H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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:lol: cool DuCaine lyrics EE.

I hope there'll be more DuCaine moments too. I don't even mind if there's only a teeny-weeny bit of DuCaine interaction like "Hello handsome" "Hello sweetheart". It's enough to set our DuCainers' minds flying beyond orbit with theories and imaginations. I'm never gonna lose hope. If TPTB STILL don't wanna lock them together in a room, then they must be keeping it till the last of the last season. Like oooh...final revelation...H has always harbored a silent wish to be with Cal...ooohhh aaaahhh :eek: :eek: :eek: I mean afterall, we all knew that Cal's always there for H right? There're little hints in every season, hints that will lead us to the final glory!!! The glory of DuCaine!!!! :lol: :lol: Sorry ahem...got carried away..... :eek:
Ahahaha! That song is awesome Emerald :D.

Hey CSI_G, you're giving me nasty images in me head! :lol: But of course the writers will have their reasons. Saying that H needs to be elsewhere, Frank's probably stronger/taller, H's busy and it's better this way so that the fans don't go nuts and kill themselves :lol:! Frank better lay off his friend's gal or else!!

Yeah so that would be a great thread name yes? If any of you want me to do a poll, just holla at me okay! :)
Hello!! Glad you liked the lyrics!! :D

The writers never fail to shock and surprise me. I have a feeling they're planning something, something... devious. :eek: Nothing too life-altering, please?? Let them have more "Private Time!!"

Frank's a great character, he's a great cop and very prominent, nothing against the man, but I believe wholeheartedly(ever since the Golden Parachute) that Cal is better off with Horatio. Mutual goals, chemistry, history and absolute hotness!! :D If they pair Cal with Frank, I'll die!! :eek: But isn't Frank married??

Horatio boosting Calleigh... sigh, now THAT'S a moment!! :)We'd tape it and keep rewinding that part back and forth, "He lifts her up... he lifts her down... lifts her up... lifts her down... lifts her up... lifts her down, lifts up, lifts down, lifts up, lifts down," and then the tape would unravel!! NOOOO!! That's why we have DVD's... slow motion!! :devil:

You know, I've been trawling the net for S5 promo pics of DuCaine, and so far except for "Going Under", zip, zally, zilch. Now I'm starting to get worried... :( It's early days yet. How are you all holding up??

Here's some caps from "Grand Prix":
One look...
...is all it takes.

H: Quick, while no one's looking... Cal: I got the keys to the Hummer... Yelina: Why are you two whispering??

Darn, foiled!! H: Later, sweetheart, I promise. Cal: I'll hold you to that, Handsome.

He looks like he wants to protect her!! Awww!!

Se you soon!!
Its still early days yet, I say we'll get something shippy next week. I'm sure of it. If I'm wrong, we'll blame Casp (who should make the poll)

Those are nice caps, EE. and I liked those lyrics too. ;)
Emerald I have a funny feeling that you have been noting down all the DuCaine conversations in the previous pages or so :lol:. 'Private Time' is always a good DuCaine treat. Hehehe...

And I'm honoured iheartnickcath :lol:. Hmm...the poll... There wasn't much suggestion by anyone else. I only got the one on "Everything was Compromised. Everything but you" from Zippy and some extra ones from me...

If anyone....ANYONE at all has any suggestion...don't be afraid to share okay :). We're open...and we never close. :lol:
Hey guys!! Looking forward to the 100th episode, where hopefully in honour of the special occasion, we get a memorable DuCaine moment. It's only fair and suitable that we have reached 100 episodes and get a Horatio/Calleigh moment as a present, right?? In my dreams!! :rolleyes:

You're right, Casper!! The last thread made me realise just how many people shared my love for DuCaine. :D All DuCaine images I have I got from the last thread!! And that's where I found Miami Style where I get most screencaps!! :)

I have faith aswell, iheartnickcath. Still positive!! How do I do it?? Stare at images of 'em all day and remember... remember... remember... Please be a shippy moment, please please please!!

"We Never Close"!! :) Loved that quote from Blood Brothers. And I still really like "Everything was Compromised. Everything but You" title. It's perfect. But those other titles were really nice too... might as well start a poll for 'cos it's only fair to get everyone's opinion.

I saw "The Oath", and I heard Calleigh speak Spanish. Wow.. I know I'm a girl, but she sounded so sexy!! I'm sorry, but that made me think of when she spoke Spanish to Horatio right up close to him!! *squeal*!! I'm gonna watch "Cross Juristictions" to see how well they worked together way back then!! And that was only the pilot!!

Here's some images from S1 and some other moments:

So close...
No need for words...

I'm here...
No matter what...

Know this...

Come what may...

I love you.

Hope you like!! :) Back soon.

