Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle

WRITE MORE! Do I need to get out the Pitchfork of Doom? LOL

Another fic, another chance to take out the PITCHFORK OF DOOM!!!
LOL! I love your icon Sara!
(and please leave the Pitchfork Of Doom at home...)

Next chapter

As Tracy sat on the curb, waiting for the cab she called to arrive, a guy approached her. She recognized him immediately, that was Tony, one of Susan’s closest friends. When he headed for her, she wanted to run, her legs didn’t. He sat next to her.
“Hey Trace, heard you had a little fallout with Susan.”
“Well, news travels fast.”
“Susan feels sorry for her behavior, and asked me to bring you back home.”
“I really appreciate the offer, but I rather go and wander through the city some more.”
“I really think you should come with me.” As he said that, he pulled a small black box out of his pocket. He pushed on a button and a knifeblade appeared.
“I’d hate to see someone hurt you.” He said as he carefully placed the back of the blade on the top of her leg.
“Never” Tracy shouted as she tried to grab the knife. Tony expected this to happen, and after a short struggle Tracy was on her back with Tony on top of her holding the knife on her throat.
“Let me go! I know who you are I’ll press charges!”
“That’s exactly what I’m going to stop you from doing…” Tony said as he pulled Tracy with him holding one of her wrists terribly tight. He dragged her to a van, put her in the back, locked the door and drove off.

When Sara woke up, she noticed someone held her hand. It was Greg, he was asleep with his head on the edge of her bed. His eyes were tear-stained. On the edge of her bed?. ‘I’m in a bed? Wait, this looks like the hospital! Why am I in a hospital with Greg, who had cried his eyes out, holding my hand?’ Being too tired to think about all this, she decided to remove her hand from Greg’s, and stroke his hair a little. ‘whatever it was, it was serious’ Sara liked Greg, he always was there when she needed him, and she was always there when he needed her.

“Sara! You’re awake! Thank god!”
Greg woke up.
“Why is that so weird?”
“Have a look around you, don’t you see the monitors? We thought you wouldn’t survive!”
That shocked her, she couldn’t remember a thing
“Survive what?”
“Don’t you remember? You were attacked today. Susan and her fanclub beat you up.”
Suddenly, it all came back to her, how she tried to hide, the fight, how she collapsed…
“It comes back… Oh Greg, how could this have happened?”
“I don’t know, but Susan is going to face the consequences”
“Greg, why did you hold my hand?”
Greg didn’t dare to respond, how do you explain to someone you stumbled across their darkest secret?
“So you know huh?”
“Yeah, I know.”
“are you mad?”
“No, I’m just glad you are still here.”
A small smile appeared on Sara’s face.
“At least there is someone who cares…”
“Sara, the last few hours I realized more than ever that we are two of a kind. If you are gone, I’m left here alone. I need you, if you would be gone, I don’t know what I would do to myself…”
It was silent for a long time.
“That was actually kinda sweet. It feels good to hear someone cares. You are right. It’s us against the world.”
“You up for another round?”
Sara smiled again, she didn’t smile often. Greg didn’t think smiling would be possible if you did what Sara tried to do…
Ok, hold your pitchfork with you! Here is the next chapter.
I still really like to get characters and reviews...

“Where are you taking me! Let me go! Let me go!”
Tracy shouted as she banged on the sides of the van.
“Shut up you stupid b*tch! Or I’ll hurt you even more than I’m already going to!”
It was not use, no one heard her. Tracy sat back down in the truck against the doors and tried to calm down. She wasn’t good at it though.
‘What am I going to do with the tape? He is going to search my clothes, I’m certain of that… If he finds it I can’t help Sara.’
While Tracy thought about that, she found a crack between the wooden floor and the metal outside of the van, it was small enough to not be spotted very easy, but large enough to fit a tape.
Susan quickly grabbed the tape from the recorder and put it in the space. Just in time, the van stopped and seconds later, the doors were opened by Tony who still held the knife.
“Make a wrong move and we will be done very quickly…”
Judging by the look in his eyes and the knife in his hands, Tracy knew he wasn’t kidding with her.

