HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

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Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Aw I feel loved. You thought of me Lucy :D :p Teehee. I've always loved that scene for some reason. Even if it was right at the beginning. It must be Horatio and his white dress shirt. *dies*

Great pics Pusher :D I loved Mia/NYC-Nonstop. :D ...And I'm going to ignore the fact that they used the House M.D theme right after that scene... :p ..Oh well they had it first.
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Thanks katpin. I really like the first one, but they're all very good. :D

I found one of my Horatio/Speed pictures!

Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Awesome pics everyone. I'm certainly one to want more white shirt H in s5. :devil:

Love that Speedy/H pic. Cute how they're both wearing vertical lined shirts.
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

i like last one katpin31791 ! black & white and frame, looks nice! :)
oh and Lucy , that is one H and Speed pic i never seen before! :D
got to stop be so lazy..i should made something too, but i am just talking and talking.. :rolleyes: guess thats why it calls 'Talk' CSI :lol:
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

:eek: Lucy you are my absolute hero! *hugs* OH GOSH that is a phenominal picture! :eek: :eek:
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

^ I'm glad you like it! :D Well, I never really doubted that for a moment, but I knew it was there somewhere. Just took a bit of searching! ;)
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

I really really really like the second 1, great thanks!!!
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

Very nice katpin - thanks! :) I must ask, as we have had to ask in other character threads too, that you post wallpapers over in the Fan Art Forum. Posting them here once in a while is fine, but we try to keep the character threads free of Fan Art where possible. You can always post a link to your Fan Art in this thread, just so those of us who don't visit the Fan Art Forum regularly are aware of your work. Many thanks. :)

A Friday pic - can anyone guess the episode? ;)

Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

this pic have to be from epi 'big brother' - when Y go to ask H did Ray killer is in CSI Miami building....

if i`m right what is my prize ? :lol:

good work katpin love ur art work :D
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

No problem katpin. :)

Pusher, you are correct! Your prize? *Thinks* You can have the next 2 days off work and the opportunity to see this again.....



For some Award winning Miami cookies, can anyone name this episode? :p
Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand

the first one pic was easily ;) H can`t look to no one like this way except Y - so puppy dog eyes expression hehe .. uppps wrong thread

ok got it love my prize next 2 days off work. if i recognize again the right epi will u talk with my boss to let me go off work more 2 day :lol:

Innocent?! not sure , but know 100% that this is HnM screencaps :p
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