Caps courtesy of Miami Style
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine

Thank you for those pictures Emerald :D.

Okay so here is the poll. I would encourage everyone who comes here to vote. Just pick a favourite :).
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine

I really need a kick in the butt. Trust me, You'll agree.

Aww, Casp made the poll. I went with the first one. I think its nice, but I like several others as well. :)

Ah, Season 1. I know I need to rewatch that.
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine

I went with the first one.

I so need to watch Going Under and Rio. Did H help Cal, when she had the crash? I want to see it.

*kicks Lynn in the butt. Lol, I'm actually new to this thread, I'm behaving like a regular. :lol:
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine

Excellent! We have seven voters so far :). Keep 'em coming :D. I've already gotten some manips ready for the new thread and I can't wait to share it..hehe!

Okay so I just watched 'Shattered' the other day(we're stuck at S4 blegh!). There was this scene that got me all excited.
This was sort of how it went...

Cal: *enters room where suspect was held* Take off your clothes.
Johnny Nixon: *was shocked!* What!?

And I went into a frenzy! :lol: I mean....c'mon! It's Calleigh! And when Calleigh says take off your clothes then take it off! Blegh! Now if this were to happen in 'From the Grave' when H became a suspect...now...that...that..*speechless*

Editted to add:

And Roos, what are you doing here!? Lol! Well, nice to see you here anyways. And I hope you voted! :D
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine

Excellent! We have seven voters so far :). Keep 'em coming :D. I've already gotten some manips ready for the new thread and I can't wait to share it..hehe!
That's what I call teasing...get your votes in!! :D

And I went into a frenzy! :lol: I mean....c'mon! It's Calleigh! And when Calleigh says take off your clothes then take it off! Blegh! Now if this were to happen in 'From the Grave' when H became a suspect...now...that...that..*speechless*
Now, if only someone could write a fanfic about that version... :devil:
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine

Hey guys!! :) Poll's looking good. Can't wait for the manips, Casp. I'll never forget the Body Count pic!! :D

Wow... if Cal ever asked Horatio to take off his clothes... drool, swoon, OMG!! :eek: That would send rates(t.v and heart) through the roof!! I'm serious, lines like those are gold!! Ann Donahue, I hope you're reading this!! wink, wink, hint, hint, MAJOR hint!!

Saw "Rapsheet", and Xzibit was so funny!! :lol: Checking out Cal and her cakes!! Horatio was not happy, Cal didn't look too impressed either! :D Sorta like, "Hands off, she's mine" was the look he gave. Ooohh, possesive!! I'll stop while I'm still in control!! :p And the rap music blasting in the lab when he walked in was another golden moment! She looked all cute getting caught!! Here's the scene(what I wish happened). The tension's soo obvious!!:

H(walks in to rap music blaring): "New CD??"
Cal(looking all demure): "Alright, you caught me!!"

Cal(singing): I bet you want the goodies, bet you thought about it, got you all hot and bothered, mad 'cos I talk about it... *devilish smile*
H(stunned): "Umm... how about the bullet?" He recovers, remembering why he came in he first place...
Cal(thinking): *Shoot!! Next time, 'Hips Don't Lie'!!*

H(deciding to strike back): "Oh Calleigh, you came and you gave without taking, and I need you today, oh, Calleigh..."
Cal: "Wow... you sing??"

H: "A little... I'm really bad..."
Cal: "I don't think you're bad... not at all!"
H: Well... your opinion's the only one that matters to me..."

Hee-hee, loved that scene!! And I bet they could sing if they wanted to!! :D Cal looks so pretty, and Horatio looks really well! Look at how great they look TOGETHER!!! :)

I actually though S2 went pretty well. Not as good as S1 for moments, but at least they were talking then... well now they are talking, and that's what counts!! 100th episode, don't let us down!! Hope all goes well!!

See you again!!
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine


i love the names for the new thread!!
has anyone watched the 100th episode yet?
was there any h/c? hope there was !!!
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine

Ouh Calleigh Calleigh Calleigh CALLEIGH!!!! She's so wonderfully hot! Ahem...back on topic please Casper :p.

Ouh Whoa! I see that most of you really like that thread name! Lol! I'm just happy you guys are voting. I have indeed prepared the manips and I think you guys will LOOOVEE it :D.

Those pictures are...are..awesome! Look at Calleigh! She's so cute! ^^
Re: H/Cal #2: Hot flashes. But that's just them - DuCaine

I just watched Emily on the Early show and she said something about her and David Caruso talking at the 100th episode party about how they'll stay together for the rest of their lives (seeing how well Miami is doing) and I was like...would you mind telling that to Horatio and Calleigh please? And TPTB so they can do something about it? :D
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