Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!!! Unfortunetly I didn't get what I wanted, which was the biggest chocolate bunny my mom could find, instead she bought me a bag of fun size Take 5 candy bars.
Happy Easter everyone :)

When we were little my mom would decorate hard boiled eggs with food colouring. She would then hide them in the house on Saturday night for us to find on Sunday morning. I don't recall us getting a lot of chocolates we just had hard boiled eggs for several days :lol:
Happy Easter to you all!

I really wanna go and hunt some eggs, but I won't get to. We never really got a lot of candy at my house, because my mom doesn't want my sister to eat it (she has migrane headaches) and I don't like chocolate.
Yes I shall add to this thread by passing on my wishes for a Happy and Enjoyable Easter.....to all who celebrate! I have a huge bag of Cabury mini-eggs that has been starring me down the passed three days next to my computer.......well, I lost that battle....lol!

Mmmmmmm :lol:
Happy Easter to all! I look forward to eating some tuna salad, no one eats the eggs afterwards here, so we make deviled eggs and tuna salad, yum!
Well here in Belgium we also do not know/do the dressup as a witch thing. Or give candy to kids. It's just the celebration of the return of Jesus. And Easter is the end of a period of fasting and penitence which begins on Ash Wednesday. And as far as the eggs go, it is said that they're being delivered the night before Easter by the Easterbunny & the clocks of Rome.

And if you come across some of your friends you don't really go & wish them a happy easter because it ain't all that important here. I bet 90% only knows the eggs part of it ..

But i'll break my be tradition for ya guys and wish you all a very happy Easter with a lot of chocolate eggs ;)

(I've been eating those eggs for a week now *hihi*)
CalleighWolfe said:
It's not like Halloween, not here at least, we don't ask for candies or chocolates, chocolate isn't part of the tradition here. And we don't wear costumes.

It's a tradition here in Nordic countries, and I think even more just in FInland and Sweden. Tho Swedes do they round on Thursday (I mean like yesterday).

Me and mom have a plan, tomorrow since stores are open..we go somewhere for the day and because the no one home, no candy for kids and when we come home, we can eat it all :D DOh, we bought MilkyWay chocolatebars. Those are like... the best - ever!

As for traditional foods. Lamb, which I hate in any circumstances. Then there is pasha that isn't common here where I live, because it comes from Russia and is more an orthodox food (comes from Russian word pesah, which means 'easter') but what I've eaten... damn it's soooo good :eek:
Mämmi is more like the traditional food in here.

Here 'no-work' (aka no place open either) are Friday, Sunday and Monday.
CalleighWolfe said:
It's not like Halloween, not here at least, we don't ask for candies or chocolates, chocolate isn't part of the tradition here. And we don't wear costumes.

It's a Catholic tradition, so people go to churches and pay God the promises they made in the past. One of the traditions is to visit 7 churches the same day, or use incense, and we can't eat meat on Friday, most of people eat different kinds of fish (I don't like fish, so I'll have to eat chicken).

Nowadays people have lost the traditions so they only go on vacations, if you try to travel to anywhere these days you won't find a single ticket on a plane or a bus. We have like 10 free days, from last Friday or Saturday until next Sunday or Monday, but that's mostly at schools and universities, people have to work until Wednesday (yesterday) and then they have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday free. I don't have to work on Saturday and I haven't had classes during the whole week. I'm in Venezuela (South America) btw :p

we cant eat red meat on good friday.

no easter starts friday and ends monday
Easter week (at least here) starts on Palm Sunday (which was last Sunday) and lasts until next Monday. Whole week is Easter Week, but erm...the important days are now.
^^ Exactly!!!

Some places here "start" Easter on Friday and they call it "Council Friday" (I don't know the name in English, that's only a translation from spanish :)), but that's mostly at schools. At work, as I said before, people have to go until Wednesday :D.

Oh and we don't have Easter eggs either, and here we call it "Semana Santa" or "Holy Week" :)
Easter Week or Holy Week as some people call it starts on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. We were brought up Anglican and it was never a big deal for us in our house. We would go to church on Sundays but we didn't go to the Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services. Here in Ontario businesses are closed Friday and Sunday. Schools are closed on Friday and I have a feeling they are closed on Monday as well. Having no children I don't pay attention to most of the school closures
Happy Easter to everybody!

I had no idea about the candy and the kids in another countries. Here, we don't have any of that. All the week (since las sunday and until this sunday) is the Holy Week.

Here in Spain there are groups of people that waits all the year for this week, mostly in Andalucia, south spain, where i live.

Here all this week you have something we call "procesiones", that basicaly are the sacred images from the churchs on top of some thing called "tronos" (those things are really heavy, they are from iron, gold and silver with elaborated designs to cover the statue). Here thousand of people take the tronos to the street and spent hours taking it around the strees of the city.

It's really beautiful to see.
CalleighWolfe said:
^^ Exactly!!!

Some places here "start" Easter on Friday and they call it "Council Friday" (I don't know the name in English, that's only a translation from spanish :)), but that's mostly at schools. At work, as I said before, people have to go until Wednesday :D.

Oh and we don't have Easter eggs either, and here we call it "Semana Santa" or "Holy Week" :)

Here in the Netherlands we have holy friday (today) then just a saturday and then 1st easter day(sunday) and 2nd easter day (monday). But only the twoo easter days are the ones that are official days...