Grissom & Sara #31 : Yes. Let's Do It.

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Thank's onlyvegas for the compliment, on the picture. I get tired of gloom and doom :( it is a mood lifter, and I'm glad you felt the same as I did about 'COCKROACHES" W. Friedkin, is gritty, we've had Quentin Tarantino and that ep. [GRAVE DANGER] rocked, probably the best of all CSI's ever, and now another famous director, Billy Petersen is responsible for that, and Gary Dourdan, was so awesome, the thing is, he's so soft spoken, and gentle in real life, and to see him so brooding and intense, and him and Jorja are friends in real life as well, which is cool, I saw a clip of both of them [him and George] last night on the TV Guide channel, their both so sweet, and his name is pronounced DOUR-DAN, I didn't realize that. They didn't mention Jorja, but hey, they miss her too! Soon we'll be reading about "Sara's return" ~~

desertwind said:
NO Jasmine it's from "GBGL" the last ep. Sara was in, have you not seen it?

No not the whole episode but i've seen the clip and im asking if is from bloopers or something cause in the scene she is not smiling........ or is she?..... :confused:
I posted this earlier, it was an out take, meaning it was meant to be in the ep. but, they thought it was too smiley, and didn't show this particular clip. and on another subject, I'm a bit dis-heartened, and sad, that so many fans are just moving on the other 'ships' WOW :eek: and this Hodges/Wendy crap, I'm sure :rolleyes: a 'relationship' consists of two people who feel the same, and have declared their love, or at least go out together, or been together for a long time like GSR!! on this one, all what-his-face seems interested in, is her 'boobs' and she can barley tolerate him, that consitutes a 'couple' not to me :mad: I can see Cath/Warrick they've got sizzle, all these two have is well, NOTHING :confused: back to the only CANNON CSI has ever showed, and it's enough for me, and I'll wait to see her return, meanwhile I can't tolerate Hodges, he's a slimy/lying weasel.. EWWWW :mad: so Jasmine here's that photo again.. it's not a 'blooper' or if you want to call it that, OK, but it's called an out take, one that wasn't used!!

Yeah. I'm not exactly jumping on the Wendy/Hodges bandwagon either. Sure I might enjoy the Purejoy ship as well at least in the sense of creating split timeline realities but from a canon show perspective, only GSR cuts it for me. And Jesus Christ, the whole idea of a 'new love' interest for Grissom just infuriates me to no end. Trashing seven year relationship like this just pisses me off. I know it's just television but in these troubled times, we need something positive but the way they handled GSR in GBGL was no help.

There's only one for Grissom! Only one! AND NO GRISSOM/RONNIE LAKE!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: :mad:
thanks, I needed that, everyone of course is entitled to their views and theories and opinions, I realize that, but how can fans forget GSR after only two eps. she's not been in? it's just dreary, and makes no sense to me, I'm Ms. loyal, faithful and true. And Grissom, takes his time and no way Jose, would he be interested in someone else :mad:, he's back to his grumpy, strict old ways, from the new 'happy' Grissom we got to see for a while, back to the way he used to be before they "came out' he's heartbroken and he's a private guy and does not share his feelings, with anyone, except Sara ;) that's why I think he was so harsh on Warrick, cause he misses his lady love :p and he gets involved in his work, that's the way he copes! and that Ronnie person, she was only supposed to be in 4 eps. and haven't seen hide-nor-hare of her, and who really cares?.. she didn't fit in.. anywhere, not a good CSI!!! bye-bye catch ya' later said the wolf :D
Long post coming up. Sorry. Do the dial-up users a favor and don't quote the whole thing. :)

Hi, everybody (for those who remember me). Just moved and got the Fios by Verizon. Interweb, phone, and TV with HD/DVR, and access to Video On the Demand. (As a side note, Grissom is downright gorgeous in HD, even if he is all sad and depressed and yelling at Warrick.) So, yes, I has a interweb now.

