"Holding You, I've Held Everything"--H/Y fic

Please, please ,please!!! keep writing , it's beautiful.
I can picture it perfectly , I can see them sitting gazing into eachothers eyes, knowing they feel the same!

so I beg you continue this story, 'cause you've got tallent!
Hummer, i just read your story and jeeze... You really know how to write H/Y fics! I think Horatio and Yelina are acting just like they would've if this had happened on screen. Though if we ever get that lucky, i'm gonna get be pretty surprised :p Great work, please update soon!
Do you think HUMMER will update, look at the date of the last entry June 21, 2006. I'm sooooo into this story, I will move sea and earth to look for HUMMER.
Sounds like a Task Force assigment to me :D

Hummer, if you read this, PLEASE update! This is so good!