Happy Birthday to Eric Szmanda

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He only seems about 18... and Greg's papa Olaf looked like Bruce Willis by the age of 16, good thing for us the baldness gene runs in the female cromosome! :lol:
Ah, if only he was 18 then i wouldnt feel like such a loser. O well, i am going to pretend...Yay! he's 18!

:D*~Happy Birthday Eric!~* :D
Is "I'm related to iMat" a good enough excuse?
Nah i'm not related... Thankfully!
But i just assumed that you were 18 because of how you wanted him to be 18 and i don't know... :lol:
Aww I'm late!! Sowwy Eric! *huggies* Happy "LATE" Birthday

*gobsmaked* I literally fell off my chair awhile ago when I founf out that Eric was 29! I thought WHOLLY!! I thought he would of been oly about 24! :lol:
LOL! I know! I onlyjust saw this post! :embarrased:

Still I can't believe Eric's 29! They just get older and older. I mean Rory's 32 .... :lol:
yes they sure get older every day...i mean billy is 51...*goes red* i dont know where they come from...the numbers..i mean..... :rolleyes:
OOOOO, i see, well im actually 15 but i just said 18 cuz i dont know why, but w-e, gosh....too old for me, well 18 is still too old for me but yea anyways.... :mad: :(
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