My take on various episodes. Condensed for your reading ease:
Good Luck and Goodbye: Hannah West, I do not care how sad your brother's death makes you. You fully deserve what you got. As a matter of fact, you should go to prison until you're Einstein's age (he has been dead for 50+ years). Ronnie, yes, we know, you are perky. You annoy me, but Sara seems to have some kind of faith in you, so good luck, indeed. Sara, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T GOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Waaaahhhh! Grissom, it's okay, she will be back as a guest star. And if she isn't, TPTB are going to have some misplaced vital organs. :devil: Nobody can say Sara didn't love him, because she says she does in all kinds of ways in her goodbye letter; this episode made me cry.
You Kill Me: Amusing, a good break from angst-y-ness, and Hodges is adorable in a nerdy kind of way, but I find it odd that they can write such a happy episode after Sara leaves. >.< NOOO SARAA!!!
Cockroaches: Poor Warrick, but you should never have done that in the first place. Tina, I knew all along you were a bitch. Warrick, WE MISS HER TOO! Grissom, I don't know if it's good that you're easily angered or just better than being totally emo at this point. Warrick, go get addicted to Catherine. Sara, come hooome!!! *sob*

Thus end my vague episode synopses.

Ronnie/Grissom... Letmethinkaboutthat HELL NO!!!! I'm normally pretty open-minded when it comes to ships, at least I think so, but this just pisses me off. It's like Ax said (can I call you Ax?). You just can't trash a ship that way. Ronnie Lake needs to be gone. Just go, Ronnie. Don't come back. You can be as perky and optimistic and have as much potential as you want, but come near Gris and we will kill you. You know. Figuratively.

I'm pretty neutral about the Wedges thing. It's cute, and I'd beta a fic for it, but I'm not about to write one, nor will I go out and find one. TPTB, I'll make you a deal. Hodges can get Wendy if Grissom gets Sara back. PLZKTHX.

The first episode of this show I saw was Scooba Doobie Doo. If you'll recall, that is when Sara "brushes the chalk off of Grissom's face." Is that what they're calling it now? :rolleyes: I have been a GSR fan since, especially after being exposed to some of IrishDachsie's work, and I don't plan on quitting anytime soon, even if I may not be able to post here often because juniors in high school are not allowed to have fun. >.<
Also, just made a rather awesome image out of Grissom's pretty face. As I have forgotten how to link,
that will have to do. Enjoy. A bit angsty, but there you are.
Desertwind, I have to disagree with you on one point. Grissom shares his feelings with Sara. :p

Just saw this, had to comment- "Someone needs to tell Eklie that resistance is futile. He will be GSR assimilated."
Dahabibi's amazing skillz, not mine. I think she based it on a scenario of mine. :rolleyes:
I did not jump[ ship you guys, I just haven't been on in a while. I am still here. I just refuse to watch any episode without Sara. I know you guys think it is stupid, it's just Sara is my favorite character and even if I watched the episodes, I wouldn't pay a lot of attention to it and I would start crying because it makes me sad. The pictures that you guys post make me cry, i don't need to watch the episodes to cry. If Grissom and Sara switched places, would you guys still watch it. What types of mentions to Sara were there in the episodes because I din't see them. What happened. The wierd thing is, even though I have stopped watching, I am still super obssessed with CSI.

Have a great day or night.
Don't worry desertwind, I'm still on the GSR bandwagon and team SO! :) Grissom and Sara have had so many great moments together that I will never forget them.

I am definitely not on the Wedges bandwagon. Yuck! They only have a chemistry because it's a forced chemistry to fill in for the temporary lack of GSR, which will hopefully be resolved soon. :)

I agree with dirtylabrat, a waddling Sara would be so cute and great! :)
Don't worry sidlewannabee you haven't missed much in the episodes you didn't watch. I don't know if this season has been weird so far or if it's just because I read fanfic this year and didn't last year. I've read a lot of fanfics that were better than a couple of this years eps.

Hey, I haven't see Alyssa for a couple of weeks anywhere, does anyone know if she's OK?

