Hodges & Wendy - Labrat Love #2, They "ARE" made for each other

Wooooow Ajbuckly, welcome back and you definitely know how to cheer me up! lol Jokes apart, I didn't even (want to) consider it might be a break-up kiss....Liz and Wally don't strike me as "sadists" towards the audience, especially after what they said in the Space Oddity commentary...But again...why kissing in the lab, risking of losing her credibility in front of her potential co-workers? Anyway...everything can happen!
Wooooow Ajbuckly, welcome back and you definitely know how to cheer me up! lol Jokes apart, I didn't even (want to) consider it might be a break-up kiss....Liz and Wally don't strike me as "sadists" towards the audience, especially after what they said in the Space Oddity commentary...But again...why kissing in the lab, risking of losing her credibility in front of her potential co-workers? Anyway...everything can happen!

Hi Riddick

Please foregive me...I come in peace:thumbsup:.
I am soo sorry but it was the first ting that came to mind when I saw the clip. BUT IT WOULD BE SUCH A WAST OF A GREAT STORYLINE. Do you think they heard me?

What effect as to storyline and storyline keept alive does the Cat/Vartann thing have on our fav. ship IYP?? You wrote earlier that it might rule out this ship? But could they have two ships on show? One committed and fun and one dramatic and ....

Back in the Griss/Sara and Cat/XXX or Warrick days they hinted at two ships
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But could they have two ships on show? One committed and fun and one dramatic and
I just don't know...Everybody's talking about Cath and "Tony"...I think it's a bit out of the blue, like something staged at the last moment...I'm quite sure this was a Carol Mendelssohn idea...As I already said, I sense this ship could provide Marg with a way out of the show.
Two ships between regulars are too much. Vartan is not a regular but still...

Back in the Griss/Sara and Cat/XXX or Warrick days they hinted at two ships
Unfortunately YoBling -sexy, hot, no-nosense, perfectly matched pair- never happened, I wish it did.
Cath and Keppler -who I'm still mourning, great character and great actor- were another awesome "what if", even if someone from TPTB -Mendelssohn again- suggested that Mike could have been gay...

Truth is, some viewers go just where TPTB want them to go...Like the ones who say that Hodges or the other labrats shouldn't have their own screen time bc they're not major characters, or that Hodges had the best scenes in season 9, while those scenes should have been given to the foreground characters...Like being fore- or back was decided by a divine force....Hello? Wallace Langham is a great actor, writers like writing for people who can act even if if their name is not the first on the list.
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Well I think all that person meant was that the Cath/Vartaan kiss has a chance of, you know, taking the center of the episode.

...I think it's a bit out of the blue, like something staged at the last moment...I'm quite sure this was a Carol Mendelssohn idea...As I already said, I sense this ship could provide Marg with a way out of the show.
WHAT. THE. FIDDLESCHTICKS?? Marg going to leave?? Am I reading that right?? Again. WHAT THE FIDDLESCHTICKS. And I thought this show was already losing too many characters.

But I doubt both kisses would happen in the same episode, I mean... it's kinda cramming too much in, isn't it? But anyway. It's going to be exciting. Let's all hope to death that the kiss wasn't a break-up kiss :lol:
Oh, BTW, what the heck must have happened to drive Wendy to break every possible rule in the lab? That intimacy where anyone passes by?? A previous fight maybe?

Maybe they not actually in the lab, but in garage, there always less people. Or if it "Field Mice" episode, it could be a lab, but not a CSI LV lab, but lab where they could training those students.

Maybe Hodges was in some kind of danger, and Wendy was worried about him, and just happy that everything turned out OK, and impulsively kissed him, and then immediately come to her senses about what she has just done.

She looked at him, as was afraid of his reaction...
Marg going to leave??
Please, breathe! Slowly...Better? Ok, I didn't want to frighten anyone, it was just an idea....When two regulars get together normally one or both are leaving the show soon...I'm still convinced that's why Grissom and Sara characters were allowed to get together in season six throughout season seven, because Jorjia was suppodes to leave the show...I'm not saying Marg will leave -and Vartan is not a regular, yet-...Only that if she wants to -seems she signed for season 11th by now- this could be a feasible way out...Writers always try to let as many doors open as they could in order to handle changes when needed...90% nothing actually happens or changes

Silverkat, yes, I don't think it's a "hey good morning darling" situation...She's afraid of something...a bit in angst...Or maybe just resoluted: "I made my step now you make yours"

Who knows?
Well from what I have heard....up to this point anyway, that Marg is indeed suppose to be with the show until the end of season 11, but you know there are never any guarantees. From what I understand, Billy Petersen had signed on for the complete ninth season, but plans changed due to him wanting to do a little stage work.

