GSR - The only thing I need is you

Hold my Hand - New Found Glory

The way your hair swings over your eyes
The motor in my head turns
Wanting you for such a long time
In my mind, a heart, a lesson to learn

Do do do do do do do do
You'll never know,
I'm after you

Do do do do do do do do
You'll never know

And you smell like,
How angels oughta smell
And you look like
You're ready to go

So hold my hand
I'll take you everywhere
You wanna go

The way your words keep me in a line
I know what I'm here for
Waking up to the green of your eyes
It's something I'll get used to (Oh!)

Do do do do do do do do
You'll never know,
I'm after you

Do do do do do do do do
You'll never know

And you smell like,
How angels oughta smell
And you look like
You're ready to go

So hold my hand
I'll take you everywhere
You wanna go

So come on and hold my hand (Hold my hand)
I'll take you everywhere (Everywhere)
I'll take you anywhere
So let's go

The way your hair swings over your eyes
The way your words keep me in a line
I'm telling you for the very last time
You better know

And you smell like,
How angels oughta smell
And you look like
You're ready to go

So hold my hand
I'll take you everywhere
You wanna go

So come on and hold my hand (Hold my hand)
I'll take you everywhere (Everywhere)
You wanna go

Do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do

So come on and hold my hand (Hold my hand)
I'll take you everywhere (Everywhere)
You wanna go

So come on and hold my hand (Hold my hand)
I'll take you everywhere (Everywhere)
You wanna go

Sara's Side

"So Grissom, now that we are officially a couple, are there any things I should know about you? Things that you keep hidden?" Sara asked, unable to supress the huge smile on her face, that for so many years she hid.

"My big secret, my hearing problem is out so, I guess you know everything. I’m so happy that whole affair is over though..." Grissom said. Sara's smile faded, the atmosphere of the conversation had changed to serious.

"I can imagine," she said quietly.

"Do you have any secrets you want to tell me about?" Gil asked. Sara's first intention was to hide from the question, but then a feeling overcame her, she felt she could trust Grissom. It was a feeling that was rare, and she hadn't felt it in a long time.

"There are a few things in my life that I haven’t told you, that I haven’t told to anyone. So I guess my secret is that I have secrets. I will tell you sometime if you want to. It’s just so painful to talk about," Sara said, not making eye-contact with him.

"Take all the time you need, if you are ready, I'm here," Gil assured her.

'If you are ready, I'm here', it had to be the first time anyone had ever said that to Sara. Grissom would never know how much that meant to Sara.

"Thanks that means a lot to me," she said.

There was a long awkward pause, it gave Sara time to think. To think about her life in general, maybe she deserved everything that had happened, sure, it had made her a better and stronger person, but what was it all for? Before Sara could think about it anymore, she was pulled back into reality and the world around her, and noticed that Grissom was also off in his own world. What he was thinking about, she wondered.

"Something bothering you?" Sara asked.

"Sara, this might come as a shock to you, but I decided that I need some thinking time. I am going to leave the lab for a while, travel around," he answered.

"Grissom, the lab is your everything," Sara complained. She didn't want him to leave.

"That’s the point, everything I ever spent time on and cared about is the lab. I know I can’t force you to go, but I can ask you, plea you and beg you. Please come with me."


"I… I don’t know, what about money?" Sara asked.

"I’ve got plenty, I don’t spend much since I don’t have the time to."

It was so sudden.

"I really don’t know, please let me think about it.." Sara said.

"Sure, that’s okay. So, what do you want to do today?" Grissom asked. There was a pause, Sara didn't know. "I’ve got a plan, why don’t you come and have dinner with me, at the townhouse?"

Sara looked at him, "Um, okay, I didn’t know you could cook." Though, how would she?

"You’ll see," he answered.

"So, now I’ll go home, get some sleep, your place at...?"

"Eight," Gil answered.

"Perfect," she said and got up from the table. Sara smiled then left the cafe.

