H1N1 Flu Virus

I just got my shot today. Boy did it hurt! The nurse warned me and I said, "Oh man, you weren't kidding." Then I started laughing because, well, it was better than crying.
Here's the US CDC updates page on the H1N1 flu.


Interesting that they've adjusted the number of deaths in the United States to include all the deaths that had anything to do with H1N1...Average influenza deaths per month is around 5,000


I don't know if it's scare mongering or just being cautious. It's crazy. I don't know who to believe anymore.

I guess the best thing to do is to just follow the universal precautions, and then if you're high risk, IE weakened immune system, etc then get the shot. I just don't like this "IF you get this you will DIE!!!" crap. I just gets old, IMO.
In Finland this is really going out of hand with the media. Now there's not a single day without news about H1N1.

Seven has dead in this flu and there's been a massive speculation about them.

In our school have been sick people, but they don't test is it a normal flu or this H1N1.

Vaccination system makes me irritated! They promised that high school students will get their vaccination this week but it didn't happen! Instead we had to watch when people get sick and cough in school. I've washed my hands more than normally and I don't have it "yet". I'd like to get the vaccination rather than get the actualy flu but I'm starting to loose my believe of gettin it soon enough...
In Finland this is really going out of hand with the media. Now there's not a single day without news about H1N1.

Seven has dead in this flu and there's been a massive speculation about them.

In our school have been sick people, but they don't test is it a normal flu or this H1N1.

Vaccination system makes me irritated! They promised that high school students will get their vaccination this week but it didn't happen! Instead we had to watch when people get sick and cough in school. I've washed my hands more than normally and I don't have it "yet". I'd like to get the vaccination rather than get the actualy flu but I'm starting to loose my believe of gettin it soon enough...

Yes, the media has gone insane. Horrible headlines and then EVERYONE of those who have died, have had some serious diseases. Like two in Lapland, two old ones with incurable cancers.

My Uni is thru with riskgroups and I guess would get one next week but I don't bother getting one.
What's so messed up is that in the US alone, according to the article I posted, 20,000+ die from Flu related complications per year, in the US alone, and the CDC is throwing a gibantic freakout over 4000 deaths from H1N1 + Complications. 60,000 people in the US died in 2001 from Influenza + Complications.

I get that the H1N1 has been more prevalent among young and healthy people, and I get that it's not fun to have, but guess what? I had the flu in 2000, when it was really awful, 2007, when it was really awful, and creeping crud in years between when I was so sick that I didn't know where I was.

Scare tactics don't benefit anyone. They really don't. It just creates panic. All this "Oh Noes! You're gonna get the Swine Flu and you're gonna DIE!! is just annoying and creates some really messed up conditions in hospitals and doctors' offices.
I just found this at foxnews, yahoo news, Abc news, etc.

Had the Flu? You May Have Some H1N1 Protection

"People who have had repeated flu infections — or repeated flu vaccines — may have some protection against the new pandemic swine influenza, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

They found evidence that the human immune system can recognize bits of the new H1N1 virus that are similar to older, distantly related H1N1 strains.
"What we have found is that the swine flu has similarities to the seasonal flu, which appear to provide some level of pre-existing immunity. This suggests that it could make the disease less severe in the general population than originally feared," said Alessandro Sette, director of the Center for Infectious Disease at California's La Jolla Institute.

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, may also help explain why many older people are less likely to have severe disease, said Allison Deckhut-Augustine of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
"Adults may have some pre-existing immunity for H1N1," Deckhut-Augustine said in a telephone interview.

That does not mean older people are protected from infection, and Deckhut-Augustine stressed that people should still be vaccinated against H1N1.

Swine flu has infected millions of people globally and killed an estimated 3,900 in the United States alone, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Drug makers are struggling to make vaccines and governments are working to vaccinate their populations.

Bjoern Peters and colleagues at the La Jolla Institute looked at flu epitopes — molecular markers or structures that the immune system recognizes — dating back 20 years.
"We found that the immune system's T-cells can recognize a significant percent of the markers in swine flu," Peters said in a statement.

Dual Protection
The human immune system has two kinds of protection. Antibody response can prevent infection, while T-cells fight infection once it has occurred.

Peters and colleagues found T-cell protection but not antibody response.
"This T-cell response decreases severity of disease but doesn't prevent infection," said Deckhut-Augustine, whose agency helped pay for the study and maintains the public database that Peters used.

