GSR - So, they're spending the tax-dollars on our love?


Title: So, they're spending the tax-dollars on our love? Genre: Romance/Drama. Ship: GSR Takes place: Somewhere in the beginning of season 5.
Chapter One

It was a hot friday afternoon in the city of Las Vegas. Since Sara came to Vegas, Grissom was in love. But he was a man of hiding. Hiding his history, about his mother who told him to use drugs, because he was so boring. Hiding his feelings.. so, also his feelings for the brunette.

The love was mutual. Sara had always been in love with Grissom. But she told Grissom that several times. She asked him to have dinner with her, but he was always rejective. So Sara had given up the hope.

"Hey Sara, we have a new case. I'll meet you in five minutes on the parking lot", Grissom said.

The butterflies flied through Sara's tummy. His voice was so.. sexy. Sara swallowed.

"Okay, do I have to bring anything specific?"

The day before, Grissom had decided to be more open to Sara about his love. He'd give her small hints. But that was difficult for him.

"Well, you're dressed too warm now. Change clothes. It's 120 F outside."

Sara's heart beated faster. He, the man she'd always loved, said her to change her clothes into something more sexy, well, that's what he said, indirectly, right?

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Sara ran towards the locker room. She only had a tanktop in her locker, should she wear that? She decided it'd be okay to wear.

Five minutes later, Grissom saw Sara coming out of the Las Vegas Crime Lab. Warrick stood next to him and asked him about the case.

"So, it's a domestic abuse case?"

Grissom answered: "Yes, it is indeed. We'll process the scene in circles, because I heard there's lots of evidence."

Sara swallowed. A domestic abuse case? She'd been involved with a case like this. Her father used to beat her up every week, without her mother knowing it. Eventually her mother got to know it and she murdered her dad. But she didn't want to tell Grissom or any of the other CSIs about it. She was a strong woman and she would get through this case.

Sara, Grissom and Warrick drove to the scene, somewhere in North Vegas.

"Any details, Griss?", Warrick asked the supervisor.

"Father murdered, mother ran away, so she's the main suspect, they've got a daughter, eleven years old, lots of bruises."

Sara swallowed again. This was just like her situation at home! She felt some tears. Luckily, they arrived at the scene.

It was a nice, great house in a wealthy neighbourhood. It was finally an opposite from Sara's situation. Sara lived in a small house, her parents were hippies.

They passed the Crime Scene Do Not Cross-line. Sara saw the girl. She had brown hair, just like her. She looked terrible, her face was full with bruises and blood. What happened to her. The look of the girl motivated Sara to find the suspect. What a jerk!

"So, Sara, I want you to try to get some words of the poor kid."

"No, I..."

"What's wrong, Sara?" Grissom looked concerned. What was wrong with her?

"Okay, I'll do it." Sara walked towards the girl. Sara felt the tears coming up. No, please, stay inside my eyes. Please, she thought. Sara couldn't have the tears at this moment.

"Hey sweetie, I'm Sara Sidle. I'm going to figure out who did this terrible thing to you. Do you want me to get you some water?"

The little girl cried. Sara felt so sorry for her. She knew excactly what went through her. The feeling of losing a parent, the feeling of neglection, the feeling of hate towards the one who did the terrible thing.

"Nothing... please", the little girl answered. "It was.. my father. He did it."

- to be continued -
Here's chapter 2, I've been thinking how to continue, but here it is.
Chapter 2

"Are you sure it was your father?", Sara asked.

"I'm sure. He... he used to.." the little girl sniffed. "He used to do it everyday, when..."

"When what?", Sara asked. She thought what the girl would say. When her mom figured out that she got beaten up every day? That was in her situation..

But she didn't say anything. She ran away. The police officers tried to catch her, but she was too far away.

"Unit 4, victim of domestic abuse ran away, northwards from 6th Street", a Police officer said.

"I'll run after her, tell Grissom I'm chasing the girl", Sara shouted.

Sara had always been a athletic woman. When she went to Harvard, she was part of the Harvard Running Team. She had the best time of her life. With the studying, she could let her feelings go and have a nice time. She kissed a boy there too, for the first time.

