Halloween is my favorite holiday! I usually make it a month-long celebration. Depression has sunk in and I'm not feeling the love right now. :( Maybe I'll snap out of it before the first comes along.
Halloween is definitely one of my favorite holidays, right next to Christmas at the top of the list. :D Me and my family always make cookies in the shape of bats, pumpkins and the like. Good times, good times. Don't know what I'll dress up as this year, something scary to frighten the little kiddies.
YAY for Halloween! I cannot wait. I trick or treated until I was 18. No really. I'm 4'11", I can get away with it. I don't really have plans yet this year.. but I'm sure I will by the time it comes around. I want to be SUPERGIRL. I was going to be Superman, but the costume doesn't come in my size, tragically. Plus, you know. I'm female.
I love Halloween! I wish I could still go trick or treating though. I went til I was 13 and even then people were saying me and my friends were too old! Not getting candy doesn't bother me, I just like dressing up. But since we recently moved to a new neighborhood where there will be a bunch of little kids trick or treating, I should be able to dress up this year. Should be great fun scaring them. :D
They don't do anything about it here in The Netherlands, so I don't know what I'm missing ;p.
I too love Halloween. I cannot wait until the first gets here; I've planned to each night of October watch a Halloween/scary movie. The first one is going to be The Nightmare Before Christmas, because Jack Skellington is the coolest claymation character ever. :D

I'm too old to go trick-or-treating, but this will be the second year I get to take me six year old sister. Last year I didn't dress up as anything because I didn't see the point. But now I've been waiting all year for the 31st and have decided to dress up as Julie Walker. (She's the awesome zombie in Return of the Living Dead 3) I just have to buy some stage blood and I'll be all set.

Does anyone decorate their yard or anything for Halloween?
ha ha, as a boy in my english class delightfully pointed out to me, october is fireworks month!

i've always wanted to toilet paper someones house ......
I love Halloween. I still go trick or treating even though i'm nearly 23 but my mate and I take her cousins, neighbours kids and friends kids out with us. Last year I was the Phantom of the Opera, the year before I was a devil. This year I have no idea what I'm going as, just know we'll be taking at least 6 kids with us.
I live in Holland, so there isn't something like Halloween over here. We do have St. Maarten, which is pretty much the same. :D
We don't have it either. Except people in the big companies try to bring it here so they can sell the stuff. I mean, stores sell "Halloween stuff" but I don't see the point since it's not tradition here.

I hate it :rolleyes:

Here kids go from door to door asking for candy in Easter.
We have Halloween here in England (obviously :p) though like Ducky, I'm not fond of it at all. Just another reason for the shops to sell tacky products, which incidentally (like all Christmas stuff) they put out on display about 2 months before Halloween :rolleyes:

It's too commercialised in my opinion. And it means stupid kids, most of whom aren't even dressed up in proper costumes and therefore aren't even deserving of a treat if I did answer the door (which I don't), ringing the doorbell all evening.

So for me, Halloween is a just a night in with the main lights off pretending not to be home :p

Can you tell I don't like Halloween? :lol:
*Nodding in agreement with Wibble *

I have been called a killjoy by some people in the past, but Halloween is truly awful :(! I hate answering the door to strangers usually, but at Halloween the children (often without parents worryingly) and not dressed in costume just mean that I too have to spend the evening sat in the dark and being quiet in my own home!!

I do know some people with children are now arranging proper Halloween parties for the kids to attend, much better than letting them wander the streets :).
Aww! you guys are bumming me out! Halloween is wonderful!!! What other time can you pretend to be something you're not and get away with it??????

I'm feeling a little less depressed and I'm beginning to feel the spirit of Halloween! Come Sunday, I'm starting my annual decorating. Every day of October, I add more to my yard. I think I might just have to start making a daily post of pics of my decorating achievements!

Every year, I add more to it, to the point where everyone in town comes by my house to see it.

Now I'm motivated! :lol: