Happy Birthday to Eric Szmanda

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oops we did scare her away didnt we? ..cant we hunt for her in other forums and force her to say it... :eek: i saw you talking to her!! :eek:
:eek: Have u guys been talking behind my back????
oh what did you want me to say?
Grissom's better ...........................
Posted by BabaOReilly:
Speaking of scaring people away, Cat I think you should get in on the scary spider conversation in another thread... you can tell them about all the freaky spiders in Oz. I saw a Huntsman once and I almost peed my pants! :eek:
which forum? what thread? :confused: I plan on scaring everyone about the red back in my dad's car... :D
ok... i might spare you Sarah... but everybody... WATCH OUT! I'M COMING TO SCARE YOU! :devil: :eek:
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