Guest Stars Wish List

I would love to see Jerry Stiller. They already had a couple of people from Seinfeld so why not. Plus, Frank Costanza was by far the funniest character on the show so I could see him playing an hilarious suspect.
I think Kiefer Sutherland would make a great guest star appearence on the show cause I'm such a big fan of 24 and he is awesome in it.
That's one tough question kissme and a lot of nice suggestions already.

I've read on the 'did you know..' thread a while back that Andy Garcia was a candidate for the lead role. He turned that down but it would be nice to see him as a guest star.

Perhaps, like Mrs.G suggested together with Larry Romano, in another Danny centric episode (I'm still hoping to find out something more about Louie's situation).
summer89 said:
he plys lex luther

Ah thanx.I never thought about him being in the lab but he makes one sexy bad guy :D

I'll second Tom Hanks being a guest star. He and Gary work so well off eachother, and they are kinda that, I dont know how to word it, 'Partners in Crime', basically, a lot of the movies Gary's been in, Toms been in as well, I just like both of them - and yes to Tom Hanks being a bad guy... definitley reverse the role a bit.

Bobby Canavale for sure too.. he was amazing on Third Watch, so, he'd be great on NY too. :)
I third Larry Romano. I'm all for furthering the Louie storyline.

General Tommy Franks, retired CentCom commander. Gary's done a lot of work for the USO, and I'd love to see General Franks cast as a suit opposite Mac. The General's a bada$$.

I wouldn't mind seeing John Cusack. He's great as a good guy or a bad guy. He'd make a great cop, or an insipid villain.

Finally, I'd love to see Sean Hayes in a dramatic role. I think he'd blow our socks off with his skills. Acting skills, that is. ;)
agreeing with some of you, i'd love to see tom hanks, and bobby canavale (he was awesome in third watch...i miss that show) they would make excellent guest stars.

and Pretty Eyes, I think Sean Hayes would be a great guest star too!

also i would like to see jason wiles (also from third watch) he would be great as a cop/vilan...he did an awesome job on a past ep of criminal minds.
Bobby Canavale for sure too.. he was amazing on Third Watch, so, he'd be great on NY too. :)

*sniff* Ah, the good "Third Watch" days... ;) I have at least two more actors from that show I'd like to see again...

And of course I'm up for Larry Romano. Didn't mention him because I thought this was a "people you wish appeared in NY but will probably never do" thing and I still haven't lost my hope that he's gonna play Louie again.
Sean Hayes, that would be great! I'd love to see Robert Downey Jr., too. Troubled but brilliant actor, and he would be equally great as a good or a bad guy (although guest stars often do play the villians). And I'd like to see Christopher Lloyd (Taxi, Back to the Future) guest star, in one of his patented "kook" roles, he's brilliant at that!
yeah, there's a bunch of the third watch cast that i would like to see on CSI:NY.

oooh dont know if this has been mentioned yet but i would love to see a crossover of NY wuth NCIS. lol...I'm picturing DiNozzo with Danny and Flack now and that has the potential for comedic excellence right there. lol...and Abby (NCIS) and Adam...the hilarity of the resident lab geeks oh gosh that would be a laugh-a-thon. :D
Shelbers said:
yeah, there's a bunch of the third watch cast that i would like to see on CSI:NY.

oooh dont know if this has been mentioned yet but i would love to see a crossover of NY wuth NCIS. lol...I'm picturing DiNozzo with Danny and Flack now and that has the potential for comedic excellence right there. lol...and Abby (NCIS) and Adam...the hilarity of the resident lab geeks oh gosh that would be a laugh-a-thon. :D

YA DiNozzo AND Danny and Flack THAT BE GREAT :) :devil:
i would love to c danny talking Italian with dinozzo or anyone els :D :D
oceanwind, I know how you feel, Edward Furlong did such an amazing turn as Shane, it was a bit sad to see him go, actually.

CSI NY & NCIS? Oh, now that would be great. Yeah, Tony/Danny/Flack would make a great Snarkfest comedy team, Abby & Adam would be hilarious in the lab together, and Mac/Gibbs would get along like two peas in a pod. And I'm sure the sexy Ziva would manage to catch someone's eye on the NY team.
I with you all on the return of Larry Romano as Louie.

and yes to Tom Hanks being a bad guy... definitley reverse the role a bit.
That would ge great.

I wouldn't mind seeing Reese Witherspoon as Lindsay's Sister. And I was thinking Gabriel Burne as Flack's Dad.

And Edward Furlong can more back anytime and make it a good episode.