I don't think it's a "hey good morning darling" situation...
*snickers*...Now wouldn't that be funny if that was the sole reason behind it. I don't think I'd know what to do or say if that were the case. Though it would bring up a whole slue of completely different questions that would need answering.:lol:

I know there has been hinted of a little something going on between Cath and Vartann in a previous episode, but perhaps this supposed kiss between them is only to play part in this undercover bit in the upcoming episode. I like the pairing but I still think it's a little to forced in the viewers face, so quickly, but I could be wrong. With Hodges and Wendy, tptb had slowly developed their relationship since season 7, and it's kinda the next step for them to take...seeing the "oh Hodges messed up again. Stuck his own foot in his mouth with Wendy and is back to square one" is getting kinda old. You know, as the saying goes 'piss or get off the pot.' Now is the time to make or break the relationship and hopefully they'll choose "make." I just hope that for once, Hodges will accept things for the way they are and not turn away from her, shutting her out and continue to choose the lab over everything else.

As for the big moment??? I honestly doubt it would be in the upcoming episode. I'm gonna guess it'll be the 'Field Mice' episode. It would be more fitting.

anyway, I'm babbling so I'm gonna stop while I got the chance. :p
Now wouldn't that be funny if that was the sole reason behind it.
"The night was great, breakfast was great, , your Mum moving to New Zealand for keeps is great. I can't believe the sofa is going along with her. I love you!"

piss or get off the pot
Never heard this saying before! I'm learning so much about English by writing here LOL

Yes, it's definitely time for him to make a choice. She has showed a lot of patience and comprehension in all these years. I liked the ironic 'though serious attitude they've been showing towards each other since after Space Oddity. It's like they know time for high school is over. Now, please, act like adults. Funny, snarky, smart, but grown up.
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riddick said:
Please, breathe! Slowly...Better?
Sorry. Don't tell me that, for some reason that's hilarious to me. Telling me to breathe hardly helps when I turn purple from laughter, either. :guffaw:
Now, okay, but seriously, Warrick, Grissom, Sara [well at least she came back], and now Catherine? It's just... kind of ridiculous, you know?
riddick said:
DJRideout said:
riddick said:
I don't think it's a "hey good morning darling" situation...
*snickers*...Now wouldn't that be funny if that was the sole reason behind it. I don't think I'd know what to do or say if that were the case. Though it would bring up a whole slue of completely different questions that would need answering.:lol:
"The night was great, breakfast was great, , your Mum moving to New Zealand for keeps is great. I can't believe the sofa is going along with her. I love you!"
*more choking and snorting laughter*
I can only imagine what they were spending the night in the lab for... :guffaw: I'M NOT THINKING OF ANYTHING *coughcough*
Happy to make you laugh!

kind of ridiculous, you know?
I'm an X Files fan: when Duchovny left, Chris Carter tried to run the show without Mulder and practically without Scully. I loved Mulder's supposed replacement Doggett but I kinda fear 95% fans wouldn't agree with me.

I'm a Law&Order Criminal Intent fan. A Detective Goren fan. The show was created for him, about him, around him. Now, Dick Wolf is gonna try to run on the show without Vincent D'Onofrio and Kate Erbe.

I like Criminal Minds very much. When Mandy left....well, I've never been that fond of Gideon so I guess this example doesn't really fit. LOL

What I want to say is, producers almost always try to run shows on even without the actors that have made the history and the success of the show. I think it's legitimate from their viewpoint: declaring that a tv star is so important that without her/him the show is doomed gives actors a huge power...No sane producer would like that, even when it's true, ESPECIALLY when it's true

Anyway, I guess this digression doesn't actually concern this thread: CSI would easily run without Hodges and Wendy...Not for me -Wallace is the main reason why I still pay attention to the show- but for most viewers it is so: fans of background characters always play a different game LOL
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CSI would easily run without Hodges and Wendy
As hard as it is to admit, it is true. Because no matter what, they are still sorta like the B characters of the show. And it is a lot easier to replace the supporting cast then it is the main ones. The one thing they do have though, is a sense of fun about them...and it shows in every episode they share a scene.