“Sara, do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t want to, but I think it’s the good thing to do…”
“When did you try for the first time?”
“About a month ago, during that night, I realized that my life isn’t a life, it’s hell! No one cared about me, not my father, he is dead, not my mother, she was in prison, not Lisa, she just wanted me to be pretty and act like a whore, not Tom, he…”
Sara broke down, she pulled up her knees and buried her face in them.
Greg went to sit next to her on the bed and put his arm around her shoulders.
“He what? What did he do to you?”
Sara tried, but couldn’t answer, it was too hard. Only after another five minutes, she said something understandable
“He, he likes to, touch me and, and have…”
“Ooh Sara, I’m so sorry” Greg said as he pulled her closer and she buried her face in his shoulder.
“I’m here to help you, don’t worry, I’m not going to let him hurt you any longer.”
After Sara cried and Greg tried to comfort her for another half hour, she was ready to talk again.
“You sure you want to do this, don’t you think you should get some sleep?”
“Greg, this hurts so much I don’t think I can take it another time.”
“As long as you realize I’m always there for you…”
“I do, and I appreciate it.”
“How did you try?”
“After I cried for over two hours, I filled the bath and took out a razorblade. When I sat in the bath, I thought about things for half an hour, eventually, I put the blade against my wrist and started, but just as I started to get close to the dangerous area, the door opened and Lisa entered. She spent over half an hour there, with her make-up and stories how I should make myself beautiful. She didn’t even notice that the water in the bath had a deep, redish glow…
She saved me from myself that day, but if I look back at it now, I don’t think I wanted to be saved.”
“Please, don’t say that, you are a beautiful super intelligent girl, you are supposed to be here. You don’t know how much pain you’d cause me if I needed to visit your funeral…”
“You don’t know what happened later that night! When Tom came back from his important meeting, he was drunk. And Lisa wasn’t at home…
He used me, he raped me, and put a knife to my throat that when I’d ever talk about it, he’d kill me personally…
He didn’t know that his offer seemed kinda attractive to me…”
hehe, me so happy you like it. My thoughts and things I write often display the way I feel, and now I feel, well...

Next chapter (I've done nothing today except writing and listening to music, lol)

Tracy didn’t resist, she didn’t try to run away. She knew that Tony would catch up with her and cause her to die in a very painful manner. How the hell did this all start? They were fifteen years old for god’s sake! They should be kissing in the bushes, now, they were nearly killing others, and trying to cover that up by forcing people to stay silent. Tracy was almost sure Greg could resist Robyn, so his faith would probably the same as hers. Being forced to shut up by people of their own age carrying knifes.
Why did this come this far? How did this come this far?
Tracy was afraid she might never get the chance to figure out the answer…
“Move!” Tracy didn’t know where she was, probably outside Vegas in the desert. Tony forced her to head towards a very small, abandoned looking, building. When she pushed open the door, there was just a staircase going down. She carefully started to descend it, Tony right behind her.
When they reached the ground, she saw a hallway, it looked more like a sewer though…
“Take the second door on your left.”
Sara carefully pushed the door open, the room behind it looked like the hallway. It contained an old bed and a small table with a silver case on top of it.

“Sara, why didn’t you tell this before? You know I would have listened.”
“Greg, I know I should have trusted you, it’s just that everyone who I should have been able to trust hurt me!”
“You are the only person I know who is remotely like me, I have no intentions to hurt you. I want to be there for you if you need help.”
“I know Greg, and I’ll be there for you, it’s just difficult to handle.”
“I’ll help you if you want me to.”
“One thing though, please, Greg, don’t become like me. This way of life seriously sucks…”
“It isn’t that bad to be you! You are a beautiful, intelligent girl, you just have some problems now, but eventually you’ll deal with them.”
“I hope so Greg, I certainly do… I don’t think I’m strong enough though…”
“You are, Sara, and I’ll help you whenever you want me to do so.”
“uh, thanks.”
Greg still had his arm around her shoulder, for the next twenty minutes, they just sat there, being glad that someone cared. Eventually, Greg broke the silence
“You know what the worst part is about my little speech?”
“No… What do you mean?”
“Sara, If you would kill yourself, I would lose my reason to live. I have no one. If you are gone, I’d …”
Greg didn’t finish that sentence, but they both knew what he meant and it wasn’t a healthy way of thinking.
Tracy didn’t resist, she didn’t try to run away. She knew that Tony would catch up with her and cause her to die in a very painful manner. How the hell did this all start? They were fifteen years old for god’s sake! They should be kissing in the bushes, now, they were nearly killing others, and trying to cover that up by forcing people to stay silent. Tracy was almost sure Greg could resist Robyn, so his faith would probably the same as hers. Being forced to shut up by people of their own age carrying knifes.
Why did this come this far? How did this come this far?
Tracy was afraid she might never get the chance to figure out the answer…
“Move!” Tracy didn’t know where she was, probably outside Vegas in the desert. Tony forced her to head towards a very small, abandoned looking, building. When she pushed open the door, there was just a staircase going down. She carefully started to descend it, Tony right behind her.
When they reached the ground, she saw a hallway, it looked more like a sewer though…
“Take the second door on your left.”
Sara carefully pushed the door open, the room behind it looked like the hallway. It contained an old bed and a small table with a silver case on top of it.