And I've converted a non-CSI watching coworker into a watcher. I showed her a couple of my GSR vids and the last five minutes of Gb&GL and she's now watching from season one in order:)
I hear you Sidlewannabe! I have barely tuned into the episodes since Sara left. I checked the highlights of YOU KILL me just to see how Grissom was doing. And then last week, I had the TV on in the back ground, while I was reading a book... so, I'm not GLUED to the TV like I used to be for a CSI episode. I'll perk up when she returns to Grissom. She waited for him while he was on sabatical. Remember how burned out he was? She was sad, but she gave him the space and time he needed. And then he sent her the cocooN, which was Grissom geek speak for I LOVE YOU MORE THAN MY BUGS AND I SEE YOUR FACE IN EVERYTHING I FIND BEAUTIFUL AND INTERESTING.

The GSR fanfiction keeps me happy. :)

As far a a new love interest for Grissom... :lol:
Sorry, I can't stop laughing. Please! :rolleyes: Grissom recently proposed to the only woman he has ever loved over a bee hive! She said yes! It doesn't get any geekier or romantic than that! They are soul mates in every sense of the the word. You don't rebound from something like that. Grissom and Sara are both going through hell right now, but they will survive! Sara took Grissom's heart with her! She will be back, and then I hope we have some role reversal where Grissom is all emotional and practically jumps her bones infront of the team or better yet infront of EKLIE! :lol: Yep, I want to see Grissom pin Sara to the hallway wall in a passionate kiss and then carry her off to shag her senseless. :p We got hints of the horny passionate Grissom when he was advancing toward her upon arriving home from that sabitical. She stunk like a garbage dump, and he still wanted to jump her bones! GOD THEY ARE SO FRIGGIN ADORABLE! :D
Don't worry desertwind, I'm still on the GSR bandwagon and team SO! :) Grissom and Sara have had so many great moments together that I will never forget them.

I am definitely not on the Wedges bandwagon. Yuck! They only have a chemistry because it's a forced chemistry to fill in for the temporary lack of GSR, which will hopefully be resolved soon. :)

I agree with dirtylabrat, a waddling Sara would be so cute and great! :)

that makes me feel better, I'm so adamant about this couple, that to try and relate to some other twosome, is impossible, especially them :( GEEZ I don't even want to discuss them in any way shape or form, and you've been missed sidlewannabee and that's a tough question, if Grissom left, if he did, I'd really sob and would be a basket case, :( I just think and feel sure that this great character we all love will return, at least Warrick mentioned her ;)


I think I remember why I didn't come on here for a while... it's depressing! Somehow I've managed to not think too much about the fact that Sara's gone, but that's not working anymore. Crap, this is depressing stuff. I miss Sara! and GSR!
I was just thinking about the title of this week's episode, and what it's about. GOD HOW I WISH that it were a Sara episode! What better way to work out her problems than to allow her to kick the crap out of a jerk who likes to fight dogs. Grissom wouldn't be able to contain her! Although it's always sexy when he's trying to pull her off of some jack ass. And then he could go home and allow her to work out her frustrations on him... in bed. OK, OK, not much of a spoiler, but I think this should have been a Sara episode. Sara could shoot the dog fighter, and we could all cheer her on. Because people who fight dogs, abuse animals, or children, or old people, deserve to be shot in their genitals. I'm just saying.
LMAO Dirtylabrat. True, true. Cough, Michael Vick much? (For those who don't know, i.e. if you don't live in the US and/or haven't turned the TV on in the past while, Michael Vick is a true... gah, I can't say that word at Talk... well, he's some football guy who should be beaten with Klingon painsticks, given an overdose of a bad PCP trip, consigned to manual labor for the rest of his life, and may never be talked about via broadcasting again. EVER. He was arrested on dogfighting/gambling charges. Interestingly and sadly enough, the NFL is more interested in the gambling than the dogfighting.)
I have a new plot bunny bouncing around in my head regarding Grissom's Christmas present. :rolleyes: I may post a, erm, minor-legal version here if I write it. Oh, who am I kidding? I'll end up writing it. As a matter of fact, I think I will check my email and then go start that right now...
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