Grissom & Sara; #33 Time to Re-combine!

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I HAVE to believe she will be in as many epi's as WP. I know we are getting another CSI but with WP not in all epi's, and Gary will be gone, we have to have JF back off and on. Don't we? Or am I just wishfull thinking again?
I have to agree with adz - I think she will be in the premiere and then maybe one or two more bits through the season only. that's ok though, if they go with bengali's excellent honeymoon suggestion and it's all nice GSR (and they make good use of the bits with Jorja/Sara back in). in fact, WP's 6-week absence may well be good for GSR as it gives the writers an excuse to have them away doing something together. ooh ooh it could be paternity leave!! we can but dream :lol:

anyhoo... if, for example, jorja only appears at the beginning, middle and end of the season, that will still make a big difference and massively pull the show together (especially given they are bringing in new actors/charactors). it's certainly better than nothing - i was really worried for a bit there that she might not be back at all.... :(

woo hoo roll on S9 :D
p.s. I had to post this pic - it's just so cool :D

I HAVE to believe she will be in as many epi's as WP. I know we are getting another CSI but with WP not in all epi's, and Gary will be gone, we have to have JF back off and on. Don't we? Or am I just wishfull thinking again?

Me too, I can't imagine why she'd come back for 1 ep. I think we'll never know what's really going on behind the scenes, only when they want to let us know, It seems that it would be important for them both to come back and continue this relationship and then when it's over, it's over, meaning if Billy leaves after this season, she might as well. for good! that's a great cap orange_cat see they hang out in real life, and my take is he as she stated about him is he's "her hero" and I'll bet he had alot to do with her return:bolian:

I'm not desert, but it is from opening night of Jorja's play. MH and WP were both there. That blond is the star of the play about Dusty Springfield (hence the hair and dress).
desertwind, is that pic from Grave Danger?

Yes, it is, good call, and here's another one with just Gris:thumbsup:


And for those of you who didn't see the deleted scene from "Grissom's Divine Comedy" here it is, geez, is Cath is nosy, but she finds the fabulous pic. of them of his fridge' from San Francisco days, and how he shines her on when she asks "How long have you and Sara been together" DUH? like you don't know!

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Desert I LOVE your pics :thumbsup:
Grave danger was a really good episode. every season finale has a death threatened CSI.
hope its Ecklie next :devil:
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Thank's JorjaFoxFan you girls are awesome, and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY, what are you all doing? I've been busy, but and now home, so lets talk about Sara's return, I read that "she inked a deal" does that sound like a 1 ep. deal? or more HMMM, me thinks more than one, she's done her thing, and traveled and now it's time for her to return:thumbsup: can't wait

Yeah, "inked a deal," sounds more than one episode to me.

My ultimate dream would be to have Jorja have the same kind of contract Billy has with all those out clauses. That way she could have a break while he's doing his play and the show could just say that Grissom and Sara are together somewhere doing whatever.
ooh "inked a deal" does sound promising wahey! i'd be thrilled with some kind of regular appearances definitely - the more the better, always :)

desert - as it's hiatus time, can I put in a request for some out-take pics for us to giggle at please? :D tee hee :rommie:
ooh "inked a deal" does sound promising wahey! i'd be thrilled with some kind of regular appearances definitely - the more the better, always :)

desert - as it's hiatus time, can I put in a request for some out-take pics for us to giggle at please? :D tee hee :rommie:
I second that one, desert!!! Your pics are great!

I also think that we'll see Jorja for more than just one show. I think that she'll have something to with Grissom leaving for a while, HONEYMOON, anyone???????
Yeah, desert, how 'bout some great pics to get us through the summer time blues? I also think that "inking a deal" really has to mean more than one show. However, I also don't think that she would have signed on for the whole season. I think that she signed on for somewhere around eighteen episodes, like WP did. We can hope for the honeymoon scenario that I described earlier, but on the other hand, how crappy are those episodes going to be without both of them? Right?
Yeah, desert, how 'bout some great pics to get us through the summer time blues? I also think that "inking a deal" really has to mean more than one show. However, I also don't think that she would have signed on for the whole season. I think that she signed on for somewhere around eighteen episodes, like WP did. We can hope for the honeymoon scenario that I described earlier, but on the other hand, how crappy are those episodes going to be without both of them? Right?

Agreed, however, I think the shows with them in them will be worth the ones without them.
Agreed, however, I think the shows with them in them will be worth the ones without them.

yes, i think "inked a deal" definately means more than one episode. well said PiperGrissom. you couldnt have been more right.
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