I'd like Ecklie to stay on, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over the summer about it.

Or about the adorable ice cream loving kiddo.
Heartless, you are! :lol:
I believe her name was 'Katie'?
I'm not sure where to start.
I was bored the first 45 minutes and disappointed at the end.
Sara and Greg were given bit parts and seemed emotionally detached from the drama, while Nick was losing it. I thought Sara could have been a little more understanding of Nick, since she walked out not so long ago. GE did a great job showing his anger, but I just don't think there was enough build up for Nick to suddenly quit; and it seems like the current writers are forgetting a lot of Sara's history on the show, and as a Sara fan, it's frustrating.
I want to be, but I guess I'm not going to be a Finn fan; making out in the hallway

, and the whole history with DB seemed a big nothing compared with the season long hype. And I'm afraid it's not over, given her 'it's complicated' comment.
There were a lot of players in this one, and that pushed most of the characters I care about to the background. Most of the drama happened with people I don't know or don't care much about.
Ecklie was noble shielding Morgan and I do feel bad for DB; Nick is coming back (and I assume will have a big part in taking McKeen down in the premiere, again); and I'm sorry to say I don't really care enough about Finn and whatever mess she is getting herself into. And why do they seem to be targeting her anyway?
Not much for me to get excited about or talk about over the summer, I'm afraid. TBH, I liked last season's finale better; even tho it was Langston-centric, there was more team involvement and more things to discuss regarding each character's psychological fall-out.
I will say that Conor O'Farrell did a great job of portraying evil, better than he did in FW, and much better than the over-the-top performance by Bill Irwin. His scenes with Nick and DB were great.
I'm not sure how to grade this one; maybe a C for average. It wasn't bad, and it was suspenseful at the end, but definitely not enough Sara or Greg; and not enough about Nick's frustration. Too much other stuff; too many cliffhangers. I wish it had just been a two-hour finale so we could get it over with and start fresh next season.