Eugh, Ecklie. I believe Gris and Sara should just start making out right in front of him. He can't be in the shot or anything, of course, because we'd have to edit him out later. As a matter of fact, Grissom and Sara should just start making out every time they bump into each other.
RE the Warrick thing, I'm pretty sure that last ep had a different director or something. That was irritating me- it's like, he's had a pool scene already, Nick has had a pool scene, Greg's had a shower scene, Sara's had TWO shower scenes, Catherine has had a damn shower scene. Grissom is miffed! WHERE IS HIS SHOWER SCENE?! The closest thing we got to a Grissomian shower is that rainy episode, but that soooo doesn't count.
Scenario: Grissom's shower scene. :devil:
*Steam is rising from the water. Grissom shots, slippery sexiness, messed-up wet curly hair, leaning back against the wall with his head back, etcetera.*
Grissom: Sigh.
*Flashback: Sara is in the shower with him.*
Grissom: *sadly* Miss you.
Sara: Miss who?
Grissom: *peeks out of curtain* SARA?!
Sara: *pulling off shirt* No time to get to bed, pal. Move. *steps into shower*
*Five minutes of making out, roaming hands, etc.*
THAT will be Grissom's shower scene.