Wallace is the main reason why I still pay attention to the show
I would definitely second that. Again, I'm sure the show could fully function without him there, but after 8 seasons of his character being woven into the fibers that make up the show, it would be really difficult to watch the show knowing he was not a part of it.

I mean, who would challenge Wendy to a battle of wits if not him? They have great chemistry together and seeing one without the other just wouldn't be right. But as of right know, it's safe to say we have nothing to worry about.

Sure television couples that get together after so long tend to foreshadow the end for either a series or one of the characters, but over the years there has also been success stories. LOL, not saying that H&W getting together will be the end of CSI, but it could very well be a success...and not a doomed relationship.

Anyway, I'm just gonna take it one episode at a time and hope for the best for these two. I think that is the only thing we can do.
Happy to make you laugh!

kind of ridiculous, you know?
I'm an X Files fan: when Duchovny left, Chris Carter tried to run the show without Mulder and practically without Scully. I loved Mulder's supposed replacement Doggett but I kinda fear 95% fans wouldn't agree with me.

I'm a Law&Order Criminal Intent fan. A Detective Goren fan. The show was created for him, about him, around him. Now, Dick Wolf is gonna try to run on the show without Vincent D'Onofrio and Kate Erbe.

I like Criminal Minds very much. When Mandy left....well, I've never been that fond of Gideon so I guess this example doesn't really fit. LOL

I just knew there was something about you....:p:lol::lol:

But I confess ME TOO. Jumping up and down. I actually think the show (X- factor) could have continue IF TPTB would have allowed ratings to match the begining of the show when people/viewers were new to show and characters. (It was a cult show for the few in the begining) and then things would have pick up.

As for the kiss:

-"You shouldn´t doubt this" - Wendy
No line - Hodges

THE END:lol::lol:

But I wish I was in tune with the writers and producers of the shows(all 3) because if something works on one. Are writers and producers proned/inclined to try it on other shows?

If the Danny/Lidsey storyline works on NY will they be inclined to try the same on LV? Or are they inclined to have completely different formats to the 3 shows ......where as one committed couple on one of the shows is enough and NO other committed couple will go canon? at the same time?
I just knew there was something about you...
So are you in the 5% who liked Doggett or in the 95% who hated him? I started watching the show from season 8, late at night while working on my graduation thesis, so I didn't have the feeling "Mulder has been there for 7 years! That's his place!" Guess this helped me be unbiased towards the brilliant Robert Patrick. Of course, I loved Mulder and Scully together when I managed to watch the rest of the seasons.

It's kinda interesting that a lot of X Files orphans eventually turned their attention to more or less the same bunch of tv series...

Anyway, back in topic: has someone taken a look at the last spoilers about

a male cast member leaving the show? If you did, can anyone please persuade me that it is not Wallace? The suspect the Hodges could be involved in the Doctor Jekill thing is crawling in my mind and I just don't knwo why....
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CSI would easily run without Hodges and Wendy...Not for me -Wallace is the main reason why I still pay attention to the show- but for most viewers it is so: fans of background characters always play a different game LOL
Owch... I love the lab rats! Possibly because I can relate to them the most. The geeks who like to play it safe and stay inside and run DNA. :guffaw:

Anyway, back in topic: has someone taken a look at the last spoilers about

a male cast member leaving the show? If you did, can anyone please persuade me that it is not Wallace? The suspect the Hodges could be involved in the Doctor Jekill thing is crawling in my mind and I just don't knwo why....

HOLY WHAT. *facepalm*

Well, possibly not Hodges. Probably not Hodges. How soon? Something tells me it's Nick experiencing burn out or something like that. but please. I don't want any of my lab rats dying on me. OMG WHAT IF... okay next spoiler.
OMG WHAT IF THAT KISS... was a goodbye kiss?? :scream::(:scream::scream::scream:

This is making my grammar and spelling fall apart.
I don't think it's David. What reason was to show us this kiss and all this cute little Wedges moments, only to remove David afterwards? Lab Rats never was dramatic, and even if remove one of them, than not like that.

I think it would be some of old actors - Doc Robbins or Brass.

Without David CSI wouldn't be the same. David - is epic character.:p There is no one like him in CSI world. And who will drive Wendy crazy if not him?:lol: