HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

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Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

That's a great picture Luce, thanks for posting it. :)

And yes, he really does need to undo that second button. :devil:
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Thanks Lucy & I totally agree about that second button. Wonder why he quit doing that? He looked so yummy with it unbuttoned. LOL............
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Thanks Shuriyucsi for the link to that pic. Went straight to my collection. I also added Lucy's season 5 pic also to the collection. Thank you all for sending me links to look up the screen caps and such.

As for Horatio keeping his shirt buttoned up too far. Oh well what are we to do? I say start a compaign to the wardrobe department about the button issue. "We, as fans of CSI: Miami believe the charactor Horatio Caine needs to be able to be more relaxed in his dress. Unbuttoning the second top button will enable the actor to breath easier when he has to perform his 'action' scenes." That does kinda sound believable right?

Okay...I will go back to working on my Horatio backstory.

Again thanks for filling out my request.

Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

wait... since when H undo his 2nd button? i hardly see him that way...
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Good choice of H pic Lucy I like it a lot !!!
don't you think Horatio likes to wear striped shirts in season 3 up to season 5 lol :p
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Yes, definitely! I don't think we've seen a plain shirt since Season 3. Not certain though. I would have to check - now that would be an enjoyable job! :D

You're welcome re the pic. I love his facial expression - he looks pleased to see someone with that sweet grin and twinkly eyes! :)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

hey rebecca...do u think that DC or H needs "unbuttoning the second top button will enable the actor to breath easier when he has to perform his 'action' scenes."?
I think that he's comfortable with the 2nd button buttoned up..coz if he thinks that's too much of a dorky style or doesn't look good on him, he would've earlier undo the 2nd button. But what would u think?
Wait guys... could u post a pic' of DC with only 2 buttons undone? And also... take a good look at DC coz...he really did put on WEIGHT!!!OMGosh!! He's TUMMY IS REALLY OBVIOUS!!!!take a look at Lucy's S5 promo pic' and there's a pic' from DConline.com. N i saw DC taking out his jacket and HIS TUMMY IS JUST SO FLABBY!!
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Well....................I guess we all gain weight at one time or another in our lives. :lol: DC still looks good to me. :lol: :D.........
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

He looks good to me too! :D Perfect bodies are everywhere on tv and in the movies and they do not reflect real life. I don't mind a bit of imperfection. H/DC still has so many appealing characteristics and features that they more than make up for it! ;)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

*flails* I don't even care if he's tubby, we all get wiser with age so why not add some flab? At least he's not a stick. :p

I was going through my photobucket today and I found some Hurricane Anthony pics, so I thought I'd share them with you lovely people this afternoon. :)


One of my favorite Horatio faces. :D


-Something I'd like to see in season five. :p

(If these pictures are too big, I apologize)

Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

For me its more than just good looks. Its the whole package I need that will attract me. I will admit that when I first saw CSI:M I did not watch it on a regular basis. I did NOT like David's charactor Horatio Caine. Oh my, how that has changed!. It took a while but he really grew on me and it happened rather quickly. I believe to really appreciate Horatio one needs to see how the charactor develops over the seasons. At least for me that is how I went. Discovering Horatio really helped me though a difficult period in my life. I admire this charactor because he is no way perfect but who he is in personality and ethics ect. is a person I would associate with and would want in my life as friend, co-worker, family, lover, or whatever other catagory we have as relationships. I would like someone like Horatio as a brother, friend but not as a lover/partner. I just can't see myself in that role with someone with Horatio's charactoristics. I think its because I see a lot of my own traits in him (Except for the fierce dedication to his job, at the expense of his personal life, type thing going on). It would never work and I reconize that. Where am I going with this? What I am trying to say is that gaining weight, having to wear glasses, getting older/wrinkles does not turn me off of someone I appreciate it would have to be if the personality changed drastically into someone I would not want in my life. I hope this makes some kind of sense.


Leholm, as for wanting Horatio to unbutton the second button well...it freakin' hot down there in Miami cuz of the humitidy so yea I guess I would want the talent to be comfortable and not pass out from being uncomfortable. (for when they film down in Miami anyway)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

You know it wasn't DC's looks that got me hooked either when I got hooked on the show. :D It was his character. :lol: The way he was with Adam ? in FF is what hooked me. The way he cares about kids. :) How he handles the situations. ;) I watched Sex& Taxes last night & could've cried with the way he handled the two young boys. :) He wasn't rough with them or anything. There at the end also when he was offering his help to get the boys through this difficult time. It was Horatio Caine that hooked me. :D DC's looks came later. :lol: Sorry!!!! Hope this all made sense. AHHH speed cochrane thanks for the pics. Awwww he's just so darn good looking for his own good. :) Forgot to tell ya I got me a CSIM t-shirt. Wasn't what I actually wanted(pic of DC on it or the whole crew) but, it has the outline of the state of Florida on the fron. Inside it has H's fave line "We Never Close", then on the back some of H's fave quotes.
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

:lol: I'm glad you liked the pictures katpin. :D

It's too bad they don't have CSI:Miami shirts that have a big ol' picture of Horatio on them. I'd probably buy hundreds of them and hang them up on my wall. :p
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Ebay had a few just never in my size or I wasn't crazy about the way they looked. LOL
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Thanks for the HA pics Geni! One of my favourite scenes ever. :D

As for liking Horatio's character, well, I did from the very beginning. Thing is though, I have been a fan of DC since his days on NYPD Blue, so I was already biased on the good looks front! ;)

The character of Horatio Caine won me over immediately in Cross Jurisdictions. I loved the air of mystery about him, his determination, his caring persona and his cool intensity. :cool:
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