“Sara, why didn’t you tell this before? You know I would have listened.”
“Greg, I know I should have trusted you, it’s just that everyone who I should have been able to trust hurt me!”
“You are the only person I know who is remotely like me, I have no intentions to hurt you. I want to be there for you if you need help.”
“I know Greg, and I’ll be there for you, it’s just difficult to handle.”
“I’ll help you if you want me to.”
“One thing though, please, Greg, don’t become like me. This way of life seriously sucks…”
“It isn’t that bad to be you! You are a beautiful, intelligent girl, you just have some problems now, but eventually you’ll deal with them.”
“I hope so Greg, I certainly do… I don’t think I’m strong enough though…”
“You are, Sara, and I’ll help you whenever you want me to do so.”
“uh, thanks.”
Greg still had his arm around her shoulder, for the next twenty minutes, they just sat there, being glad that someone cared. Eventually, Greg broke the silence
“You know what the worst part is about my little speech?”
“No… What do you mean?”
“Sara, If you would kill yourself, I would lose my reason to live. I have no one. If you are gone, I’d …”
Greg didn’t finish that sentence, but they both knew what he meant and it wasn’t a healthy way of thinking.

Imaginary - Evanescence

I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming
Monsters calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops
As they’re falling tell a story

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me

Don’t say I’m out of touch
With this rampant chaos- your reality
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge
The nightmare I built my own world to escape

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me
This is so good!! Hah I love that song and I was just talking with my friend about how I suck at singing Evanesence songs because Amy Lee has an amazing voice and I can't sing as high or as low as her.
It's true, she has an amazing voice...
Next chapter:

“Go sit on the bed” Tracy obeyed, she needed to escape, or this experience might become very, permanent…
Tony put the knife and his keys on the table, next to the case. Then, in a split-second, his attention was focused on something different, his ringing phone. “now or never” Tracy jumped up from the bed and pushed Tony as hard as she could. He lost his balance and fell backwards. She grabbed the knife and the keys and ran out of the room as fast as she could. “You @@#$%@# #@@Q#!!” Tony shouted before getting up and starting to chase her. As Tracy reached the top of the stairs, she shut the door behind her, and put the strong knife through the door handle so it would not be opened easily. She then ran to the tuck, opened the door with the key, tried to start it for a few seconds and then finally sped off. Just in time, Tony had managed to get the knife out and escape from the building ready to chase her.
“You %$%#^##% I’ll kill you!”

“Greg, why didn’t you talk about this to me?”
“You had more than enough problems of your own. You didn’t need to hear my idiotic feelings.” The were both crying now, they had tried to fight it, but lost.
“Your feelings aren’t idiotic, you are important to me… You never spoke about your feelings, I thought you weren’t this… well, screwed up…”
“Well, now you know.”
“Do you have plans to… well, .. escape?”
“No, but I have been thinking about it a couple of weeks now. People who know me have told me I changed, I didn’t notice.”
“I noticed, I didn’t realize the full extent though…”
“When did you plan on… well, .. making it final?”
“Somewhere this week, I didn’t want to wait anymore. Yesterday, I forged a doctor’s prescription and bought a bottle of Valium, enough of it to escape... I planned on going to the park at night. Climb over the closed fence, go to the pond and take the pills while the sun came up. I love it when the sun rises.”
“I love that too.
Did you plan on leaving a note?”
“No one would be interested enough to read it.
I did write you a letter though.”
“Can I read it?”
Sara was silent for a couple of minutes, she thought about the effect the letter would have on Greg.

“If you really want to and you feel you are up to it. I do have to warn you, what’s inside isn’t pleasant.”
“I’ll keep it a safe place until I’m ready.”
“I trust you. Look in the bag next to my bed, it contains my books...” Greg stopped her before she could finish her sentence
“Sara, what did you just say?”
“I said I trust you. I do.”
Greg smiled and held her hand for the second time that night.
“I trust you too.”
“Find my diary and pull the envelope out. It contains everything.”
Greg did as he was told and pulled a big, red envelope out.

“They didn’t come did they…”
“Who didn’t come?”
“Lisa n Tom.”
“No they didn’t I called them over six hours ago.”

Suddenly, Sara’s phone rang. This was strange since it was in the middle of the night, and the only person who ever called her was sitting next to her.
“Could you give it to me?”
“of course.”

“Hello, it’s Tracy”
“how dare you call me!”
“Sara, please listen to me! I have something you need. I have at tape that contains Susan admitting that she assaulted you.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I am so sick of Susan and her manipulative ways. You don’t know how much she hurt me.”
“I understand”
“Where are you now? Is Greg near?”
“What do you need Greg to do?”
“I need to talk to him. It is extremely important.”
“I believe you.”

“Greg, Tracy wants to talk to you.”
“Uh, ok.”

Greg took the phone and spoke
“Greg! Susan had a meeting tonight in which she discussed how to get out of the assault. She knows you know it was her!”
“What did she say?”
“Robyn is going to try to talk you out of saying you are involved in her usual manner. If you say no to her…”
“We shouldn’t do this over the phone. Come to the hospital, when you are in the central hall, I’ll pick you up.”
“I try to get there as soon as possible.”