Long post coming up. Sorry. Do the dial-up users a favor and don't quote the whole thing.
Hi, everybody (for those who remember me). Just moved and got the Fios by Verizon. Interweb, phone, and TV with HD/DVR, and access to Video On the Demand. (As a side note, Grissom is downright gorgeous in HD, even if he is all sad and depressed and yelling at Warrick.) So, yes, I has a interweb now.
My take on various episodes. Condensed for your reading ease:
Good Luck and Goodbye: Hannah West, I do not care how sad your brother's death makes you. You fully deserve what you got. As a matter of fact, you should go to prison until you're Einstein's age (he has been dead for 50+ years). Ronnie, yes, we know, you are perky. You annoy me, but Sara seems to have some kind of faith in you, so good luck, indeed. Sara, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T GOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Waaaahhhh! Grissom, it's okay, she
will be back as a guest star. And if she isn't, TPTB are going to have some misplaced vital organs. :devil: Nobody can say Sara didn't love him, because she says she does in all kinds of ways in her goodbye letter; this episode made me cry.
You Kill Me: Amusing, a good break from angst-y-ness, and Hodges is adorable in a nerdy kind of way, but I find it odd that they can write such a happy episode after Sara leaves. >.< NOOO SARAA!!!
Cockroaches: Poor Warrick, but you should never have done that in the first place. Tina, I knew all along you were a bitch. Warrick, WE MISS HER TOO! Grissom, I don't know if it's good that you're easily angered or just better than being totally emo at this point. Warrick, go get addicted to Catherine. Sara, come hooome!!! *sob*
Thus end my vague episode synopses.
Ronnie/Grissom... Letmethinkaboutthat HELL NO!!!! I'm normally pretty open-minded when it comes to ships, at least I think so, but this just pisses me off. It's like Ax said (can I call you Ax?). You just can't trash a ship that way. Ronnie Lake needs to be gone. Just go, Ronnie. Don't come back. You can be as perky and optimistic and have as much potential as you want, but come near Gris and we
will kill you. You know. Figuratively.
I'm pretty neutral about the Wedges thing. It's cute, and I'd beta a fic for it, but I'm not about to write one, nor will I go out and find one. TPTB, I'll make you a deal. Hodges can get Wendy if Grissom gets Sara back. PLZKTHX.
The first episode of this show I saw was Scooba Doobie Doo. If you'll recall, that is when Sara "brushes the chalk off of Grissom's face." Is that what they're calling it now?
I have been a GSR fan since, especially after being exposed to some of IrishDachsie's work, and I don't plan on quitting anytime soon, even if I may not be able to post here often because juniors in high school are not allowed to have fun. >.<
Also, just made a rather awesome image out of Grissom's pretty face. As I have forgotten how to link,
that will have to do. Enjoy. A bit angsty, but there you are.
Desertwind, I have to disagree with you on one point. Grissom shares his feelings with Sara.
Just saw this, had to comment- "Someone needs to tell Eklie that resistance is futile. He will be GSR assimilated."
Dahabibi's amazing skillz, not mine. I think she based it on a scenario of mine.