Have you ever... ?


CSI Level One
I was talking about this game with one of my friends today and we were playing our own little version but without the drinking. I thought that it might be fun here too, of course without the drinking, unless anyone wants to take a shot of virtual vodka or whatever :p
I'll start and once someone has answered they have to come up with another 'have you ever' and answer it themselves. When you answer please don't answer with a 'yes' or 'no', give a little detail to make this a bit more interesting. And please answer truthfully! :D ...

Have you ever... stolen money from your parents?
Yes, apparently I have but I can't remember because I was about 5

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umm yes i have but i was like 10 and i stole like 3 dollars!

have you ever...snuck in to a movie?
tehehehe i like tryed once but yea it didnt work out!
No, and in fact, if my parents hadn't had them pierced when I was young, they probably wouldn't be done. When I was 7-8, I kept begging my parents to let me get a second hole, but now, not only to needles terrify me, I never wear earings.

Have you ever cheated on a test?
I have once, in the sixth grade (11 years old, for those who aren't in the US). It was a spelling test. Didn't get into trouble for it.
I have cheated on tests.. can't recall how many.. but only for the subjects in which I sucked.. :p Me and my friend always got away with working together.. like I'll write my question on my bag (which was in between us) and she'd scribble the answer neatly below.. I never understood that teachers never noticed that. Being a teacher now myself, I know all the tricks there are :) Because most of them were invented by me :lol: One time, when I was at College I took an exam home with me (I knew I wasn't going to pass, so studied that one at home and got like 90% on the resit heh),.I can't believe I actually dared to put it in my bag..

Have you ever..
Pretended you were ill so you didn't have to go somewhere or do something?

Pfff, I have when I was little.. my mum still thinks I had an ear-condition back then :rolleyes: When she's talking to friends it's like "Oh yes, Jayne had terrible earpain when she was younger" haha
yep, i told work i was ill so i could go to a job interview lol

Have you ever ...
daydreamed about someone else while you are snuggling/kissing your boyfiend/husband etc.

i did with my ex about my now husband
Well since no one seems to be admitting to doing the above, I will have to say 'no' - I've never even had a boyfriend! :(

Have you ever... had cyber sex?
Being completely truthful, I did once, but only once! And I found it really freaky, it was just plain awkward. Especially since I said above, I haven't had a boyfriend, so it wasn't an actual boyfriend I was doing it with - all very strange! :-S

So, anyone else?
Haha, I havn't...but I sat there and watched a friend...we were like 15 though.

Umm okay have you ever lied about your age to do something?
When I was 12 I lied to get into a movie and said I was 14...I didn't look 14 but I got away with it.
Lied about my age, no, I'm 36 but everyone says I look younger and when I was younger I looked older.

Have you ever been caught sneaking out or back in your house??

I did when I was in high school, I was crawling back in my window and my parents were sitting in my room, got grounded for about a 3 months for that one... :lol:
No, seeing as I have no social life (damn aspergers)

Have you ever been arrested and if so for what.

No for me.

Have you ever broken a bone playing sports?

Yup- playing kickball in gym at school. Broke both my leg and my left pinky finger (not at the same time). Also managed to sprain my wrist.
no...but i almost did doing a cartwheel in gymnastics lol

have you everstarted freaking out in an airport?

i did today cause my sisters finally got to victoria and so when i saw them i was bouncing around saying squee. people looked at me like i was nuts
Umm when I was picking up my bags at the airport the other day I did. I got mad cause I couldn't find my bag so I started jumping up and down until I saw it.

Have you ever made a huge scene in a public place?

Haha, my friend and I did in May. I ran out of La Senza crying because I saw a bathrobe :p...long story, but I hugged my friend in the middle of the mall and we were both crying and people were standing in a circle laughing at us.
yes, my mom made me go shopping with her in la vie un rose and i ran out of it yelling the old sales person is modeling the lungerai...i hate laungerai. eww laungerai...

have you ever shoved one type of thing in your mouth untill you couldn't bear it?

haha, i ate a whole pack of extra spicy hot tamalies with out knowing they were extra spicy.
I have.. port.. but it was more because I drank too much of it.. :p I can't even stand the smell now, it just reminds me of what happened afterwards.. ewww..

Have you ever gone on a blinddate?

I haven't really. Didn't know her irl, but we swapped pics and saw each other by webcam and then just met up. My friend has though.. and told me about it, and I was like: "omg he's so cute" (she's 34 and he's 40) and she was like: "eh? where is he then?" :lol: I'd spotted him before I had!