Grissom Smiles

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Police Officer
Grissom is my all time favorite character, and I love everything about him. But he doesn't smile much. I mean really grin, or actually laugh out loud. Please make my day, and help me find Grissom being happy. It can be just an episode name, or preferrably a screen cap.
I think the episode in season 5 where he tries to tie a bowtie and he can't and catherine does it for him in that scene i think he smiles at one point :)
yeah, but I mean really grin or laugh- Like in the episode where he got Lindsay a birthday present and desribes how he had a chem lab kit when he was young, and how he nearly blew up whole house
The scene I most remember him laughing is from "Turn Of The Screws". The end scene where hes talking about rollercoaters. Cant find a cap sorry.
watching cath's tush leave at the end of cross jurisdictions

on the roller coaster with warrick

his dorky smile when he comes up on cath's crime scene in room service

when playing the radio for cath in dead ringer.
Oh, there's a scene in I forgot which episode but Nick has to chase after these dogs and Grissom actually laughs. I know, I know- hard to believe right :lol: Also, in "Cats in the Cradle" when Greg has that mask thingy on, he's trying to hold in his laugh.
^^ I'm trying to remember that episode of Nick and Grissom. It went along the lines of,
'The dogs are let loose and run'
Nick:Am I supposed to follow those dogs?
Grissom: Yeah! (With an expression like 'duh!')
'Nick has to chase the dogs and Grissom laughs.'

I loved that laugh. It's so rare it just makes me laugh when it actually happens.
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