Sara got home, but didn't sleep. She lyed in bed, but couldn't fall asleep, her mind was racing. She definately wanted to go with him, but what about her job, and her life in Vegas. Then there was a knock at her apartment door.

Sara, you don't want to answer the door, said her subconscious mind, but what did she have to be afraid of?
Gil Grissom was a very happy man today, he had finally established a relationship with the woman he loved more then anything, including life itself. His Sara Sidle. Tonight they were going to have dinner together and maybe watch a movie, look at butterflies or talk. There was so much left to talk about, and he hoped Sara would join him on his journey. He wanted to read Mobey Dick again, go to the Chinese wall, see the Pyramids and look at the majesty of the Niagara Falls. Not alone, no, he wanted to hold Sara’s ehand while walking down the desert, down the Champs Elysees and read Shakespeare with her. Run and hide with her and kiss her in the rain. He wanted her to teach him how to be human and deal with emotions, not analyze them and file them in neat containers in his head, but live with them! No more bugs and science, but being human.
When he got home, Grissom wondered about what his townhouse would look like when Sara lived there, he knew that if they moved in together, she would most likely live with him, her apartment was much smaller then his home. He bought it when he started in Vegas because his father advised him to buy his home, he didn’t really care nor have time to deal with it so he just followed his advice. When he opened the door he was greeted by the clean smell of the place, Grissom didn’t really have anything useful to do when he was home except read so when his eyes go tired, he cleaned his place.
When he looked at the clock on the wall he saw that it was 3 PM, plenty of time left to sleep for one or two hours, go shopping, decorate his home and cook dinner.
He turned his cell phone off, something he didn’t often do, put on a pair of pajamas and stepped under the white covers of his bed.

The bedroom was quite large, it had two huge walk-in closets and pictures of plants and butterflies on the walls. The walls were painted sterile white and the floor was made of wood. On the nightstand was a phone and a fresh set of clothes, Grissom was always prepared for when he needed to go into the field. He found sleep a waste of time, so he didn’t mind at all missing some. Today however, he was extremely tired, this morning he thought his last minutes had slipped away and he was soon to exhale his last breath. Now however, he was richer then ever before, he had everything he ever wanted. With a content smile on his face, he closed his eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

While Grissom dreamt sweet dreams, Catherine tried to call him, she wanted to know If he was okay, after all, he was close to being blown up earlier that day... He didn’t answer, slightly worried, Catherine returned to the lab, Grissom would probably be there.

One hour later, the old-fashioned alarm clock started making noise, trying to tell it’s master to wake up and prepare. Prepare for a dinner, prepare for a trip, prepare for the future.
Grissom quickly got dressed, ran out of the house, unlocked the Denali and drove off to WalMart.

Grissom steered the huge vehicle though the traffic and reached the store ten minutes later. It was hot outside, over 100 degrees, but he didn’t notice. As he walked though the isles he put everything needed in his cart, he got ravioli, tomatoes, onions, soy, paprika and other ingredients. After shopping, he went to a nearby flower stand and bought a plant, the same type he sent Sara years ago. He would put it on the table as he waited for her. When back home, he started cooking, seasoned the soy, made tomato sauce, he chopped up the vegetables, mixed everything together and put it on the fire. As dinner was cooking, he went upstairs and took a shower. He put on his finest outfit, which wasn’t very fine since Grissom didn’t care about clothes, shaved off his beard and put on a new after-shave. When he was done, he went back downstairs, put the plates and plant on the table, checked the situation in the kitchen and sat down in the living room to read a new entomology magazine.

Sara ~ Bob Dylan

I laid on a dune, I looked at the sky,
When the children were babies and played on the beach.
You came up behind me, I saw you go by,
You were always so close and still within reach.

Sara, Sara,
Whatever made you want to change your mind?
Sara, Sara,
So easy to look at, so hard to define.

