Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology class?]



Well have you??

I did and I actually thought it was pretty interesting!! Yes the frog was a bit cold and freaky, but it was fascinating to see exactly what was inside it and where it all belonged and hear about anatomy and stuff like that.

But at the same time, we were all saying to each other that we really had to do this, and I think that really helped in making me go through with it... I'm not sure I'd do it now!!! And there were a lot of girls in the class who got totally sick at the thought of having to do something like that.

It's still a good way to prepare yourself for forensics though. If you can't stand the sight of a frog, you probably REALLY REALLY shouldn't go into forensics, LOL! But if you can, it's a good test to see if you find it interesting, and if you want to go through with it.

Any other dissection stories?
we dissected a fish once in highschool. we were put into groups of 4 and each group got one fish. it was fun, i loved holding that little scalpel in my hand... :D
we had some difficulties with the takeing out of the organs but i just loved that wet, silky texture of them...anyways, after we had finished we carved (or as we called it "tattooed") the namer Miro (that was the fishes nickname) into his flesh...he was dead anyways so why not.

anyways, i loved biology! we did a lot of experiments and practical work. i have to thank my bio-teacher ´cause without her i still wouldn´t know my blood-group!
ou, the memories...*smells like formaldehyde*
At my highschool, we don't have a biology class but we have occasionaly cut up brains. I've politly excused myself from doing that, though.
The only things we dissected in biology class were a pigs heart and lungs and some sheeps eyeballs. I thought them classes were really interesting. every other girl in my class wouldn't dare do it! i think i was the only girl that got into it lol. I think everyone was scared of me because i went a bit mad with the scalpel lol. I broke 2 of them :confused: my teacher was not impressed :D
Well, we started with eyeballs of cows, then pigs.
And at the end we dissected a rat.
It was a group work, I think we were 3 or 4 kids with one rat.
It was very interesting :cool:
i forgot to say: did anyone notice how when you take a fish-eye and let it dry out, it becomes pearl-like? that´s so cool, try it!
I wish I hadn't eaten lunch before reading this thread. I once disected a frog many years ago, but don't remember which grade. Now, I think I will stick to disecting deep-fried fish, chicken, and other animal pieces before chewing.
I had to dissect a worm, starfish, abnormally large grasshopper and a frog...it was gross yup and everything smelt like vinegar
and it always seemed we cut them up before lunch yay...
I have dissected a frog in my 7th grade science class (can't really call it biology since it had some other not-biology subjects in it).
I thought it was tons of fun.
It was great though because everyone else got sprayed with the preserving liquid stuff, but my partner and I didn't. So we laughed at everyone else.

I thought the frog's organs were quite interesting and...different :p
Still, it was teh fun

I hope I get to dissect more animals in AP Bio next year!!
Mmm Ive only dissected a pig's eye before. But Ive watched one where a teacher completely ripped out a rat's intestine.. Theres just no honour for dead animals these days. :rolleyes:
I dissected a Fish, a fetal pig, a shark, a mud puppy kinda lizard, a sheep's heart and a lamprey (kind of eel like thing). Each one was really cool. The shark was my favorite.
On a side note, even though I didn't do the dissecting, I saw a post autopsy body on a trip for school, it was crazy and really interesting, and no where near as gross as CSI bodies are.
Let's see...
1. A flower in Grd.8 (don't worry, it gets better)
2. A cow's eyeball in Gr.11 Physics (but I was in Gr.10)
That one was fun, 'cause of all the jelly inside, and the retina is like my fav. body part, 'cause it's all shimmery! I took it to french class and grossed out my teacher! :D
3. Earthworm...Gr.11 Bio(ok, so that's boring, but me and my friend did the best on it in like the whole class)
4. MY FAVORITE!! A rat!! :D It was wierd, 'cause they dyed the fur yellow for some reason, and there was blue stuff in it from when they killed it. But it was the greatest. I got a little carried away, and when we were done I tried to get the brain out, but ended up totally crushing the skull (and the brains were mashed). Lol...I just remember my teacher coming over and going, "WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!! What are you DOING!!???" lol...that was fun. And everyone was scared of me for the rest of the day :lol: