Happy May Day!


Master of the Moos
So, tomorrow 1st May is May Day so

Happy May Day everyone! (who celebrates it)

*throws some balloons and serpentine in the air*
Yay! May Day! Well, not so 'yay' if you live in Oxford like me, and you have about 5000 people descend on Magdalen Bridge each year to celebrate (this is like the 'entrance' to the heart of the city).

Unfortunately, these people include crazy students who insist on jumping off the bridge into the river as part of the May Day tradition here. *shudders* Then they break their ankles and get other injuries...then complain about it :rolleyes: They don't think how they are burdening the National Health Service when they are taken to hospital to get treatment.

Thank heavens they are barricading the bridge off this year at both ends...though no doubt some idiots will find some other way of getting onto it :p

Happy May Day everyone! :)
Oh yes, May Day is just so much drinking and since, like here this year, weather seems to be awesome... who knows what will happen :lol:

It's biggest party for students also, esp those who have graduated from Upper Secondary School (so not just "reds" thing, worker's day) and I think I need to get my cap ready for tonite :eek:
Happy May Day everyone. :D Seems ages ago when I used to dance around the maypole to celebrate. :rolleyes:
Happy May Day everybody. :) I won't be jumping off any bridge to celebrate... but I bet it's wayyy better than studying! :lol: To all who celebrate it and also to those who don't, have a great day! :D
Woo hoo! I was so happy to see a thread about this! Thanks, Ducky! Happy Beltaine everyone! *drinks wine and dances around a maypole*
Mmmmm,May 1 here means official holiday (well,it's an international official holiday) and labor unions demonstrations,nothing to do with fun.
happy 1st may to everyone. :)
here in Austria the 1st of may is a offical holiday. we celebrate Labor Day. the labor unions celebrate with the people. every village has a maypole.