The effect could be cumulative, Peters said, which could explain why people over 50 seem to be less likely to get noticeable H1N1 infections.
"This may also suggest why children are more susceptible to severe infection and why they might need two boosts," Deckhut-Augustine said. "They haven't been around as long and they haven't been exposed to different strains of H1N1 as long as adults."

Influenza is a very mutation-prone virus and from year to year the circulating strains drift, or change slightly. This is why new vaccines must be formulated each year and why people can catch flu again and again.

The new H1N1 was a never-before-seen combination of swine flu viruses, with a sprinkling of human and avian flu virus genetic sequences. But its long-ago ancestor was an H1N1 virus first seen in the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed upwards of 50 million people.

The researchers found that the new H1N1 swine flu shared 49 percent of its epitopes with older, seasonal H1N1 strains.

Using blood from healthy donors, they found that T-cells could recognize about 17 percent of these markers."

I don't know if its completely true but if that is the case, then most adults even if they had the flu before and regular flu vaccs, even if you get the new vacs then it just doubles the immunity at least thats what I am thinking.
I've had the swine flu jab, I had it 2 weeks ago. It didn't hurt to actually have the jab but then a few hours later my arm swelled up and was really sore for the next 4 days. It's the only side effect I had from it. Think I got off lightly really compared to actually having swine flu as I tend to get bad winter colds and coughs that go into chest infections because I have asthma.
Swine flu doesn't really seem to make the news so much now in the U.K. At work we've had a couple of slight epidemics of it, one in the summer and one more recently, where four or five staff members would be off with it and then it would disappear. I'm quite surprised considering I work in a supermarket. Otherwise life seems to be going on as normal.
We got the shot about a month ago for the kids. The week before Thanksgiving they starting giving them at the schools. First the high schools. Got a real nice for for my niece and we signed off that she was not to get it. They did the middle schools the monday right before Thanksgiving. Now they're on the elementary schools. We got some crazy form from my nephew where they had 1 line to say that your kid already got it. We put down when he got it and x'ed through everyplace wanting a signature to give permission for the shot wrote down our phone number and that he had the shot and to give it to somebody else. This morning we sent him to school telling him that if they try to give him the shot he is not to take it ant to tell them to call home first.

Looks like now newspapers have got other news to report, been bit quiet for a while. And of course on Sunday we had our Independence Day so that can cause news for 3-4 days ;)

Anyways, I callled today to FSHS to get prescription to hepatitis A+B vaccine and the nurse asked if I wanted swinefluvaccine as well. I said no and she said "just thought since we are giving the shots this week" - kind of nice to ask. I am turning 25 in a month so that's why I have right to get it now.. even I think when I turn 25,they are already giving shots to those over 25 ;)
Looks like now newspapers have got other news to report, been bit quiet for a while. And of course on Sunday we had our Independence Day so that can cause news for 3-4 days ;)

Anyways, I callled today to FSHS to get prescription to hepatitis A+B vaccine and the nurse asked if I wanted swinefluvaccine as well. I said no and she said "just thought since we are giving the shots this week" - kind of nice to ask. I am turning 25 in a month so that's why I have right to get it now.. even I think when I turn 25,they are already giving shots to those over 25 ;)

Okay... I ended up getting swineflu shot today... I was going to get my 2nd for hepatitis A+B and nurse was kind of demanding even she said "it's your choice" :lol: Oh no wonder people are hysteric if they all talk like that - I just thought it was easier to give in, even I still don't understand why healthy adults should get the shot.
I know I have bit bad lungs so if I get really sick (I've never eaten antibiotics) that what if my lungs refuse to work.

So now I have both arms sore :p :lol:

I am sorry but I laughed earlier this summer when there started be headlines about some supermegahostpitalbug how it's spreading and will be epidemic.

I guess they didn't get people interested in swine flu anymore.

So now, omfg, too many kids and youths have gotten narcolepsy and almost everyone had swineflu shot (pandermix or whatever GSK was selling). So of course after few weeks headlines our National Institute of Health and Welfare stops giving the shots.

Millions of unsed vaccines that countries spent millions to buy. And it's even more fun that this Institue got about 6mil from GSK for "research"

I swear those creating medicine set these bugs free. Kind of feel silly now that I gave up to that nurse.