I can still see them playin' with their pails in the sand,
They run to the water their buckets to fill.
I can still see the shells fallin' out of their hands
As they follow each other back up the hill.

Sara, Sara,
Sweet virgin angel, sweet love of my life,
Sara, Sara,
Radiant jewel, mystical wife.

Sleepin' in the woods by a fire in the night,
Drinkin' white rum in a Portugal bar,
Them playin' leapfrog and hearin' about Snow White,
You in the marketplace in Savanna-la-Mar.

Sara, Sara,
It's all so clear, I could never forget,
Sara, Sara,
Lovin' you is the one thing I'll never regret.

I can still hear the sounds of those Methodist bells,
I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through,
Stayin' up for days in the Chelsea Hotel,
Writin' "Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands" for you.

Sara, Sara,
Wherever we travel we're never apart.
Sara, oh Sara,
Beautiful lady, so dear to my heart.

How did I meet you? I don't know.
A messenger sent me in a tropical storm.
You were there in the winter, moonlight on the snow
And on Lily Pond Lane when the weather was warm.

Sara, oh Sara,
Scorpio Sphinx in a calico dress,
Sara, Sara,
You must forgive me my unworthiness.

Now the beach is deserted except for some kelp
And a piece of an old ship that lies on the shore.
You always responded when I needed your help,
You gimme a map and a key to your door.

Sara, oh Sara,
Glamorous nymph with an arrow and bow,
Sara, oh Sara,
Don't ever leave me, don't ever go.

awww what a great update so full of love and stuff like that lol. Me and my boi try to spend every minute we can together and I can see that sara and gil are like that in some ways. great update and keep up the good work
I just read this story of yours, and I have to tell you ,it was great. Gil needs a good swift kick in the ahem pants, for treating sara like he has. age difference my foot, he was a big ole chicken. No wonder she felt like she had nothing to live for, and what the heck is so hot about sofia? give me a break, sara has more classin her pinkle than sofia will ever have Sorry about the ranting, guess you can tell I'm protective of those two geeks. I have to tell you, that Ihope you write more stories, i'll read them.
Good, I killed you all with suspence, including Steve.

Sara's Side

Sara opened the door, it happened in slow motion. Time stood still for a brief moment, she thought it would be Grissom, but she was wrong, so desperately wrong.

The same eyes that Paul Millander had were in front of her. No, he's dead, was all her mind could think of before she was forced into her apartment and the door closed behind her and this... lady?

Sara had expected a man to come out of the darkness, but the force pushing her against the glass of her apartment window was a woman. Paul Millander's eyes were staring straight at Sara.

"YOU KILLED MY FATHER!" The woman screamed. Sara tried to squirm, it was a hopeless attempt. "He didn't deserve it!" She yelled, slightly quieter. "I was just at the scene, you killed him."

Sara shook her head, "No, you don't understand."

"I understand perfectly, all I don't know is why you killed him?"

"How long were you at the scene?" Sara asked calmly.

"I didn't have to stay long to know that you and some Grisson guy killed MY DAD," The lady, barely out of her twenties, scremed. Tears were falling down her face fiercely.

"I know what it's like," Sara said, this girl's arms were inching closer to Sara's throat, where they were planning on killing, as payback, planning to suffocate the life out of Sara Sidle.

"NO YOU DON'T!" She screamed back.

"My Father is dead too," Sara said, trying to stay as calm as she possibly could.

"So you think you have the right to kill mine too?" She said.

"No! Mine died a long time ago, when I was 13," Sara said, hoping to calm the girl down, and to stall time.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH HE MEANT TO ME!" The woman, who seemed like a child, screamed. "I can't live without him, that's why I'm taking you with me."

The lady smiled devilishly, then ran through the apartment window, still holding Sara, as the two of them fell to the ground.
I just found this today, and oh my god! Please don't kill Sara! This has been a fascinating read guys, keep up the good work....and update soon.
Laters, tigger_willows xoxo