yay! I'm really happy now. Kinda weird. Too bad, i really like the 'Achieving Justice One Line at a Time' name. :lol: Made me laugh. But the name of this thread is now a plea for help. You know...some person passing by in here from CBS...sees the thread name and then tells someone! YOU NEVER KNOW. :lol: We can only hope.
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

I added it in for you Lora, since you requested. :)

Also, the picture above is within specifications for the Miami forum (under 480 pixels) so it's perfectly fine. :D Also, a very nice picture as well! Thanks for posting it luvingmyHoratio. :)

Congrats on the new thread everyone!
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Thanks Geni. ;) Appreciate it. :D

SO, does anyone know Horatio Caine's age? The only thing i remember is him saying he was 45 in S1, so we can only guess....?
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Wow those pictures are sex-say..

Found a clip of DC in King of New York , I know you guys said it was cruel when he got gunned down but I laughed my *ss off :p

Oh Hunter that avatar is too good, cracks me up every time I see it :p
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Congrats on the new thread. :D The thread title might help our cause a little. I did think we saw a little of the old Horatio in Monday night's episode though, which was a promising sign. ;)

A little reminder of Season 1 Horatio....


Gloves - yay! :D
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

HAHA!!! OMG!!! Kit4na!! i love your icon!!!!! HAHA!! i just laughed hysterically when Eric said that!!! and he was all like "i wish i could have seen that!!!" it was so funny!!!!! and i was shcoked at H' one liner!!! it was actually good!!!! "next, we catch the killer" like i said before and i know you all will agree....for one small moment, the old H, the one we knew and loved shined through. but then just like that it was gone. at least they are making an effort to try to bring him back. even if it was a tiny effort.
Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

Every time Y is with him, we see old H.. Okay writers now you definately need to bring her back full time!

Thank you Need4Speed, I agree it was a great scene I couldn't stop laughing when he said that :D

I made a couple more icons regarding that epi, you should check it out @ fan art miami icons
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