Happy Easter!


Master of the Moos
Just wanted to wish Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it!

I bought lots of chocolate today..and some candy for the kids..erm...witches that will stop by on Saturday.
DaWacko said:
I bought lots of chocolate today..and some candy for the kids..erm...witches that will stop by on Saturday.

Indeed, happy Easter everyone. Is this a similar idea to Halloween Ducky? Where you give out candy to children? I remember reading something about it recently, but I can't remember what it said... :)

It's great because we get two bank holidays, so tomorrow and Monday are statutory holidays! *yay, no work for 4 days*. :D I still need to go and buy some easter eggs for the family, ooh and I might buy some hot cross buns, they are my favourites. I always leave it really late...
Now that you bring it up, I don't know the whole idea behind Easter either, actually.. so wrong.

Happy Easter everyone! I know I like the days off from school :D *steels some of Ducky's chocolate*
I do know what they remember at Easter, but giving candy to kids? I must've missed that. I don't celebrate it anyway, but to anyone who does: happy easter!

*snags some chocolate from Lizzy and runs* :p
Elsie said:
DaWacko said:
I bought lots of chocolate today..and some candy for the kids..erm...witches that will stop by on Saturday.

Indeed, happy Easter everyone. Is this a similar idea to Halloween Ducky? Where you give out candy to children? I remember reading something about it recently, but I can't remember what it said... :)

Yeah something similar. It's a Christian tradition, evil spirits wandering on that Saturday (erm, because Jesus was dead) so kids dress up as witches (well there can be something else sometimes, but usually witches) and come to houses with cards or other stuff and say this poem, which kind of replaces Halloween's "trick or treat"

Also in my area there's bonfires on Saturday evening.

In east, where orthodox church has bigger influence, these witches (or we call them 'trulli') go to houses already a Sunday before Easter (which means last Sunday)

I know many of the articles say that on Sunday but it's mostly in north and east. Here in west coast it's this Saturday.

Found a pic of witches

here's an article about Finnish traditions

I must say that one dish (mämmi) looks like shit... but it's good actually :D
Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!

Good luck with those witches Ducky. ;)

A very Happy Easter to everyone :D *passes around chocolate* don't think I'll be getting much choc this Easter though...it's not really a big thing in my family. Also, I think Easter eggs are a rip off...you only really pay for the packaging :rolleyes:
It's not like Halloween, not here at least, we don't ask for candies or chocolates, chocolate isn't part of the tradition here. And we don't wear costumes.

It's a Catholic tradition, so people go to churches and pay God the promises they made in the past. One of the traditions is to visit 7 churches the same day, or use incense, and we can't eat meat on Friday, most of people eat different kinds of fish (I don't like fish, so I'll have to eat chicken).

Nowadays people have lost the traditions so they only go on vacations, if you try to travel to anywhere these days you won't find a single ticket on a plane or a bus. We have like 10 free days, from last Friday or Saturday until next Sunday or Monday, but that's mostly at schools and universities, people have to work until Wednesday (yesterday) and then they have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday free. I don't have to work on Saturday and I haven't had classes during the whole week. I'm in Venezuela (South America) btw :p
Happy Easter everyone :D


My family used to put out chocolates for the young'ins to find but we have a dog now, and it's not really safe :lol:

Im also trying to watch my figure, don't need anymore added pressure of chocolate lying around :p
Very cute very cute allstar12 and HAPPY EASTER TO ALL WHO CELEBRATE have a lovely day, with family and friends~~ chocolate everywhere~~ :p :p
:) yes also from me Happy Easter everyone have fun and nice long Easter Weekend :) and good luck for searching the easter eggs :D
As I told my students today, Hoppy Easter!

Seriously, I am looking forward to it...I gave up soda for 40 days for Lent, and I would love a diet coke.

Happy Easter!