Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

*revives the thread*

Sheesh! I had to go searching for this thread!

So, what's been happening in the land of Foursome-Love? Well, let's ask the boys themselves.

Mac: I was this close, damnit, thisclose! The pimp cane was within my grasp at last! *sobs*
Hawkes: *sexy scowl* Mac, if I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times--don't_mess_with_TEH PIMP CANE!
Flack: You know, Danny, I'm starting to wonder if you weren't trying to help Mac get the cane...
Danny: Er, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Hawkes: *disappointed face* Danny, is this true?
Danny: Fine! Ok, I'll admit it--I was trying to help Mac get the pimp cane.
Mac: *nods* He was.
Flack and Hawkes: Why?
Danny: *wicked look* I was going to take it from him.
Mac: What?!
Danny: Yeah, that's right--I wanted to try it out, just once...*sniff* I mean, you guys never let me be in charge...
*Flack and Hawkes exchange a look*
Hawkes: Oh, er...
Flack: Well, what we mean is...
Hawkes: You don't need the pimp cane, Danny...
Flack: Yeah, we'll, uh, we'll let you be in charge every once in a while...
Danny: Really?
Flack: Sure, Kinka-Poodle.
Hawkes: Yeah...but just once in a while of course.
Danny: Like right now?
Hawkes: Oh, well, maybe not right now--
*Danny's lip starts to tremble*
Flack: *punches Hawkes in the arm* Of course right now, Danny...if that's what you want. *is trying to keep the Kinka-Poodle happy*
Danny: Ok, let's go.
Mac: What?! Are you kidding me?!?! You don't just give in to me like that, and I'm your boss, damnit!
Flack: Yeah, well, you're not the Kinka-Poodle are you? *rolls eyes*
Danny: Well...I suppose you could come--just so long as you promise that I'm in charge.
Mac: *doesn't hesitate* Deal.
Hawkes: And you promise not to steal the pimp cane again?
Mac: Well, at least not tonight--beyond that, don't keep your hopes up.
Hawkes: *sighs* I didn't think that would work. But since Danny's in charge, I'll agree to let you join.
Danny: Flack, are you coming?
Flack: *glares at Mac* Oh yeah, I'm not letting Mac out of my sight...*whispering to Mac* Danny's mine, so don't you forget it--and don't think I won't shoot you.
Mac: *gulps* Don't worry, I won't.
*Danny leads the way to Mac's office*

Hot four-way smexing ensues. :devil:

Well, that was fun... ;) :lol:
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

OMG :lol: :lol: that's the most hilarious thing i ever read :lol: i always knew that Mac wanted to be a part of the "three muskeeters project" :lol: :devil:
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

Aww! That was so awsome Faylinn! :lol: I loved it! I love how Flack always made sure to keep Danny happy. :D
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

Heh heh, I'm glad you guys liked it. ;) I especially like that Flack threatened to shoot Mac. :devil:

Flack: *making serious face* Hey Mac, see this face?
Mac: Yeah...
Flack: If you ever see me make this face again, start running...fast.
Mac: *gulp* Got it.

Heh heh. :p Flack might look up to Mac when it comes to work, but when it comes to the Kinka-Poodle, he's totally in charge. :lol:
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

Flack might look up to Mac when it comes to work, but when it comes to the Kinka-Poodle, he's totally in charge.

Very true! Nobody messes with his Danny! :D
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

Faylinn said:
Hawkes: Oh, well, maybe not right now--
*Danny's lip starts to tremble*
Flack: *punches Hawkes in the arm* Of course right now, Danny...if that's what you want. *is trying to keep the Kinka-Poodle happy*
Danny: Ok, let's go.
Mac: What?! Are you kidding me?!?! You don't just give in to me like that, and I'm your boss, damnit!
Flack: Yeah, well, you're not the Kinka-Poodle are you? *rolls eyes*

^^ omg fay! i'm in stitches!!! flack punches hawkes and keeps danny happy :lol: how cute! this guy is sooo in love with his kinka-poodle! :D
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

:lol: afrikana that is my favorite part too and I had to laugh at that! Just too good. Sounds like Flack all right.
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

*huggles the boys* Man, I've missed this thread. Stupid university

:eek: So, Danny helped Mac in trying to grab teh pimp cane? Who would've thunk... Bad, bad Danny. :devil:
But also very cute Danny. He just wants to be in charge every now and then. Awww. *huggles Danny one last time*

Also kind of figures that Flack suspects Danny of treason, he knows the Kinka-poodle inside-out. Heh. Probably in more than one way... *coughs* Right, shutting up now.

The guys should really start selling videotapes from their sessions, they'd make a helluva lot of money that way. Definitely enough to buy one or two robospankers. *does the happy robospanker dance* :devil:

Heh. That episode was on tonight and I couldn't resist... I'll go stand in my corner of the gutter, now.
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

the return of our threesome thread! woohoo!

Also kind of figures that Flack suspects Danny of treason, he knows the Kinka-poodle inside-out. Heh. Probably in more than one way... *coughs* Right, shutting up now.
of cooourse he knows him inside out! :D :p kinka-poodle has no secrets for don...

and btw Bunny are you trying to convince us that you EVER left the gutter?! *suspicious eyes* :lol: :devil:
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

afrikana said:
the return of our threesome thread! woohoo!

and btw Bunny are you trying to convince us that you EVER left the gutter?! *suspicious eyes* :lol: :devil:

Did it work? :p
Well, sometimes I have to leave the gutter, but I'm always more than happy to go back into it. :devil:

Did we ever find out which one of our guys is in the middle of the man-sandwich? Odds are it's Danny but Hawkes would look nice in the middle, too. Or maybe they're taking turns...
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

I definitely see Danny in the middle. The Kinka-poodle would demand to be worshipped and loved by all involved! :lol: Danny's an [attention] whore like that. ;) :devil:
Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

*dusts the cobwebs off the musketeers*

I can't believe a whole week has passed since the lasts post. But (a whole lotta work)x(great weather) = no love for the boys. *sigh*

Anyway, what I came for is to say that over on the 'messerandflack' LJ, there has been a post for a threesome community. They've declared the week from July 16-22 (I think) Porn!Week. :devil: I haven't checked it out yet, but it sounds kinda promising...

Mac: "And what about me?"
Me: "What do you mean, what about you?"
Mac: "Well, if it's a threesome community, then they're won't be any porn written about me, right?"
Me: :rolleyes: "Get a grip, Taylor. First, you really need to get out more often and read more slash, there's plenty around with you in it. Secondly, you're not supposed to be here anyway, remember?"
Mac: "I'm not?"
Me: "Read the title, love. Three Musketeers. Not four. But we keep you anyway, cause you're hot when you're pissed off. Plus, the real Musketeers had D'Artagnan, so they were four, too. Kind of. Now, go and read some porn. And if you're still not satisfied, create you're own community."
Mac: "Bunny?"
Me: "Yes, Mac? What now?"
Mac: "Look, they've paired me up with Horatio in this one. And here it says we're - "
Me: "Whoa, hold on. TMI. Why don't you go to your lab and read all those stories there. Now, off you go."

Re: Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketee

:lol: Very funny caption Bunny! Thanks for reviving this thread for us. :D