Guest Stars Wish List


They have this over at Miami, so I thought that I'd put it up here. :)

I just gotta say that in 'Silent Night' casting Marlee Matlin was genius!

I'll start:
Hugh Laurie
Angelina Jolie (I'd love to see her as the prime suspect)

Your turn now, guys.
Hmm, lets see.
I'd like to see David James Elliot from JAG on the show. Mainly because when I read the COTP episode summary on, the pic they used of Mac holding Flack's hand at the end, I took one look at it and said "What's Harmon Rabb doing on the show!"
kissmesweet said:
Angelina Jolie (I'd love to see her as the prime suspect)

Ooh, I'd love to see her, too. I missed out on her and Gary's George Wallace :(

Since I'm one of her biggest fans, I'd love to see Gillian Anderson on the show. And since I'm dreaming anyway, I'd love to have Hugh Jackman as well. Or maybe Sting.
ranma said:
Since I'm one of her biggest fans, I'd love to see Gillian Anderson on the show.

I second that. I'm not sure what she's doing right now but I'd love to see her back on TV, even if for a single episode. She's a damn good actress.
If possible, I'd love to see Gary's wife Moira Harris guest star an ep.

I've seen her in an old cop show "Crime Story" with Gary long long time ago and her acting is powerful.
^^ You know when Mac handed Reed a folder of photos of Claire? I'd love to see flashbacks of Mac with Claire. :) That'd be great. Does anyone know the woman in the photo?
Maybe they can get Tom Hanks to reunite with Gary. Also, I would like to see former NY mayor Ed Koch. I remember when he appeared as a cab driver in a country music video. And have them do a case on the set of David Letterman's show at the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York.
really?i like that idea.I'm gonna go look to see if i can find a film with her in,i'm interested.

My ultimate guest star-Jack Black!!(just for a little guest role)
Christopher Eccleston is an awesome actor,i'd love to see some great British talent on the show and i think that he'd work well with Gary!
As for Gillian Anderson,she did a show called 'Bleak House' for the BBC not so long a go and i've heard there's gonna be a new X-Files film out!
I would like to c Michael Rosenbaum maybe work in the lab i dont no what is it about that just scram to he need to be in csi ny lol:)
he just belongs in the lab :)
Orison said:
I second that. I'm not sure what she's doing right now but I'd love to see her back on TV, even if for a single episode. She's a damn good actress.

That she is. I saw her last in Bleak House (yeah, I cried buckets) I think she got a nom for that in the next Golden Globes.

Yeah to that Claire-flashbacks!
I agree with Dynamo1, I'd love to see Tom Hanks guest star - as a villian preferably, just to cast against type, a bit. Angelina Jolie would be good too, she and Gary had very good chemistry in George Wallace. John Malkovich would make an admirable villian too, and it would be fun to see he and Gary pair up again. And this might sound weird, but I'd like to see Danny Devito, he plays such a great slimeball. I just watched him again in L.A. Confidential, and he was brilliant - but he also has the ability to bring a touch of humor to his slimeball characters, which is always fun. I could see and Danny or he and Flack butting heads, big time :lol:
summer89 said:
Is he the guy off smallville?

YA ITS HIM summer89 :lol: he plys lex luther

:DI THINK THT Bobby Cannavale would work well with Don

He really looks great in a cop uniform :devil:
or he could be a csi
MBGrissom said:
I agree with Dynamo1, I'd love to see Tom Hanks guest star - as a villian preferably, just to cast against type, a bit.

Tom Hanks is my favorite actor! Yeah, that would be cool.
I was also thinking that instead of Christina Agulera(sp?), I would personally rather have someone like John Ondrasik from Five For Fighting, or someone else. I would also like Johnny Depp, 'cause it would be cool. And, he is like georgeous! :lol: Angelina Jolie sounds cool too. Also, I don't know if anyone has already said it but, Nicholas Cage. Has anyone seen Gone in 60 Seconds? That movie ROCKED!!

...and Anthony Rapp from RENT. He was in Law and Order once, so he could so do CSI:NY.