Sara ran for two blocks, three blocks, and on the fourth block she saw something. It was the pink jacket the girl wore. What happened to her? Sara was desperate. She decided to call for back-up.

"Grissom speaking."

"Hey, it's Sara, I'm chasing the girl, as you know of course, but I'm at 10th Street now, and I can't find the girl, but I did find her jacket. I need back-up"

"Okay, I'm coming, immediately. 10th Street, did you say?"

Sara tried to answer, but Grissom had already hung up. He was always a man of helping people. He was always the man of working, not having friends. He was always the man of hiding. The last scentence, that was the way of describing him. The man of hiding.

Grissom arrived by Sara before she even could have put the phone in her pocket. He was breathing very fast. How Sara just wanted to give him some extra breath now.

"So, here's an evidence-bag, put the jacket in the bag. I can't even picture why she was wearing the jacket, though, it's 121 F!", Grissom said.

"Yeah, shall we run now? She's nowhere to be seen, maybe we can send out an Amber Alert?"

"That's probably the best thing to do." Grissom reached for his phone and he called Ecklie.

Five minutes later, when everything was arranged, Grissom kissed Sara.

-to be continued-
Since I got all these lovely reactions, I decided to write one more chapter for today, it's like 10.45 pm now, normally I sleep around this time ;) but it's holiday now.. so here is the new chapter.


Chapter 3

It wasn't such a long kiss, it took 10 seconds for Grissom to get his lips of Sara's.

Sara looked confused. Did he just kiss her? This was one dream come true for Sara. After 5 years, she finally got what she always wanted. The kiss!

"Yeah, I just kissed you", Grissom said, laughing.

"Oh, Grissom. I..", Sara stumbled.

"Yeah, you've been waiting for this kiss so long, and now you just want us to do it again? I like to play hard to get, so I'll say.. maybe."

Sara smiled. He was such a funny man. She had always liked the humor of Gilbert Grissom, the man of hiding.

"So, back to the case. I'll process the jacket for epithelials and blood. Maybe it's in CODIS", Grissom said, like he was in a hurry. He switched his mind from private to work.

"I'll look for more traces of the girl. Maybe footsteps in the lawn, blood drops, dropped from her face, etcetera". Sara switched her mind from private to work too, but not as complete as Grissom did. Grissom now only thought about his work, but Sara also thought about his kiss. His lips were so soft, his tongue moved so gently.. no, enough about the kiss, I have to move forward now, find the girl., Sara thought.

When she thought about the girl, her mind was completely in the Real World again. Finding the girl, and finding the jerk who killed her father. Finding the one who abused her. This job was all about finding.

Finding a killer, finding a rapist, finding the evidence.. so, finding. Maybe Sara could find a way to get another kiss out of Gil. She'd definately put all her energy in it. But first the case.

Sara went through all the streets. In the first street, she discovered a bloody foot print, about the size of the girl her feet, and a finger print on a streetlight.

In the second street, Sara found nothing, except a lipstick, on the ground. Sara figured it may be the mothers. It was the color Passionate Red. By the word passionate, Sara thought about the kiss. It was definately passionate. Her thoughts wander. Back to the case, back to the case. Sara just kept thinking about the kiss.

Her thoughts kept wandering. She couldn't handle it anymore. She needed some time for herself. She called Grissom, and he agreed.

"I'll send Catherine."

"Thanks Gil. I hope you don't mind, but.."

"Yes, I know. The kiss was to much for you, I know you need some time for yourself. I need it too, but I'll finish it."

Grissom hung up. Sara waited for Catherine to come, because if she would leave, the evidence would be destroyed, there's a major possibility the suspect can come back to destroy all the evidence.

There she was. She arrived with Brass.

"So Sidle, are you sick?", Catherine asked, with a blink.

"Yeah sort of." I'm sick of the love, it's good sickness, though, Sara thought.

Sara went home and she immediately went to bed. She put on her pyjamas, her lace ones. She fell asleep, but she woke up because of the door bell. Who would it be?

-To be continued-