Guest Stars Wish List

ok you know when i suggested the whole CSI:NY/NCIS combo i wasnt even thinking about the potential to have them (Danny and DiNozzo) speaking in Italian.....ok back from lala land ;)
ooh and speaking of...Ducky and Sid in the same morgue together....oh the insanity :) :eek: :lol:
but if that ever were to happen i think that Pino would have to be brought back in to the script...i see him and tony getting along really well..similar personalities and all.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I'd like to see Larry Romano return as Danny's brother Louie.

I agree I want to know what the hell happened to Louie..I mean it was all sad at the end of that epi. and then the next one it seemed that nothing happened. I want to know.
Hmmm...I like the idea of a NY/NCIS crossover.

Also, someone said before, Bobby Canavale...loved Third Watch.

And I would also like to see Gary's bass make another appearance...
Heh. I'm all for Gary's bass :D

I think Ed Harris would be awesome as well. Perhaps as one of Mac's marine colleagues?
This one is off the wall, but bear with me. How about Courteney Love, a sober, cleaned up Courteney? She totally rocked in that one movie with Woody Harrelson, who also wouldn't be a bad guest-starring choice.

I'm also interested in seeing Tom Selleck. I think he'd be perfectly cast as a Montanaesque character, maybe Lindsay's father or former boss.
I'm also interested in seeing Tom Selleck. I think he'd be perfectly cast as a Montanaesque character, maybe Lindsay's father or former boss.
Oh my God! Yes, that'll be great!! I totally see that too!
kissmesweet said:
I'm also interested in seeing Tom Selleck. I think he'd be perfectly cast as a Montanaesque character, maybe Lindsay's father or former boss.
Oh my God! Yes, that'll be great!! I totally see that too!

yeah all the outdoors-y movies that tom selleck has done in canada, hed be perfect for that role.
Shelbers said:
ooh and speaking of...Ducky and Sid in the same morgue together....oh the insanity :) :eek: :lol:

ROTFLMAO!! That would be one episode I would love to see! Imagine the look on Macs face when he walks into the morgue and into the middle of one of their conversations!! :D Sid and his creepy place! :lol: The only American actors I can think of right now that I would like to see guest star (will probably be able to come up with a long list the moment I log off!) are Alan Alda and Tommy Lee Jones - strange choices, I know ... :rolleyes:
Here would be mine:

Rider Strong (Boy Meets World)
Anyone from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed or Angel would be alsome!
Cross over between CSI Miami would be great as well.

That's all I can think of right now. Merry Christmas!
I'd like to see:

Matt Czuchry (Gilmore Girls) as probably a suspect or the perp. He's got that innocent look about him, but yet he could pull off that creepy criminal guy too.
Maybe Sylvester Stallone (We all know him) as a father of a vic. But one of those angry fathers who the team has to keep their eye on.
Now I'd love to see Eva Green as a guest star on the show. Not only is she gorgeous as hell but she's extremely talented & I make that judgement from Casino Royale. She's so good that she could play any possible role on an episode or two with such meaning & depth.
Liev Schreiber i dont no when i saw a pic of him it just screamed csi ny i think he could play mac's brother :lol:
he looks like him :) :D

has that mac thing to him :D
I agree wholeheartedly with Tommy Lee Jones. He's such a man's man.

I'd love to see, for cameo purposes until they can prove their acting chops (pardon the pun), chefs Emeril, Bobby Flay or Mario Batali. Of course, Bobby's wife is Stephanie March, the actress who portrayed ADA Cabot on "L&O:SVU." It'd be really awesome to land her as a guest-star, but I'm guessing she's under contract to NBC. :(

Also, Danny Aiello, Joe Mantegna or Jason Gedrick would be nice guest stars. They were all in "The Last Don," based on Mario Puzo's novel. Aiello and Mantegna would be huge "gets." :eek: